So it's settled? This is the game of the generation correct?
So it's settled? This is the game of the generation correct?
Now we await the announcement of BB2 at E3 this year.
I dunno
2Bs game was also preddy gud
what were the first 2
Yes. And it's currently the best game EVER made.
bloodborne sold maybe 2-3 million copies out of 50+ million PS4s sold. no one cares about it but Sup Forums, sweetheart
BTW. TW3 (the real game of the generation) has won over 800 awards. How many has BB won?
MGSV is already game of the generation
>its only good if its popular
cmon user
But that's not MGS5, DS3 or Automata.
it could have been
As a mgsfag im going to have to disagree with you
Soulsborne games are the cancer ruining vidya.
its the best game ive ever played gameplay wise
I'm so sorry
MGSV was a missed oppurtunity to be a Game of the Generation
Even in its unfinished state MGS5 is the best in the franchise.
Name one reason it's good that doesn't involve it being exclusive.
red dead and the last of us
MGS1 and 2 alone easily surpass it
and MGS4 had better mechanics
They've actually improved the industry
>barely get acknowledged as game of the month
>janky, invisible wall ridden open world
>shit story - "existentialism for dummies" - and fumbled, terribly directed meta elements
>man character has a fat ass
>director is autistic
>loud, omnipresent music that highlights any and every moment of artificial emotion
Literally suicide yourself
are you serious?
both of them are okay, but i didnt think PC would kill for em
i wouldnt say its the best of the franchise but its damn good
>and fumbled, terribly directed meta elements
Although the rest is accurate enough the meta parts were actually decent
I dont care for the Credits Shmup though
Your nostalgia is getting better of yourself.
kys my shitting eating friend
the witcher 3 being good meme died a year ago. go make another fallout 4 appreciation thread or something pleb
>got into the series in 2013-14
>bought MGSV at launch
yep, nostalgia
Its a good think you acted like a peice of shit while talking shit bout the game, that way it just makes everyone around you understand you dont know shit about games
This gen isnt even finished yet.
all the meta elements in the game were done before and better in games like MGS2 and Nier 1
there was 0 subtlety or confidence in the game's direction. Everything was constantly being spelled out or highlighted for the player.
I honestly think it is at the moment.
Zelda is up there, everything else has been pretty meh for me overall.
I also got in the series fairly recently and I think MGS1 has aged like dogshit. There's a reason they don't make games with those controls anymore and it's not because of "casuals." The replay value was also pretty bad, even for 1998.
hey, i love it as much as the next guy but from what ive seen with PC talking about bloodborne I didnt see it coming from rdr
and from the way your talking about it clearly means you've played it, like most of the pc anons saying it needs a port, therfore not needing a pc port
idk, I thought the settings menu recording was pretty neat. The audio/visual status effects were also horribly underutilized, they shouldve been a consistent part of the game.
But in general, yea I'm not all that satisfied with how the game turned out. I love it for what it is but it could have been much, much better with some simple revisions.
>2B body pillow in the mail
>"Told u so" posters ready for when IGN, my favorite game journalism website, gives my 2B's game the prestigious Game of Eternity award
>see meanie make up lies
>focus all my grammatical talent into a single, soul piercing reply
heh, that troll didn't see it coming...
you're wrong
Take this (you) and leave, leaf.
user, if you think about it, it's true. It was probably a great game for its time, (overrated, I'm sure), but seriously, many of the elements in the game have not only immensely improved over the years, but are aspects Sup Forums hates more than anything, especially the "cinematic" quality.
Original user you're replying to.
MGS1 is basically just a 2D game upjumped to 3D. There's nothing really wrong with how it plays.
It's great but it has a lot of competition. I can't decide between many of these.
Breath of the Wild
Tropical Freeze
Wonderful 101
Bayonetta 2
Ori and the Blind Forest
As long as we can agree it's not MGSV, I'll be happy.
That would be breath of the wild sony cuck
>zelda number 39874329
>somehow important
>25fps, with fps drops to 15 in certain situations
>frame pacing issues
>chromatic aberration
>motion blur and depth of field blur can't be disabled
>medium graphical settings
No thanks, why would I play Virginborne when I can play Dark Souls 3 1440p 60fps ULTRA settings with superior Keyboard and Mouse control over the camera?
>MGS1 is basically just a 2D game upjumped to 3D.
The controls actually aren't that fluid. There were also games that did that much better, namely Super Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time. Now those aren't really "2D" games, but actually show immense innovation as to what 3D games would become, while MGS1 is a stagnated throwback as far as gameplay is concerned. Also, there were plenty of actions in that game that played like dogshit because it was trying to do actions that aren't really suited to its controls.
Again, there's a reason gamed don't play anything like MGS1, even "retro" games, and it's not because of casuals, or developers can't manage it, but it is incredibly obsolete.
I prefer Bloodborne myself, but game of generation is GTAV hands down.
Nothing else can compare to how much hype, positive reviews and sales that thing has generated.
>GTAV hands down
K, but it's casual shit that loses its appeal after a few hours. Also, the generation isn't done yet. GTAVI could outsell it. I won't say "easily," even though that would follow the trend, because the sales might have peaked with GTAV. Also, the game is really a last generation game.
Not him, but as someone who's just finished the game, what kind of revisions do you mean?
My own thoughts:
Center the story around 9S since thats who the story is actually about, regulate 2B to being the sidekick she actually is. And dont hide their best parts within subtext while leaving us with an incredibly meh main story.
Either remove A2 or give her more convincing motivations to even be around, since you can cut her from the game and literally nothing significant would change.
Make the machine war actually feel like a war with stakes, not a tourist operation (even if it turns out to be pointless, infact that would enha). In that same line figure out better ways to handle Adam and Eve's characters instead of them being flashy exposition machines.
All in all, just tell a story that dosent spend so much time jumping around aimlessly and only at the last stretch decide to kick things up. It's just wasting everyones time.
infact that would enhance the effect*
red dead redemption is fucking trash, its almost a complete play-by-play of GUN a game on the original xbox.