Which one succeeds more at the whole "all-in-one media box!" thing?

Which one succeeds more at the whole "all-in-one media box!" thing?

Probably whatever you're using to post on Sup Forums instead of them.

the one that sells more

Xbox One S because it has UHD blu-ray and its apps support HDR, while the PS4 apps don't.


he said all-in-one. xbox aint got games

And yet if you look at the games people play on both they're exactly the same. Really makes you think

we're talking about Sup Forumsirgins here you fucking moron. fuck off to facebook if you care about "the people"

inb4 peanus weanus

Nah, sonybros just list a load of weebshjit no one cares about. They do have basically the same games.

epic shilling, pajeet

Well, I'm literally posting from my TV using my phone to type in. I guess it makes sense.

Google the best sellers sonybro.

Funnily enough ports of old PC games like minecraft and ark outsell the sony exclusives themselves. Makes you think

I wish they didn't become PCs.

>Google the best sellers sonybro.
what the fuck do the best sellers have to do with the games Sup Forumsirgins play? we've always played obscure games

why do games have to be bought by normalfags for you to like them? this is how i know you're a shill

>we're talking about Sup Forumsirgins here you fucking moron. fuck off to facebook if you care about "the people"
>what the fuck do the best sellers have to do with the games Sup Forumsirgins play? we've always played obscure games

Kek I thought you were just shit at writing initially

The OP is clearly asking about normies. Learn2read

why would you be on Sup Forums if you're a normalfag? why do you think using your console as a media centre is a normalfag thing to do?

>why would you be on Sup Forums if you're a normalfag? why do you think using your console as a media centre is a normalfag thing to do?

OP is clearly talking about normies, if he was talking about v why would you even ask the question?

Xbox one by far

Xbone is easily the better media device, but the PS4 has more variety in its games library.

PS4 better than xbone in literally everything.

I have a PS4 but if you're just getting something to work as an "entertainment centre" The Xbone is probably your best bet.

this guy knows

Even moreso after the creator's update they added a few days ago. Switching apps and moving around Home is super fast