What would it take to get you to resub, lads?

What would it take to get you to resub, lads?

dark nights
but they're back now so i resubbed

removal of legendaries and m+
holinka fired and PvP fixed

blizzard would never do any of these so I'll probably resub in the next expac for a month or two again

fuck off blizzard your game is shit and it's fat too late to get a resub out of me

a time machine

>removal of m+
>removing the one thing that's kept 5 mans relevant since TBC

never giving a cent to blizzard again for the rest of time

also your thread sucks OP enjoy your 10000 replies even though you shitposted a meme one liner

5 mans do not need to be relevant they are there to get you geared for the first raid

huge pvp patch

Guys, I got baited by their trap. I'm locked in. I check my phone every day to see if my follower missions are done. How do I escape?

remove jews from blizzard

Remove the Grand Excha--
Oh, never mind.

>No level scaling shit
>No cross realm shit
>Actual questing
With actual hubs, long form story telling; character.

For all the emphasis on class identity, nothing in Legion compares to any of the random class quests in vanilla. Exploring the environment to find the hidden paths leading to unseen areas to practice shaman mumbo jumbo.

The long walk from the orc starting area to the next hub emphasises the theme of the zone. HURR JUST PUT A FREE FLIGHT PATH BY THE TROLL VILLAGE TO SKIP IT.

Blizzard are dead. The A team have left, activision exist and wow's just a shallow cash grab at this point.

>flask effect
I'm genuinely mad.

This. The auction house system of other mmo's are balanced for humanisation. You have to pay a cut to use the system, there's bidding, there's time restrictions, etc.

The grand exchange is pure shit. It's only defended by diehard fans, who are the only ones playing runescape at this point.

Firing the social justice faggot devs, unsubbed a few months back when they started covering up the female npcs.

at this point it takes a reboot with a completely different team
they've shown their new blood they keep hiring is fucking terrible and uses drawing tablets to play while applying d3 just increase numbers lmao grind to everything

Make WoW free to play, then I might consider

Legacy servers. The stat bloat, power creep, and ability pruning absolutely killed the game for me. I can't touch anything past Cata at this point.

Nothing, I'll resub for a month before and a month after the next expansion like every time
To make me stay subbed? 5 man raids that progress parallel to large raids, proper open world quests, and a biiiiiiiig slowdown of character progression


At this point this should not even be called rpg.
This game could have whole world removed and added a launcher like dota/lol with dung/raids/pvp and nothing would change

Corporate shillin'

I stopped playing before the Panda shit came out. There's a limit to what they can do. Sure, a few new raids and a slightly higher level cap will kill some time; but the most fun I ever had in the game was the grinding. Meeting random people, trying to get through a dungeon or fighting a mini world boss rare was awesome. Saving up for a mount? That took ages. I fucking spent an age just trying to get the tiger mount from the bug raid place. I don't even remember the name now; yet at the time I thought it was the shit.

That's the real issue here. The game is fun to explore for the first time, discover new things. Since Pandaland and RAF, its babys first mmorpg easymodo overloado. It's a shame really.

What are you, poor?

>flying enabled again
>requires you to complete a really lengthy time gated quest line
If you play on a PvP server, it's the WORST time to come back, as everything is scaled, meaning you will meet players on max level with end-game gear, oneshotting you. Only now, the gear disparity is even worse AND they got flying mounts, so even if you have a buddy or two, guess what, none of that matters cause flying.

WoW can never be redeemed at this point. Queue buttons, flying, gear scaling, time gates (in a fucking subscription based MMO, what a joke).

And it seems like even if they try to implement something that looks good initially, they somehow manage to totally fuck it up too.

If they brought back 10 man heroic mode

and my guild :_:

just a big new batch of content and class changes. the first month of an expansion is still really fun, getting to see the new dungeons and areas etc

subbing long term would require a rework to how the progression works, getting +2 item levels and a proc that shoots a fireball out of my dick isn't enough to keep me playing anymore. but I don't personally have any ideas for any different kind of progression so I'm not blaming blizzard

A new expac.


Remove pandas

It's over, just let it go.



They should make another MMO

Just walk away user. After a particularly rough raid night in WoD I just had enough and quit. Little did I know that would be my last time logging out or in to the game.

fix the levelling, it's a huge train wreck right now
key quests such as wrathgate shouldn't be missable
low level dungeons are just a mess
hell, even blizzard understood that levelling was such a trash that they added a P2W option to skip it

Playable Naga

I guess if they would show the next expansion already, and it's better be South Seas-themed. Naval battles, pirate themes, tropic islands, underwater zones and Old Gods etc... Or something bright like MoP, tired of all these OOGA BOOGA BIG BAD GUY IS COMING IT'S TIME TO GATHER FORCES

I want the sense of adventure, discovering new lands.

Whore it out as F2P, and work on WC4.

The P2W option also replaces the reason leveling got so fucked.

Wait where?

Im not getting dark nights

Dark Apotheosis

Add more hours to the day

Legacy servers


A time machine

1. Reintroduce class diversity and gameplay depth
2. Remove “free replacement finder” systems and make community matter again
3. Go away from “dude green fire errywhere xD” and back towards pretty and diverse fantasy worlds

Id resub if they killed it
id literally pay to keep it dead

free to play

Free to play ruined MMOs.

