Predict the future of vidya climate

>Nintendo taking over Japan currently
>Xbox launching Scorpio, a 4k console for normie shit
>Sony selling off their movie industry with Emoji movie being their swan song
>Valve hirin Jim Sterling as head of HR


>Nintendo takes over japan with cheap and easy to develop for nintendo switch
>B tier studios make a comback
>Anime games are released mostly on the switch, as it's more profitable and easy to develop for
>japs love the switch for portability
>that means more switch games

>Microsoft gains control of normie shit when they show off codfield Redemption wars 3 running in 4k

>Sony looses those brainless casuals

>sony left with no anime game support as they loose Glorious nippon

>sony hides out in europe.

I really don't know what happens to sony once Nintendo takes Japan and Microsoft takes North American normie shit back.

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>Nintenbro delusions: the post

well you're open to make your own predictions and/or prove me wrong by contributing your own arguments.

You know the last time Nintendo was supposedly taking over Japan? The Wii-U. It had a fantastic launch, especially in Japan, and it turned out shit.

it's been out less than a month, stop being autistic.

Scorpio is meaningless as M$ will put every game on it on PC as well. Absolutely no hype anywhere for this thing anywhere, and rightly so.

Sony movie division has been shit for a long time. Absolutely nobody wouldn't expect it to die, and that has nothing to do with games.

Your predictions are bad and you should feel bad.

>Nintendo taking over Japan currently

They will put games on PC but these PCs may have a hard time running them as well as Scorpio does.
Sony still has a deal with Activision though. But M$ has some deals with EA.
> FIFA/Madden/Battlefield vs. CoD/Destiny

I don't see sony being around for long. They should sell the gaming division while it's worth something.

>They will put games on PC but these PCs may have a hard time running them as well as Scorpio does.

The fuck are you on about? Budget PCs can already perform better than it realistically will. 6TFLOPs is not some massive achievement there bud.

>it's the wii u launch all over again

sony should at least cut funding to neogaf/kotaku/n4g/eurogamer/gamespot/ and all the other garbage websites it funds.

NO one reads that trash.

>Valve hirin Jim Sterling as head of HR

This has to be bait.

BR you still salty Nintendo went fuck you to you guys over the retarded gaming is gambling tax?

Of course you are faggot :D

I doubt it.
Unless you read your benchmarks from Tom's Hardware where budget GPUs are tested with high-end i7s.
Just shut me up and show me the build.

>Tfw this gen brought back $20 retail games for console

B-games > AAA 2bh

t. nintendrOne

Not him, but check this out.

>Valve hirin Jim Sterling as head of HR

Wait what?

I'm at work.
Text version?

it's a ''4k'' pc for under 500$ using refurbished parts. Coupons that are no longer valid .

and no windows OS.

>not once but twice
come on man..

I love how despite the PS4 selling 60 million consoles, the WiiU killed prematurely and the Switch being a joke with even less support than the WiiU, Nintendo is the future.

I really hope a company hires you as a counselor, OP. You're gonna do great.


Yeah the Sony fad is pretty much over. Normies move in quick. Switch will take over for a while and then Scorpio has a huge shot of taking over the fifa cod crowd. IF THEY DONT FUCK IT UP AND HAND IT TO SONY AGAIN.

Refurbish is fine. But I hope it does not try to convince people to go for cheap mobo. I mean, yeah, some people like to watch the world burn. :|

>"here's one(1) Mario game, now fuck off and wait half a year for another game to play"
>"here's scorpio, it can play games in 4k. Too bad we don't have any games on our console."
>Days Gone, Gran Turismo Sport, God of War, Detroit Become Human, Hellblade, Spiderman, NiNoKuni 2, Last of Us 2
>Nioh, Persona 5, Yakuza 0, Gravity Rush 2, Horizon Zero Dawn
>Great multiplats and there's lot of them

t sonygro