What do you guys do when you're severely depressed and gaming? Drinking heavily and getting in to a deep RPG are my go to
What do you guys do when you're severely depressed and gaming...
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depression is a shitty meme
been up all night drinking and snorting speed on my own. Might pop some xanax as I'm starting to feel a bit rough.
>force self to be social
>embarrass myself
>feel even more depressed
I don't know how they manage.
What vidya are you playing though? Personally I was drinking and playing GTAO, but I ran out of vodka and started contemplating existence again
Fug I know that feel user. I haven't socialized in at least a year now so every time I do I make an ass of myself
im not depressed the rapture is almost here jesus is coming
They told me that in 2012 and I'm still here mother fugger
rapture happened in 1974 but it turned out only sixteen people were worthy
That was the Mayan rapture and it didn't happen because their apocalypse happened 490 years earlier than expected.
Holy fuck, I'm horribly depressed and I have borderline personality disorder but this made my fucking night. Thank you. Dark Souls for me is the best game for maximo depressino, though.
watch kemono friends
it's a casual filter though so if you can't get past episode 1 you're doomed
I sleep. Video games and other media aren't enough of an escape anymore, so I just sleep as much as I can.
I hope you hang in there user. I've been doing my best for a while now and hope that everyone has another user that can make them feel better. Also nice choice on depression vidya
Go play Higurashi. It will make you feel like you have real friends for a bit.
But what if I did both?
Just read in to this. Sounds fucking ridiculous but in a good way. May check it out thx user
I just got off a Bloodborne binge so that gave me something to focus on. Unfortunately now im entering the part of the cycle where i dont feel like playing anything but i still desperately need to remove my mind from real life so hopefully i can get into something soon
Have you tried other hobbies, user? My personal stress reliever is going innawoods for a nice hike. Far away fromy other fans in civilization. It's very relaxing.
Fags* not fans
>tfw anti-depressants haven't had any adverse affect on me
>but the only thing they do is help me sleep
>can't be bothered to finish Zelda and Persona 5 is coming on Tuesday
>always too worried about my parents walking in and judging me for playing a game anyway, so I only ever play games when they're not here/when they go to bed
Weed helped me with this. Before I started smoking, I was literally "that guy", but in college I found some guys who could somehow stand my weirdness and autism, and they introduced me to weed. I started smoking with them, and when I reached the point where I smoked weed most days of the week, I realized how much I changed. This was a long process of small step improvements tho, took maybe two years. Now I have a bunch of friends (like 5 real bros and about a dozen good acquaintances) who like me. I'm still a bit autistic and it sometimes shows, but it's not a "this guy" kind, but rather "dude, I like you, but sometimes you say some retardd shit" kind of autism. God bless weed.
>inb4 dude weed lmao
Shut the fuck up this meme was never funny
>tfw meeting Sup Forums+/k/ irl and he got me high as fug
>Start drinking heavily at 18
>get new friends that also drink heavily
>meet tons of new friends
>sober up for a while
>realize I don't actually like any of those friends when I'm sober
>stop talking to them
>become 63% happier
What da fug :DD
I also had depression some time ago. I cured it by realizing this is not a real disease, but just myself being a fucking sissy ass bitch pussy.
Depression is not an illness, stop listening to lies. Only through realizing that it is not some magical shit that fuck you up despite your own will, but rather your weakness which is further reinforced by your lack of action to fix it, which increases your weakness and makes you less likely to take action to fix it further (it's an endless circle), only that way you can hope to ever help yourself. It's not some silly ass disease caused by bacteria or a virus. You're just being a pussy. Get over it and work to improve or be a failure forever.
>have a long dream about having a nice Japanese wife
>wake up
>Darker method
What does Xanax do when used recreationally?
>dude all you have to do is start doing drugs and you'll be happy
lmao. snoop dogg fucked up a whole generation
I enjoy camping a lot, we actually have a big forest right in the middle of the city i like to go for walks and just hang out in but i live in canada and its still frozen hell scape for atleast another month. I cant wait to breath fresh air, feel the light on my skin and grass in my toes, and hear the wind un the trees again
Yeah, but social anxiety is a real illness that you can't just "get over".