No fucking saving that company. They died at the loss of Schaeffer as far as I'm concerned and felt as much in 03 or w/e when I heard the news.


Speaking of which, is wow f2p yet? The only thing I found fun before i quit was triggering people with my op pet battles team, couldnt care less for the rest of the game.

resubbed with wow token

it's worse than WoD

>suddenly Illidan is here
>only relevant character is Khadgar
>new zone is literally apexis jungle from WoD with the same world quests
>pvp is dead
>you can suddenly skip through weeks of AP grind making all the work people did useless
>new traits that are literally % increase of damage

game is dead, just wait for the crash of the MMO genre and it's rebirth

You can buy tokens for gold.

WoW died after Ulduar. Theres no going back now.

Quests, RTS and adventures died completely. I really doubt MMOs can stay alive.

I quit in cata and said I would come back if it went f2p. Then it essentially did with the ability to buy game time with gold. I quit the game again with 200k in the bank and an unused playtime token in my inventory. It's literally not even worth playing for free.

One of the biggest issues, at least for leveling, is that they need to focus LESS on story, because they simply aren't good at writing. Diablo 3 added a "skip cutscenes" option, thank god, but WoW keeps doubling down on mustache twirling.

>Click to obtain more AK in 2-5 days


>every path is curved, full of obstacles and full of mobs
>the map is confusing and lacks detail
>mobs daze and dismount you, as well as having all sorts of stuns, slows and roots
>mobs now scale in HP so you can't kill them quickly
>flying gated behind ridiculous achievements
>everything related to gearing your character is RNG

I wonder why Blizzard would implement such objectively bad game design features in a subscription based game...

If you still willingly give them your money you are a literal fucking cuck.

And don't even bother pretending that paying in gold for tokens is any different when you can easily turn that gold into real money with almost no fuss.

Free to play. That's it. And no, grinding for weeks to gear up and then grinding raids to get gold at skyrocketing inflation while competing with Chinese gold farmers is not f2p

you guys are overreacting so hard. This is one of the best expansions since TBC. The reason why you guys don't like it is because you aren't doing any relevant content or you just grew out of gaming/MMOs.

Fuck man just had flashbacks of the golden days.

Just... god fucking dammit life will never be that simple and beautiful ever a-fucking-gain.

Good pop balance and the destruction of bots.

>presumably playing 7.2
>calls Legion good


>every path is curved, full of obstacles and full of mobs

git gud, you can literally avoid all mobs.

>the map is confusing and lacks detail

Maybe only Highmountain, rest is good.

>mobs daze and dismount you, as well as having all sorts of stuns, slows and roots

There's a saddle for that so it never happens.

>mobs now scale in HP so you can't kill them quickly

I can still one shot them.

>flying gated behind ridiculous achievements

What's ridiculous about doing quests and farm rep which you will get over time?

>everything related to gearing your character is RNG

Everything? Really?

>log in as a trial account primetime saturday evening for the first time since october
>check server statuses
>4 Full servers
>only a small handful of High and Medium
>majority are Low pop
Did they change the server capacity or is this game really that dead?

They introduced CRZ, so even an empty server feels like a full server. But CRZ is a mess right now, they should just merge servers.

Is nothing but rushing through with certain classes.

I had someone buy me both wod when it came out so we could play together.

We both played for less than the included month before quitting. Completely boring and lifeless experience. I felt bad for quitting what was essentially a gift, but neither of us had had any urge to play whatsoever. Same thing happened with Legion. The same person wanted to recapture some of that wow magic so they bought us both copies of it.

They kept.
The fucking.
Facebook game.

we quit again before the free month was over. face it, wow is dead and there is nothing they can do to bring it back. not f2p, not vanilla servers, nothing.

>Retcon the rediculous lore
>Reboot the game back to a vanilla setting
>Overhaul the graphics
>Make the game hard but rewarding again, a la vanilla.

Basically make WoW 2. Which probably won't ever happen so...

Give me back my survival hunter.
survival hunter for PVP and ganking was honestly the best. I could fire off so so much damage using dots while being super mobile.

Whats the current metaplot now? Are we flying to space to meet Turalyon? How did he and Alleria survive?

yeah they stopped publishing sub numbers as they started to fall

every single third party tool that was accurate when they published numbers showed a huge drop through wod and legion when they stopped publishing

most servers are dead without CRZ

fanboys of course refuse to accept reality and some even claim WoW is gaining subs

Make Warcraft 4 then WoW 2

Let me play the older versions


>They kept.
>The fucking.
>Facebook game.

That's cause of how long the development pipelines for mmos are. By the time WoD launched, legion was already likely half done so all the garrison tech they thought was a good idea was already baked into the next expansion. Too late to remove it.

That's why you should never believe lies about how the next expansion will fix everything. Mistakes propagate through at least a couple of expansions before being fully excised. Nothing in mmo development happens by accident.

>old server which used to be High is now "New Players"