This is still the hardest boss fight in all of Souls or Bloodborne.
This is still the hardest boss fight in all of Souls or Bloodborne
Yea maybe if you suck dick at the game kill yourself
Gael is harder
NG+ levels start changing it around, like say, Ludwig NG+ shits all over Orhpan NG+.
gael is not hard
I say this as someone who ate shit to artorias like 20 times
I wouldn't even put Gael in the top five.
Not really a high bar. Try a real man's game like Nier or Monster Hunter.
This is the hardest boss fight in all of souls or Bloodborne.
m8, Gael was not harder than Friede. At most he was Ludwig/Kalameet level. I agree with you that as you go to ng+ things change. Friede becomes easier than other bosses when ng+ hits.
One of the hardest, for sure.
I think my personal list goes:
Nameless King
And maybe Manus
Never played Dark Souls 2, so I can't rate any of those bosses. Plan on fixing that soon though
>any of the non dlc bloodborne bosses aside from Ebrietas
I haven't played through DS3 DLC yet, I'd say prior to doing that Manus was quite hard.
Dark Souls 2 main game bosses are easy as fuck. DLC bosses are pretty tough and fun though. imo Burnt Ivory King is the hardest boss, but a lot of people say Fume Knight is the hardest boss of that game.
sister friede
fume knight
nameless king
fuck the fume knight
Interesting. I'll be picking of the 64bit version on steam soon, and I believe it comes with the dlc, so that's good.
Pretty excited to check it out.
ebrietas' AI breaks completely if you get to her left side and spin around
unless they patched it, I played it around launch
>Blood Starved Beast
No love (or hate) for Ancient Dragon?
That's the only boss I still haven't bothered to beat.
He's the worst boss fight of all the games.
If it's still in the game, I've never been aware of it. Still the hardest boss to beat without cheese in the base game easily.
I'll give you Logarius was a decently difficult boss, but Ebrietas and the dlc bosses are on another level.
He's pretty simple, just cheap
He's like defiled Amygdala, OHKO fights don't really count as hard.
Fume Knight is the hardest Souls boss, this is fact.
Bold claim
Dragon bosses are probably the worst bosses in the series. I always skip the optional ones now because they're annoying flying fuckers with huge hit boxes.
Midir is a good boss. Fuckin hard too
I forgot to mention the chalice dungeon bosses though, now that I think about it.
I would honestly say those are the toughest in the series, but it's for the wrong reasons so I'd rather not even count them.
Darklurker with a 2hand build was pretty brutal.
Maybe if you're brain dead.
hes quintessentially Dark Souls 2: the boss
An absolute fucking abomination. I still have PTSD
>tfw no remembers Ornstein and Smough pre patch
You plebs have no idea
>people saying shit like loran or gasgoine is the hardest
Did people just play bloodborne for like 3 hours and quit or something?
>tfw having to fight them at lvl 30-40 range due to soul numbers at launch
I always hear horror stories about pre patch DaS1.
It makes me wonder if I was lucky or unlucky to get into the series relatively late.
Brain dead is thinking any boss in Dark Souls III is hard at all.
Oh yeah forgot about him. He was actually kinda tough. Still say the DLC bosses were harder though.
hes only hard because he has 10 billion HP and kills you in two hits
>B team difficulty
what? pre patch was hardly any different
I think it's just one person saying that.
Bloodborne's base game definitely had the easiest bosses overall unless you count the chalice dungeons, which you shouldn't.
>someone insults DS2
>b-but muh DS3
harder than blue smelter demon or fume knight? top kek
>cool ranch smelter
What a stupid looking enemy jesus christ
They're probably more difficult than those slow meme bosses in 2. Just give the DLC bosses a bunch of health and damage and call it a day.
Well it doesn't matter does it? If we're talking about hardest boss whether it's a good boss or not then Fume Knight surely wins by a landslide, this isn't even arguable.
>hes only hard because he has 10 billion HP and kills you in two hits
He is an embodiment of Dark Souls 2's sins
What a fucking awful boss.
the definition of artificial difficulty
not even fucking close. Most DS2 dlc bosses were complete shitfests. I dont know why people praise them so much like they are any better than the main game.
Equip the ring that extends your rolling i frames in the second part, it will make both the sword and cape miss you.
>someone actually approved this boss design
>DaS2 fags actually like the lanky black armor guy with the Popsicle stick
Nah m8. Dark Souls got massively nerfed a month after release, and then even more by the time the PC version came out. They lessened the damage of most enemies, made armor protect you a lot more, made enemies less aggressive, made everyone drop a lot more souls, nerfed the health and pattern of most bosses, etc. Ornstein and Smough in particular were a LOT more aggresive before the nerfs, had at least twice the amount of health in phase 1, hit way harder, IIRC the butt slam always one shotted you unless you had over 1200 hp remaining, and had bigger hurtboxes.
Miyazaki must have liked the popsicle stick since it returned in DaSIII.
Midir gave me the most trouble on NG4+, but Friede was a close second.
>Any Smelter Demon
>Hard at all
kek, maybe if you do a no adaptability, only fire weapons run
i literally played it pre-patched months ago. no different. and if there was a difference, being able to ninjaroll with havels balanced it out
They also made lost izalith a cakewalk by removing the half of the dragon butts, and limiting the Aggro range. That place was terrifying.
His boss weapon is kinda disappointing. It's just a standard halberd moveset.