>discuss problems with loved ones
Easiest way to make them hate you, and never take you seriously ever again
Fug you're right dude.OP here. I fixed it and made this shit go away a few years ago, but it hit hard when it came back recently. You're right though homie I gotta get back on track. Just a little discouraged and lonely I guess.
You can specifically induce "depression" with drugs. Would you like me to find out which for you?
Maybe you were simply feeling "sad"?
mellow the shit out of you, if dose is high enough just turns you retarded and you get the so called benzo blackout, enjoy waking up at least a day later with no recollection of events
Nobody truly gives a shit about other people's problems, they just listen out of guilty obligation.
Damn I got the dank method down.
Ah I know that feel. It just finally warmed up again here to the point where I can enjoy it again. I went on a long walk today innawoods. Hung my hammock on a couple of trees and chilled in the sun. It was nice.
man these last years I was very social but I this last months I started to feel despair when I had to go on meetings and with my group of friends, Started shaking and feeling ill when arround people. Good thing I feel better now.
The chart in OP is for women
What they don't tell you is that the only way to fix 90% of depression cases is love and sex. If you are a woman, and follow all those steps, a decent man will pick you up and end your depression
For men it's useless. Men are expected to be active, women to be passive. So when depression puts you down, nobody will treat you like a man, especially not women
Only solution is online dating, get some roastie nobody wants and think to yourself "at least I won't die alone"
Depression is just the cog becoming self aware that he will never become an alpha male who actually matters
Masturbate to futa on futa.
if youre dumb it does this
The only solution is to transition.
What? How do you force yourself to be social without resorting to alcohol? I have literally never met a normie whose answer to how to make friends and be social was go to a bar.
I shitpost on Sup Forums, Sup Forums and sometimes Sup Forums.
It doesn't make me feel better, but when I'm too depressed to play vidya and not sleepy enough to go to sleep, I need to occupy myself with something.
I try to make clever, joking shitposts, but usually just end up being a cunt and calling everyone who disagrees a retard while mocking their opinions.
Normie method is the only thing that works
t.it cured me
How is it to NOT be depressed and cripplingly anxious?
Aye that sounds nice. I honestly wonder how never getting any sun or fresh air for most of the year effects us, its getting to a point where just going outside in june/July/August is enough to make you feel high. I really do need a new hobby though , perhaps ill pick up guitar and bass again but i suck
>Tfw have felt social anxiety and depression since childhood
>Tfw only a few friends and abusive parents my entire life
>Tfw 24 and finally work up the courage to go talk to a shrink because I'm sick of feeling like this
Is it worth it bros? Do therapists help?
i play video games that are easy
A little bit.
Push yourself, start exercising an get some hobbis.
I never feel like I'm making progress on guitar. I've learnt my first scale but I don't think it's helped me.
You're a fucking worthless addict
Talking to anyone will help. Keeping everything locked up is what leads you to suicide, I've been there. It can help get rid of your worries. The least it will do is make you feel like you're taking a step forward.
>learning scales
Just start learning songs mate, use ultimate guitar to get tabs and start learning. Scales can come later.
I've been trying to get /fit/ and /out/ for about 6 months now, but shit still lingersome. I'm hoping a shrink will make my fee fees fuck off a little more so I can feel normal again
Never really liked snoop dogg, and I only started smoking weed because the only few people in college who weren't embarassed to be seen with me smoked it. But it helped. On weed you care about puny shit (like strangers' opinions) less (ironically my fear to make an idiot of myself in presence of other people was exactly what made me make an idiot of myself. Everytime I was around people I could only think about how much I don't want to act like a retard, I'd panic because of that and, guess what, act retarded), made me not want to try to make people like me (my weirdness began developing in early primary school where a guy who bullied me and who was "popular" acted like a complete retard all the time. Now I realize no one in class liked him, but people gathered around him and cheered him necause they feared he would bully them too), and make me actually talk to people (when I was more autistic I could not talk to people because I'd think that talking about some non-important shit people really talk about would be a waste of my superior intellect [yes, I was that stupid] and I would always try to talk about some deep philosophical shit, but being not really wise, yet ensured that I'm the wisest person in the world, I'd say retarded shit which I considered wise even though it wasn't. On weed I would talk about the most unimportant shit because I just wanted to talk to people when I was high, and I discovered that during the small talk, after some time, people actually tend to touch some deeper subjects from time to time, not just talk about fucking, partying and doing drugs).
