4 shitty "dungeons"

>4 shitty "dungeons"
>2/3 of the shines are either shitty or way too short.
>More or less all have the exact same look and music.

So wait a minute, why did dungeons have to go away again?

Instead of shrines, couldn't we have gotten like 20-30 amazing dungeons sprinkled across the world instead? They don't even have to be as big as previous games dungeons, just something more meatier than the shrines.

>same bland complaints
>salt will never stop flowing

I'm pissed about the dungeons too, that's what made the other Zelda games great

I remember going to the desert area for the first time and seeing the cat walks high on the cliffs and thinking "Oh shit! Somethings going down!" but it turned out to be nothing.

>ywn find anything of the equivalent of Ash Lake in BotW

Is there any explanation to the gerudo tower?

>Legends say there's this dragon living on top of that mountain.
>Get there.
>Free the dragon from corruption.

Nah, fuck you. shrines are like 80% of the game, and every time I step into one I shouldn't be fucking praying that it's not another shitty combat trial.

>have massive temple that looks like one of the temples from Zelda 2
>don't use the music

Same for the original Zelda dungeon theme. I was SO fucking sure it'd turn up this time, been waiting for a decade for those songs to come back and be reworked in a main game

>Same for the original Zelda dungeon theme. I was SO fucking sure it'd turn up this time, been waiting for a decade for those songs to come back and be reworked in a main game

Honestly, hearing the remixed songs in this game just made me depressed because it just reminded me how much better the original version is.

The shrines are numerous so there's an incentive to comb through the map and explore nooks and crannies. It also gives you a side reward in giving you more fast travel points.

Yeah it's still kinda shit anyway

>Instead of shrines, couldn't we have gotten like 20-30 amazing dungeons sprinkled across the world instead?
If you wanted the game delayed another year or two, yeah.

That's really not an equivalent amount of content.

>That's really not an equivalent amount of content.

If each landmass had it's own look and theme, it's not that much work.

It could have easily been 3-4 shorter dungeons per landmass, hell I could've taken 1 really good dungeon per landmass.

>20-30 dungeons

too ambitious, but 12 wouldn't have been impossible, if you took ten shrines and put them together into dungeons

If they were just reusing overworld assets nobody would consider them "amazing dungeons".

The only reason Nintendo was able to make so many shrines was because of asset reuse.

I think even 12 would be too many if you expect them to be at the same standard of SS or TP's dungeons.

Because dungeons are trash. You disappear into some dark cave and the interior layout has nothing to do with the exterior design. It's lazy. It's like in the old days when you would enter a video game house and the house would be 10x bigger on the inside.

The dungeons in this game have a cohesive design inside and out that let you run around them seamlessly. It's a strong design.

>20-30 amazing dungeons
>why doesn't botw have the content of 5-6 zelda games

k so you're retarded

>They don't even have to be as big as previous games dungeons, just something more meatier than the shrines.
>Reading comprehension

20 dungeons would give it 2.5 ocarina of times worth of content

considering the play time you can rack up in botw as is, that's not actually wrong lol

>so what

This. If they made even 2 more dungeons like Hurdle Castle that would have been an insane amount of content.

On a separate note, has anyone thought about the idea of having a "Ganon watchlight" in hard mode where you can get noticed by Calamity Ganon itself while exploring Hyrule castle and get instakilled if you don't immediately run inside?

>Critizing nintendo games on Sup Forums
Don't you value your life?

It's overrated we all know that

>the interior layout has nothing to do with the exterior design
k. guy that has never played a Zelda game

Miyamoto and Aonuma have always paid attention to that.

You mean we all know Sup Forums is full of edgy contrarians and Sony fanboys?


>his. If they made even 2 more dungeons like Hurdle Castle that would have been an insane amount of content.
>I hate content
>despite all the games previously having full scale dungeons the size of Hyrule castle
>but for some reason, it's an insane amount of content for Nintendo now

You sound like leaf with all the cock sucking you're doing for Nintendo

There really are too many shrines. At some point I stopped doing them and just registered the warp point. Less, but bigger shrines, that would have been better.

>Sup Forums is full of leafs and BRs?