>he doesn't remember fog ring
well if we go by that road I think ancient dragon is the hardest most ball breaking boss. Took me about 30 tries which is unfathomable. Of course I didnt know about the cheese strat
I honestly, HONESTLY, have no idea why people say the bosses in Dark Souls III are hard, it's by far the easiest and most accessible Soulsborne game.
Ivory King is a fucking cakewalk, the only difficult part is the retarded npc companions and burnt knight gangbang.
idk, it felt a lot harder to me when playing unpatched. I'll have to delete all the game data and replay it unpatched on my ps3 again.
you're right, because i didn't get dark souls on release. when i played it months ago, i already knew about the dark ring so exploited that.
what was special about the old fog ring?
Nice filter, macaroni
he's not even the hardest boss of his own game, Ancient dragon takes that shit title.
You couldn't lock on to anyone using it.
You can cheese Ancient Dragon pretty easily, there's no way to cheese Fume Knight, he can just fuck your shit up if he feels like and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.
Just like everything in that piece of shit game, terrible proportions mixed with terrible animations, yet delusional PVPfags defend that pile of shit to death.
>hey, bloodborne's seamless phase transitions and multi-phased boss fights were pretty cool
>let's do that with EVERY SINGLE BOSS
is that how people learned about playing unlocked?
Gael seems like another Pontiff situation. Some people had a really hard time with him while others found him really easy. Maybe it depends on your build, it was easy to get hits in with a fast dex build.
There's no reason to cheese him since he's a fair boss. Not even that hard honestly.
Oh yeah infinite combos seem pretty fair.
Make it stay in first phase and he's piss easy.
Then again, the only hard part in his second phase is avoiding the fucking spells, at least for me.
I just stayed away from forest PvP as much as I could. You couldn't see anyone using the ring in that damn place.
>any BB boss hard when you can just get 27% dmg blood gems
fume knight is ez
is it a meme that hes supposed to be hard? i fucked that guy's boipucci on my second try. are spears OP against him maybe?
>he thought fume knight was hard
Beat him in like 5 tries on ng+3, with a slow as fuck strength weapon and no points invested in stamina. He telegraphs all of his attacks and the only threat is that spinning fire thing he does.
I have a quality build and I'm on NG+3, I use a shield (dragon crest) and a refined longsword, I beat Gael on my second try no joke, and I only died the first time because I didn't know about the stupid attack with the red skulls, but it seemed pretty easy to avoid most of his attacks and punish.
It made you completely invisible and opponents couldn't lock on
You said the same thing about the lightning dude in DaS3.
I painstakingly made my way through that shitshow in the hopes of finally getting a challenge, yet still beat him in 15 minutes with a poorly optimized set.
I'm not falling for this shit again. Enjoy your casual garbage franchise. You want a boss? Like a real boss? Try Valfalk.
No it's not. Phil DSP beat her without summons and excess estus flasks.
Meanwhile he couldn't even pass Ludwig and raged out of the old Hunters.
This is THE DSP here. Dark souls 3 banana btfo
actually, i think i remember hearing something about that. wasn't there some exploit with artorias's armor that made it more effective?
oh shit it's a tough guy
what's up tough guy
If you didn't know how to parry Gascoigne would fuck your shit up. Took quite a few attempts to kill him for me.
Obviously now I can deal with him no problem but when the game first game out he was my big road block.
may as well use cheat engine at that point, save for the white lady at the bottom of the chalice dungeons
Actually DSP died like 100 times to Champion Gundyr.
First phase is easy. The only curveballs the fight throws are Friede sometimes getting hyperarmor on attacks.
Second phase is pointless. Friede gets a participation award for showing up and Ariandel has maybe 5 highly telegraphed and easily dodged moves. The only threat posed is when Friede decides she wants to be close to Ariandel, rather than earning her participation medal with frost AoEs and one easily interrupted heal and becomes hard to spot in the clusterfuck of particles and clipping.
Third phase is the only real challenge and it's because the windows in which you can attack and stagger Friede are pretty short and less ubiquitous in the midst of her new AoEs and her long combo attacks.
It is hard if you get too frustrated by the first and second phases consuming too much of your time and can't Git Gud in the third phase when it matters.
They probably weren't mimicking BB in the main game as I'm fairly certain that every boss having two phases is a result of a scrapped gameplay mechanic.
How much did he grind?
I literally died 50 times against this guy
I'm angry. I want to play hard games, suffer and triumph. But there are no more hard games.
ds3 is just as shit as ds2
Actually DaS1 wasn't that bad pre patch, it was DaS2 that was difficult pre patch
The funny thing is the PC version launched without any easy mode patches, despite Consolefags claiming PCfags were gonna get the easy mode version
When you say "in all of", that means everything the game has to offer.
Chalice bosses definitely count, especially the ones required to get the trophy
By the way you're all wrong HMPH
The difficulty in Friede really is not tilting, that second phase really is padded out bullshit
He was level 102 by the end of the ashes dlc
kek, phil was on ng+ for TOH and he steamrolled though everything in the main game. If he had been on ng+ for sister friede he would have never beaten it either. I mean he also gave up on Nameless King and after 10 hours of failure he just summoned 3 people and had them beat it for him.
Hes overturned for NG & lower NG+ levels
artificial difficulty
The hardest bosses in ANY soulsborne goes to defiled HMPH HMPH with the two boomerang sickles and the defiled hotdog. Defiled amygdala doesn't make the cut because that fight is sort of a gimmick having to hit the head to do any real damage
I agree with you that they're the hardest. I just personally don't want to count them since they would skew the results a bit, and they're generally considered to not be very good bosses.
>pistol shot