I don't see how those would help me learn the instrument.
Learn Japanese then start planning your suicide once you realise you can't get a job in Japan without a degree or a lot of experience.
How would they not?
Theory can come latr when it means something, what's he point in learn scales if you can't play any songs.
Now I get why some of you shit on games so much
If you use games to deal with anxiety or depression, they will never be fun and you will never enjoy it because you are just using it to distract from your pressure.
I had this experience before, and no games during that time left me a single impression. now I just feel bad about wasting time and those games.
You're probably right. I used to have a friend who I could talk to up until 18, then she got sick of my shit and made me fuck off. I don't blame her though. Since then I haven't really talked to anybody. It's been 6 years and it's all been building up a lot, but I just have a hard time letting it out since then. My wife found me crying and puking because I was binging out on booze about a month ago. That was a pretty hard wake up call desu. I know I should talk to my wife about it but it's hard when some of the problems are related to her. Sorry for blogging. Like and subscribe /endblog/
It takes a while mate and therapists just tell you that it's all down to you and you're the only person that can cure it.
Guy with depression and anxiety here. My therapist gave me some advice. I'll list them is no particular order:
- You're a pessimist and you can't trust what you're thinking. Meaning you're better at socializing/life than you think you are. Also Sup Forums and a lot of the Internet is toxic and is causing you to fall into this line of thinking.
-Other people are just as insecure and flawed as you are. You're just too self-focused to notice, and other people are too self-focused to notice your flaws as well
-Desiring human relationships (friend or otherwise) is normal and you should be doing it. It's considered a disorder of you don't (Schizoid, I believe). Quit shaming yourself for wanting connections and go pursue them already.
-Calm down. Seriously, just breathe and relax. It makes a huge difference in how you socialize. A lot of your social problems likely come from freaking out/fight or flight responses you have toward talking to people. Calming yourself down and feeling relaxed greatly improves how you feel and perform in social situations.
This is not true. Who fucked you up so much user?
If your wife loves you then she'll be understanding and will want to help you. Everyday you see her, you're probably worried about her asking the wrong question and you will have to lie to her, by telling her you won't have to worry about it anymore.
I know like one scale and the first 30 seconds of a few dozen songs. I dont think ive ever actually learned a full song. Dust in the wind riffs are really fun and satisfying because they sound harder than they are
I will smoke copious amounts of weed, jack off to meme50's stuff for the thousandth time and replay RE4.
how do i grow up
The guy is right tho. Maybe it's not the case for the close family, but other people, even good friends, don't want to hear about your problems. They have their own ones and depressing themselves further about your shit is the last thing they wanna do. That's why even when I have a rough time and feel like shit, if someone asks me how's my day, I say it's fine. Even to my closest family - I could talk to them about my problems, they're my family after all, but why would I want to? Crying to my family about my shit won't help it, and usually there's not much they could do to help me either. I just act like everything is okay and work to fix my problems until everything actually is fine.
People don't give a shit, dude.
too late, be grateful you have your welfare.
You're right man. She's been understanding. She's the reason I scheduled to go see a shrink. Just another result of a fugged childhood I suppose
Some of them do care. Other people go through the same shit that you go through. Talking helps, if only to get all that stupid shit out off your chest.
I was thinking about it the other day and i realized ive been playing vidya drinking every other day and smoking and jacking off because i want to occupy my mind and while it seemed ok at first its been 5 years of distracting and i never put the distractions aside and think about what im going to do and what my place is, and when i get bored of vidya and jacking off and being drunk the depression sets in in some bizarre subconscious attempt to come up with a distraction. Where to go from here i dont know
This should be the new banner
>muh depression
depression is just a fancy way to excuse laziness
I was like that until I decided it was enough. I can assure you will snap out of it once you obtain an acceptable physical appearance, looks are everything these days.
