I can't remember exactly what game myself but I know some of the earliest games I ever played was the original DOOM, the Dune RTS, Some mother goose point and click game, Alone in the Dark, and Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt
What was the first video game you ever played?
Crash Bandicoot.
I played it at an afterschool "bosch" class or something. Turned out I was pretty good, better than everyone else in the room.
That didn't stop me from being a loser for the next 10 or so years at school though.
I remember our family got an atari 2600 around the time the SNES was first released and I don't exactly remember them but I think one was a Tron game and the other was a Snoopy Red Baron game.
balloons on pc was the first I remember, was just a "game" where you hold down space bar to generate a colored circle, and if you press it fast, the circle goes away, like you popped it.
first real game was probably kingdom of kroz or zzt.
first game anyone on Sup Forums might know about was probably jill of the jungle.
if its not Super Mario Bros, you're not a real gamer
soccer kid on DOS, lol
A Game Literally Only I Have Played
Pic related op. Was about 3 or 4. I could not for the life of me get Mario to successfully get over the first hole. Spent hours like a retard failing. My next game was Ghostbusters on the master system, so video games were a confusing thing for me.
Test Drive 3, DOS
Either this or some Playstation Underground demo. Man, I miss the days of watching my dad try to beat Dark Tooth in Twisted Metal 2 when I was 5.
I was born in 93 but had an older brother so I got all of his hammy downs n he never shared
>he got the 64 while I got his old sega genesis 3
>first game was street fighter 2
Of course I got his gameboy too so it wasn't that bad playing marioland and pokemon
this thing
I didn't like it very much
ghosts and goblins on the nes
Q*bert in an arcade. Shortly followed by Donkey Kong, a sit-in Star Wars flight sim type game and Pac-Man. Fell in love with gaming at first sight.
Lunar Lander on the Atari 2600
Had pretty good physics desu
Showing my age a little.
probably sonic 1
duck hunt
Pac-Land in the arcade with some old dude holding me up (which is strange looking back), it's the earliest memory I have.
mario bros
What a great first game
except the game over screen terrified me
pinball on DOS