>Unironically shitposting about BOTW
You sound like a disgusting leaf, shitposter-kun.


I have nothing bad to say about BOTW except fuck combat trials.
It makes me want to stop discovering shrines.

Zelda always gets a free pass as well as many other Nintendo titles because they are Nintendo and it's o-


>don't even get a cool treasure from the shrine
>just a frost weapon

They really fucking dropped the ball with rewards in this game.

>Less, but bigger shrines, that would have been better.


I like the idea of "smaller dungeons", but shrines were too small, or most were anyway; and they are seriously goddamn everywhere. If shrines were rarer but bigger the game would be better.

Nintendo optimised the gameplay style for the switch. Expecting people to commit serious mental agilty for a full blown dungeon while on the bus is a bit too much. But having small bite-sized shrines is perfect for on-the-go gaming. Understanding little things like is why Nintendo are so good at game design while you know fuck all.

Pretty sure he means when combined with the amount of content already in BotW. He's not wrong, it's already a really big game and had a 5-year dev cycle.

>they understand good game design
>meanwhile, the inventory management was made for having a second screen, aka the gamepad, but they fucked that up with the shittiness implementation of switching out items ever

Most of the game was just copy pasted landscape terrain and having a group of about ten guys make some shrines. The game didn't take 5 years to make. Nintendo just decided to make a new console in the meanwhile and fuck up any development in general.

T. Salty Wii U owner

I don't think anybody had a fucking problem with regular sized dungeons on Link's Awakening, Oracles, Minish Cap. didn't play the DS ones or Link Between Worlds so I don't know if they were building up to supreme-unsatisfying-bullshit or it came out of nowhere.

I'm just baffled critics gave this game a free pass, there is no fucking variety in this game outside of the overworld and even that 'variety' is questionable at best (oh look, this cliff is a different shade of green) They reused so many assets in this game it isn't even funny, the shrines were fucking abhorrent, if Nintendo wanted a map littered with fast travel points like Skyrim they could have just made a more interesting world with memorable locations to fast travel to instead of these forced asset re-users.

God this game is so fucking awful.

>muh rewards

world of warcraft is that way

You fags don't understand BOTW is an experimental game.
Everything in there, from the shrines to the weapons that break, are proposals for future games.

The whole is very well balanced but there are some offers in it that are really radical for a mainstream game.

BOTW is the most risky and generous game Nintendo has released in a long time, and you gotta give them credit for this whatever you think of it.

But yeah, keep complaining about "muh dungeons" you fucking retards.

Who the fuck buys a 500 dollar piece of hardware to cart it around and play Zelda on a fucking bus? Can you really tell me that the majority of Switch buyers are using it for something like that?

Feeling persecuted? Do you think you need a hugbox?

Weapons that break are not new

Never said that.

>Advertise climbing as a major feature of your game
>Don't allow climbing in dungeons or shrines

>Having your customers pay for a beta made up of concepts stolen from other, better games

Guess Nintendo really HAS got with the times.


I realized it when I saw that voice acting wasn't everywhere but only served in bits scattered in mostly optional content (you are not required to hunt the memories if you do not want) and realized they are testing the waters for what works best, but since faggots complain about menial shit all the time I fear the sequel to botw will be severely nerfed of a lot of cool features.

I understand it completely. It doesn't meant that it gets a pass. If anything that means it needs to be judged even more harshly, if the future of the franchise hinges on its reception.

I love BOTW but people don't pay $60 to witness a "proposal" in action you stupid shill. They pay $60 for a fun, engaging, satisfying game experience and I tell you this as I have the game running right this second.

It should be critiqued like every other game on the market. Don't care if it's experimental, don't care if it's Zelda, it has flaws and they should be addressed.

I don't personally, but I like having the option.

I spent zero $ because i resold it on ebay, and OP is right

So core pieces of the franchise should be shortened and simplified just so you can "have the option" to fit them on a bus ride?

>They pay $60 for a fun, engaging, satisfying game experience
And this is exactly what they got.
Experimental doesn't mean boring.

The fact is BOTW is a highly risky game for Nintendo. But it works very well.

>Most of the game was just copy pasted landscape terrain
It's pretty detailed and content-rich considering the scope of the world. Which open world games of similar size have more detailed environments?