Expand your knowledge and skills by consuming literature, learn to draw, go climb a mountain and take a photo of the view.
there's a whole fucking world out there
>just smile and b urself and be social and it will pass
>worked for me :)
>lol muh crippling duhpression and dank facebook memes to cover it up haha I'm so le broken xD
fucking facebook and twitter need to leave
Does anyone else cut their own hair? I bought some clippers a few years ago and I just buzz it when it gets too long.
Drugs don't induce depression on their own like some magical bullshit. There are drugs which can make you sad or scared, and even fun ones can get you a bad trip sometimes (shit's horrible). But when you come down, it's fucking over. Bad trip ends after those few hours and puff! You're fine!
Unless, of course, you're a complete retard and apply your narcotic visions to real world. A lot of people do that, because drug visions, hallucinations and things you think about look SO REAL when you're high and it all JUST MAKES SENSE but guess what, that's your brain on drugs being unable to think critically. No drug, except shrooms, is able to change your personality or view on the world on it's own, without your own will for that to happen. Shrooms can do that, it was proven scientifically and happened to me, but that's it. If you apply the visions from drugs to real world, you're retarded and it's your goddamn fault!
it works when you are fit
girls in general won't pay attention to you unless you carry some muscle
oh and also a confident posture, don't ever forget about that
I use a pair of fisker's scissors I got when I was in 2nd grade to cut it, and my dad's old electric razer to shave the smaller strands.
Or maybe you were not depressed but you were too much of a special snowflake to realize it?
Before you go any further, can you share your definition of depression with the rest the class?
I'm having difficulties tracking what the fuck you're taking about.
You dont seem to understand the lasting effects on brain chemistry. Production of serotonin and other neurtransmitters that regulate mood and happyness grind to a halt to varying degrees so if you do a bunch of drugs then for example find yourself alone afterwards with no friends or natural positive stimuli its very easy to feel absolutely miserable to once again varying degrees depending on the context. When youre playing games with your brain chemistry its very easy for things to spiral out of control
Yeah it is na excuse for laziness.... For people like you! Why do Sup Forums users like to play psychiatrist and say that a disease is not a disease just because they thought they had it?
Weed helps me deal with my anxiety, but I also seem to form a dependency on it way too easy.
it makes you just numb. very relaxing, and goes very well together with a glass of wine. but really, it just makes you comfy and ready for bed.
Depression is a lie that people use to deny personal responsibility for their failure. You are not ill. You are weak and stupid, but too proud to admit it and too lazy to work on changing it, so you switch your responsibility to a mythical disease the existence of which was never actually proven, even though some "scientists" claim otherwise.
So it's your word against the whole medical community ... Ok.
You just want for it to be real, because if it wasn't, it would mean that your failure is your fault.
Here's a fun fact for you:
It is your fault.
I came from a extremely strict borderline wanted to murder me in my sleep catholic family
and friends were my dad and mom
No one in my family was good at all all of them were insane.
KoRn slipknot ICP twiztid nin kmfdm nirvana were my dad and mother.
In highschool i became a athiest
Partially because I thought I was cursed and I was the only sane one in my family, and they would say you are causing god to punish us and reprimand me for just trying to be myself.
After that got into conspiracies and I understand our society makes people nuts for consumeristic goods.
I hated myself till i was 25 and I started esoteric knowledge meditation and energy feeling got me to feel other peoples emotions and pain and I wish to help other people with that problem
If you really want to heal yourself
Kundalini meditation start with
look up middlepillar meditation after that and study the esoteric arts you learn that your innerself is technically god
>the whole medical community
You sound very "confident".
I hope you're not trying to drag other people down in some attempt to make yourself feel better about your own failings.
Do you understand the concept of despair?
While there is objective truth to the idea that it can manifest as a tool to help distract from extreme stress that comes with facing hardship acting like it is a voluntary response in 100% of cases is just plain wrong
benzos and weed and vidya, everything will be ok mode.