I have a 50$ steam card. What games can I get with this? I refund everything I buy

I have a 50$ steam card. What games can I get with this? I refund everything I buy
I keep laying down all day and before I kill myself I'd like to enjoy a good game

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NieR Automata

There's an anime game sale on right now

someone recommend me some anime games pls

i cant afford it

i want game to play

100% Orange Juice is fun

but, dont i have to play that with other people?
im scared of doing that
and I don't like that game anyways

i dont know what i should get
is every game out there seriously that shitty?

What type of games do you even like user


I don't know. Everything I try to replay becomes boring. Used to play new vegas and resident evil 4.
They were fun but now I feel empty.
I played resident evil 5 for a month straight regardless of how shit it was only for the multiplayer and collectibles in game. Never touched it again
And I have batman but the combat is so bad. I feel ripped off.
All of the newest games are utter shit. Tried playing resident evil 7 again but it's so linear. There's nothing to it after you finish the game

give me game

seeing as you're a weeb
you might like weeb tacticals
aka valkyria chronicles


Give the steam card to someone that will appreciate it and skip to the suicide.

whats with the hostility?

>posts le anime gurl :333
>makes post thats just "give me game" with le sad anime gurl :(((
>says you're le anti social introvert and dont like interacting with others
>makes this post
>w-why bully gais rly ;_;
Your kind are the worst
Fuck off


Whoa wtf ur sad omg i love anime now
Go try leddit to find some recommendations, youd fit in better there

Just play 2hu faget

Back to your containment board please

Yer doin' God's work, m'boy.

>Shitposting with Satori

Legitimately consider suicide.

Excuse me touhou has a dedicated containment board. Show a little respect.

Shit I forgot

im not shitposting. im sorry you didnt like one of my opinions

Instead of being sorry learn from your idiocy and stop being who you are
Try a new hobby, video games clearly aren't your thing considering

Fucking kill yourself nuweeb shitstain.

Nu, I like video games

nuweeb? sorry



Dump the steam card code and kill yourself.

Haha epic bro i love anime

This autism has existed forever. This is literally "lol so randum, spork, etc." posting.

Going fast is fun as fuck

steins gate

Have you tried asking r eddit you piece of shit

I already redeemed it

Haha epic lol wow youre so cool i bet you have a lot of friends pal

The fuck?
You're useless then.


I don't have any friends

>weebfag roast thread
It's been a while Sup Forums
It feels good to see a weebfag get btfo

I am legitamately disgusted by this thread.
This weeb faggot isn't even aware of it's autism, this faggot is a freak even for Sup Forums standards.


Instead of posting a chink drawing why don't you do something better like kicking the chair from under you

Get Shovel Knight. Get an Ys/Kiseki game too if you like Falcom, or Xanadu Next if you've already played those.

what does that mean

Well played OP but fuck you anyway. Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Have an anime smug girl.

You should know you fucking weeb

sorry i dont know what you mean.

OP go to /r9k/ and search steamfell, or just kill yourself.

Now thats dedication
I've never seen anyone shitpost so devotionally
Are you like, Australian-Canadian?

I know this is a shitpost but why am I still pissed? This is not advanced shitposting, this is ARITHMETIC shitposting

sorry im not trying to shitpost

Do you know anything besides anime, sorry, and "give game"
Or is that all you can say

I want to fug weeb-chan ^^

Check my god damn 6


Rabi Ribi?
God Eater?
you seem like a weeb try those.

play Terraria ~ I'd play with you

i feel nauseous

can someone give me attention i used japanese cartoon as my file

>japanese cartoon
Oh you fucked up,now everyone knows you truly are shitposting >_< :(( >:3 XD

no thats not me sorry

Please be in london.

I want to fill Satorin's underdeveloped, childish womb with my stinky NEET semen! I want to stretch her tight little cunny with my big adult COCK and see her squirm as my horribly dirty thoughts flood her mind!

what if I am?

You become my bf or gf.

im taken...sorry sweetie

I didn't ask though.

back off thats my bf faggot

Post your steam, user!

Not anymore he's not. He already called me sweetie, you guys are practically over.

listen here degenerate

>OP is getting exactly the attention he desired

>OP is a faggot

okay thanks

>normalshitter with normalfag friends
Wow who'd have thunk it.


If you could put down a lil more nier automata is great for escaping depression

okay, i will do that.

All the nep nep games were recently on sale, sure to provide joy to someone like you who posts le cute anime girl face.

and if you don't like them then you're a piece of shit and your suicide is overdue

OP allegedly supplied his steam profile

Recently played RE4, Bioshock Infinite and REmake but only has 5 games and none of those are in it. But RE5 is.

Combined with OP info that they refund all games they play, that means they refunded RE4 but decided RE5 was worth keeping.

Legit shit taste detected

refunded re4 bc optimization issues

be my girlfriend please

I'm not a girl!

I suppose that's understandable, but why refuned Infinite and REmake? Those are at least decent games.

It's 2017 silly, boys can be girlfriends.

Will you give me validation?

piss off retard

didnt like them

Why .-.

Don't pay, just play Deformed and enjoy blasting some cute blobs with your friends.

It's in open beta right now and it's a good time

I guess they didn't really want to be my friends so I deleted my post with the steam link.
I want somebody to talk to.
That sounds very nice Im checking it out

oh, okay

in that case shit taste kill yourself pls

sorry post steam

>I want somebody to talk to
Betrayed again. I thought you were like me.

you have issues