>The game didn't take 5 years to make
SS released in 2011, and we saw the first mention of botw I believe in the January 2013 direct. It was, at the absolute minimum, 4 years. OoT, TP, and SS also had really long development cycles.

I mean, you can always HOPE for more content, but given the amount of stuff that's already in BotW, I don't think it's realistic to expect it.

Oh fuck off with this "short burst handheld game design" shit.

Handheld Zeldas have had proper dungeons and they worked fucking fine.

BotW is ok, while being a very poor Zelda.
Miniquests like the ones in this gamr were ok in 98 not today.
The lack of dungeons and the copy-paste style of the shrines it's another problem

Verdict: resell as soon as you can before nintendo restocks units. Rebuy it when mario odyssey comes out

>you can't make fun experiments, they are all shit by default

fucking brain damage lol

The reward was fighting the amazing bossfight. You know, gameplay? If you just want to accumulate valuables play a 4X or MMO.

When I got to the top of the mountain I had no arrows at all, so I fought the dragon by bursting the first two by launching up and then throwing spears, third with a dropped bomb and the last one I only had a single claymore left so I had to time a jump off the cliff and perfectly land a drop attack on his head.

It was one of the coolest sequences in a videogame I've played in years and it only went down that way because I was unprepared but didn't give up. Because I'm the fucking hero.

Yes, I feel this way too. But I didn't like the way the other guy worded his argument, implying that because the game is experimental in nature that complaints against it aren't valid.

>you can't make fun experiments, they are all shit by default

Could you please tell me where in my post I said that? I'd really like to know.

>people believe that wind waker, twilight princess and skyward sword had good dungeons
Zelda has been shit for many years. Breath of the Wild finally went back and shook off all its post Ocarina tropes for the better.

You're seriously fucking retarded, everything he said is 100% correct.

If you just smile and nod your head at everything BoTW does because its "trying something different" then you're creating a shitty hugbox where everything bad is good and nothing should ever improve at all.

The reason why BotW happened in the first place is because people said Zelda is getting stale, it happened because people actually had the balls to critique Zelda for once; and now you want is to go back to sucking dick again.

TP and Skyward had good dungeons
>shook off all its post Ocarina tropes

BotW is just good, execution could've still been better, but dungeons have never been what I liked about Zelda, the overworld was always far more interesting and the mini-dungeons you occasionally got in some of the games like WW much more interesting than the full dungeons

ITs only getting good reviews because of the zelda brand, remove that and it be a 6/10 game.

>The reason why BotW happened in the first place is because people said Zelda is getting stale
Eh, I feel like it was more of a reaction to SS's linearity and SS arguably mixed up the formula in terms of level design and core mechanics just as much as BotW did, it was just a change most people didn't like

>it happened because people actually had the balls to critique Zelda for once
u wot
Zelda has never been immune to criticism. In fact Zelda fans are notoriously hard to please.

>why did dungeons have to go away again?
cause the openess of the game design means the traditional dungeons and items could not be implemented unless the items would break the overworld exploration/ weapon system or out right being useless out of the dungeon.

instead the Shrines were scattered as n incentive to explore the map

im sure you combine all shrines make more dungeons than OoT or TP


go cry somewhere else Jim

Should have put more effort into the side quests.

Feels like this game has no story sometimes.

Nintendo really needs to use Hyrule Castle as a baseline for future dungeon design. I'm tired of the obsession with nonsensical puzzles placed all willy-nilly like they have been for so long. Having a big temple, fortress, or labyrinth teeming with enemies, containing secret passages and/or bombable walls, and having rooms that need to be cleared of difficult enemies before the doors reopen is IMO a way better design than "push blocks and use dungeon item" gimmick again.

>boss fight
>just chasing around some non-hostile dragon who never even makes any kind move towards you while you shoot some eyeballs off of him

I don't think I'd be interested in that desu

eh, I definitely see how dungeon items like the hookshot or grapple hook could easily be worked into the game and dungeons.

Plus the Divine Beasts were really great as far as puzzles and layout went. Only issue was the enemies and them all using the same aesthetic

They have to find some way to progress.