Memes aside:
What is the best controller to get for a PC? To play emulators and some PC games.
Memes aside:
What is the best controller to get for a PC? To play emulators and some PC games.
Other urls found in this thread:
Steam Controller
Get a xbox controller
If you're emulating, you get the original console controller, and buy an adapter for it. Nothing else. I got one for my N64 games and one for my GC games.
All PC games I just use a DS4 since it works 99% of the time, at least with some added software, and I don't want to waste money on a Wii U Pro Controller.
To the fags who do have the Wii U Pro Controller, does it have analog L2/R2 triggers like dualshocks and xbox controllers? Or are they shitty like the Switch Pro Controller?
Get a wii adapter and use the classic controller or some derivative snes-esque controller.
>Not using a sega saturn 3d pad for everything
>Xbox controller
xbox one s controller because of bluetooth and you can plug it in via usb without the need of the dongle. cheap (40 ameri-desus) but you need windows 10.
360 controller is very noice and very plug'n'play. Steam Controller is potentially nicer but you need some linux autism everytime you boot up a game with it.
360 controller hands down
if you can also get a steam controller for really cheap, go ahead, but only if you already have a 360 controller and you love customizing your shit
If you have small hands
-Dualshock 3 or 4
If you have big hands go for any of the xbox controllers.
The Switch controllers they are fucking class
Xbox controllers (I used a 360 wired one) have perfect driver support and are pretty well built.
You could also get an arcade stick for shmups or fighting games.
Do you have any standards and the capacity to install a driver or two when needed? Look no further than pic related
If you have no standards, run W10 instead of W7 like a normal human being and would rather have a pad with no QC and awful battery, get yourself a Xbox pad, bro!
Are you implying that Sony controllers are for people with small dicks
I miss old Sup Forums that shunned MS's faulty, cheap hardware all the time. This thread is a bit shameful, to be honest
Also, it really depends on what you want, OP.
For most PC games, a DS4 will work wonders with Steam's drivers. Just played through Valkyria Chronicles on it and it was great. If you are looking for emulation, DS4 is also a good choice, but you can also get the real deal with adapters
The Hori FC4 (pic related) is also pretty good for older games that don't need analogs and the dpad is a serious contender to Nintendo's and Sony's. The 6 button layout also makes playing arcade and fighting games a bliss
>faulty, cheap hardware
The only issue I've had with 360 controllers is that their d-pad is dogshit, but that's hardly a big concern.
Keyboard and mouse.
Old ones had horrible dpads
New ones (and Elites) have glaring quality control flaws. MS just can't into hardware. Bumpers and analogs just give out after a while.
>What is the best controller to get for a PC? To play emulators and some PC games.
You basically have three non-meme options:
>Xbox One controller
>DualShock 4
>Switch Pro controller
Which one you want sort of depends on aesthetics, price, what you intend to do with it, etc.
All of them have their pros and cons. You need to know more about what you want to really make a decision.
my LB is dodgy on two of my three controllers but other than that no problem
>Emulating console games and using KB controls.
Just google "xbox elite controller quality control" and you'll be showered in youtube videos e lebbit threads
>>Switch Pro controller
It doesn't have analog triggers though.
I know. Personally, the analog triggers annoy me on the DS4. Games like Furi which need all of the shoulder buttons are much harder to play with the DS4 than with regular clicky buttons.
I prefer the PS3 Controller but i will also use the PS4 controller either one works.
>much harder to play with the DS4 than with regular clicky buttons
I also have that problem. Playing DMC games with analog triggers is hell
That's when I bust out my secret weapon: PS2 controller with an adapter
It actually works better because the mouse is more precise and dynamic than sticks and both the keyboard and mouse allow you to reach more buttons at the same time, while you have to press everything with 2 thumbs on a controller.
Obviously it requires some remapping and adjusting sensivities, but the result is usually increased control over the game. A good example of that is Dark Souls, though not emulated, you could easily dominate controller players with kb&m because you simply were able to do more actions at the same time and all of them faster and more precise.
last time i touched a video game controller was when the playstation was still on store shelves
you probably just stink at video games is all
>mfw I played through twilight princess using kb/mouse
Mouse position relative to the center mapped to the C stick direction
Haven't had any complaints with this one, I've had one since State of Decay came out so that's about 4 years now with no trouble. I've dropped it a few times so the right trigger is fucked but if you're not retarded like me, then it's great for its price.
>kbm retards invaded the thread
If you were truly master race, you would recognize that being able to play what you want with any input you want is one of the best qualities of playing on PC
Xbox One S controller
I played that too, but you don't really need to map c stick since the camera is quite good by itself. Just map the center view button to space and you are good.
>being able to play what you want with any input you want
Yes, that is what a PC does. Plays PC games, console games and with the controls we want (kb+m). Glad you agree.
Steam Controller.
Being a cute girl is hell.
Everyone likes you but in the end every guy goes for your hot friend instead because they don't think a cute girl can be wild in bed.
pls be in Berlin
This is not true, everybody knows the cute quiet girls is crazy in the bedroom.
These things are great, but I'm looking for something with motion controls like the steam controller except not shit.
Has anybody here used the new Switch dual analog controller with PC?
Are you just saying that? I wanna know if the moco is like the Steam controller.
WiiU pro doesn't have analogue triggers, they're buttons. But analog triggers are a meme; only good for racing games where you really want so much more than a controller.
Still they all go for the blonde who flirts with the girlfriends of her friends
>This girl is a lesbian and married
best would be the xbox
360 works great, good relaxed grip and a not so terrible button placement, but you need a wireless adapter to play without cord and you pretty much have to get the rechargable battery because the regular one breaks easily
xbone is better; same button placement, fantastic grip and feels more responsive when pressing buttons, but you either need a wireless adapter (costs almost half the price of the controller) or a special usb cable to update the firmware because of the incredibly annoying input lag since it uses bluetooth
just don't get the elite version, heard it's really shit
ds4 is pretty meh, it's good at what it does, but it's a bit heavy, the motion controls are superfluous and unnecessary for pc use and the battery life is very short
the steam controller could've been better, the track pads are hard to get used to and the millions of different ways remap the buttons might seem enticing but it turns it into a bit of a chore after some time, the buttons are small and uncomfortable to reach
the grip buttons are pretty nifty tho
>wanting m&kb for every genre
I just use a wired 360 controller. Never had a problem with it.
>playing skyward sword on kb+m