Logoff, shitlord

logoff, shitlord

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I predict this will be an informed and well balanced discussion.



certainly not the fact that women can't just shut up and play the games instead of insisting upon labels like 'girl gamer'

>don't hate women
>think of them as literal people
>end up getting called sexist

what did I do wrong by being apathetic? am I supposed to apply agency and concern equally to each gender?

>a new study by (((researchers)))

Source on study?

That shit doesn't make any sense. First off, how do you measure sexist opinions/behavior? Do they use a self-report scale? Is it a qualitative measure? How do they evaluate it? Do they predict sexist acts over the course of a year? Or compare mean scores on a sexism scale?

Secondly, the implication of that finding they got is stupid. More likely, if those results are actually accurate, people who play more video games are more sexist because they're less social/socially experienced. Thus they have less interaction with females which would lead to more reliance on stereotypes. Why the representation of women in games matters towards those findings is beyond me.

I always want to read these kinds of studies. Most of the time their methodology and discussions are incredibly biased or rely on non-objective interpretations.


I think women are over-represented in video games and actually are "sex objects to win" since their gender inherently chooses it's mate while mine chases after our choice of mates.

Come at me.

what the fuck is so wrong with women that they need to garner the attention of people who don't care as well? you already have the audience of women haters and women's rights activists, why those people in between?

>why do you hate me, user? I thought we were friends?

Extremeists tend to insult the middle as much as they do the opponent side. They have an extreme "with us or against us" mentality, since most extremeists think they're victims.
See: ISIS, pol, SJWs, radical christians, you name it


Remember when we played, "Hide in the box" and you hid in their for 10 hours? Yeah, we did that to get away from you. No one actually likes you, you autistic fuck.


Just a reminder the entire study was based off one question about marriage to deem if someone was sexist.

I personally would interpret the data as gamers being more likely to be the type of person to be sexists, rather than sexism being caused by virtue of you gaming.

Women aren't underrepresented in games, anyone who actually plays vidya knows that there are plenty of strong female characters

Serious question, does anyone on here actually finish games to "save the princess"?
I finish games because the game has presented a challenge to me which I take joy in trying to overcome. If they throw a virtual damsel at the character for beating it, that's just a side thing. The real reward I get is the satisfaction of beating the challenge.
Shit, just replace whatever damsel in distress you've got with a hand-written note from the villain saying "Hey man, I bet you can't beat me because you're shit" and I'll probably even more emotionally invested.

I can't remember the last time I played a game where I saved the princess. Games like that are either bad or in short supply, I'm not sure which.

I played through Mario 64 just for the cake.

dont tell me you didnt turn on your bro at the end of double dragon/ castle crashers to get the pussy


woman are staying single because we aren't asking them out lel

They used a single questions about women's purpose being to make children.
Which is retarded since biologically that's absolutely their purpose.