
Is that a deal?

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:3 that is way too cute op

Even a cynical twat like myself can crack a smile when shown something like that. I need a new pet.

Why do it's ears do that?

Vidya about breastfeeding mechanics when--

>inb4 PETA goes apeshit again

oh wait...

Cats are annoying gay faggots.

Prove this wrong.


You are, apparently, some how, confusing cats with what you see in the mirror.

>Dogs a best. BEST!


>tfw keeping your end of the deal

I like cats, never had a bad one.

Animal haters are annoying gay faggots.

No need to prove this.

Is he jew?

Oh thank god it was just a cute pic. I always worry that it'll be something bad...

video games


Dogs are better


This isn't videogames?!

I love cute pizza girl!

I had a cat and it fucked the next door female cat and neither was an arrangement of sticks.

Checkmate dogfuckers.

Because of the muscles needed to suck are right behind it's ears.

It's like, just your opinion, man

that's so fucking adorable

why can't humans be cute


I'm fucking hate animals


you hate english too, probably slav or pajeet

it's sad. i can't look at a cat gf on Sup Forums without dreading seeing it tortured in the most horrific way possible. like being taped to a pole and being skinned alive.

>tfw you will never have a cat gf


>The demonic looking guy on the left


I still miss my dog, it was the dumbest animal around but it was so friendly and lovable.

Staffordshire bull terriers are best dogs.





My mom is afraid of animals and won't let me have a pet. I rot in my room alone. I want a cat.


people like you shouldnt have pets. animals need happy loving homes.

Pangolins are so fucking cute.


shit meant gif, webm

What a slut

why lizzies so cute bros?

never realized how affection they can be


Animals need to be in the wild. But they're not for some reason. I deserve a cat and it's companionship just as much as anyone else.

wow I always though lizards were too dumb for affection. Pretty cool

Tegus have been compared to dogs in terms of showing affection.

Pets can help losers like that though

Tegus are probably the only lizards that are remotely similar to usual animal companions, the rest are dumb as bricks.

No one posting on Sup Forums deserves companionship.

:3 I like this thread

i saw a vid of a giant one or something with the big jowls, cute af

>catgirl guro

i want one, but i imagine it takes a lot to take care of them?

Yet so many have it. I just want a shitposting partner.

>school of Plesioths

its just a cat

it's not even your cat

use that feeling towards real problems in the world ree

I like cats AND dogs.


lol no you don't you idort



Lack of empathy for beings unlike you is literally, unironically, a sign of autism.

No you don't.
t. Cat owner.

Smart cat.


Why is it hip-checking that other dog? Does it think they're playing hockey?


fucking pussy

why do faggots do their letter dot shit here fuck off back to your forum of origin

hate to be that cynic but it probably just likes the heat

it is though

it's not trust me

>Argentine tegus have unusually high intelligence. It has been observed and recorded that some will regularly and clearly seek out human affection, just as a dog or cat might. Some form a strong attachment to their keeper. Some have been reported to come on command; they can also be house-broken.

>tfw too intelligent to like petting

You sound upset.
t. Concerned poster.

neat deal

>more like "this asshole's been doing this shit with this bell around my neck all day, enough"
>"stop it"
>". . ."

it is though
t. someone with autism