Made a show about being a gamer

>made a show about being a gamer
>has a gaming twitch channel
>made a Dragon Age webseries
>Has her own Dragon Age DLC
>Voiced Veronica in Fallout
>Voiced Zojja in Guild Wars 2
>was in a Legend Of Zelda show

and yet you all still consider her a fake gamer

Not a single one of those is even a variation of "plays video games".

>quoting authentic and explot

man she must really be good at memeing


>has channel
notice the important verb you are missing

>did a bunch of shit that arent playing video games
woah, what a gamer

hoping she only has a minor roll in the new MST3k

he's such a dick it's hilarious.

every time

Liam Neeson must play games too by that logic

of course she plays games idiots.
how would she know to make shows about gamers if she didn't play games?
why are you all so threatened by her?

Snapping your thong and being spanked on the ass by a balding man doesn't make you a gamer. At least not the kind relevant to Sup Forums.

I'm glad she found a way to make money off having her ass spanked though. Ass spanking bux is probably decent money for the work.

You can be a good vidya businessman and not play games

Fuck off, Felicia.

"Geek culture" is a fad made for popular kids to help make the socially inept less relevant in society.

I swear, god created cuckoldry specifically because of wil wheaton.

>was in a Legend Of Zelda show

same here, she should be Cam Bitch

AAAnnd white males complaint why there exists feminism

literally everything wrong with video games post 2007

She got knocked up by a 70-year-old.

You got to be a geriatric to get into that pussy.

>She got knocked up by a 70-year-old.

she played a sex obsessed fairy who kept giving Link blowjobs (no I'm not joking)

Was it her father?

Maybe some women do exploit geek culture Felicia, I know you actually play video games but you don't have to defend every woman.

Of course that might be why women are winning the gender wars.

>Aging booth babe past her prime trying to hold on to what she has left with her small legion of beta orbiters
>Game tv shows with funny guy and hot babe is dated and not used anymore
>Average women get more attention and money showing a boob or saying some random guy's name while streaming some shit game.

No she just had a kid. I don't know his exact age but her bf is old as shit. That's why she probably never talks about him.

Yeah her long time boyfriend is like some really old guy, she never talks about or mentions him.

but man defends every man though, like some cucks are so proud of their penis because some successful dude fucks.

I wish olivia munn would fall that hard.

Literally everyone in every industry seems to hate her, but she keeps getting work.

>literally whos pretending to be celebrities and going full retard on Twidder
Why is this even a thing? When you go full retard in public no employer would hire you.

>>made a show about being a gamer
That was about as well written as BAZZINGA and had almost nothing to do with gaming, just what white suburb moms feel being a gamer was in 2000
>>has a gaming twitch channel
Which she uses mostly to rant about SJW issues while playing barely any good games
>>made a Dragon Age webseries
Bioware isnt videogames
>>Has her own Dragon Age DLC
Bioware isnt videogames
>>Voiced Veronica in Fallout
>>Voiced Zojja in Guild Wars 2
Dunno how thats videogames. Does that mean that Orson Welles is anime?
>>was in a Legend Of Zelda show
A PR stunt show. ravi drums is more videogames than this bitch.

She does nothing but pander to the lowest dregs of tumblr and twitter and uses videogames as a launching point.

> Which she uses mostly to rant about SJW issues while playing barely any good games

wew kinda ironic isnt it

>fake gamer
Why is this a thing? That's like being a fake painter, or a fake tabletop player.
Does she play video games in her spare time? If she does, then she's a gamer.
It's a fucking hobby, not some elite secret club.

>this person isn't fake look at all these jobs she did for money!

she's infecting my MST3ks too, can't wait for the day it's popular and everyone begins to suck Tom Servo and Cro's cocks simultaneously while not having watched the classic episodes

>Joel? Who's that? What's a Nelson? Brain guy? Erhardt?

>people who actually play vidya leave the confines of their vidya world
>people who play vidya do anything except make vidya as a job
Face it, user. She's a normie, and I bet you are too.

She's the new Forrester. It's fucking over.

>man defends every man
Its a doggy dog world out there

>cashes in on le geek culture whenever possible
>'wow why do people think im a sellout poser?'

okay that last sentence is so stupid that I can't not smile.

god damnit, I'd rather have a fatter Pearl than this shit


>playing barely any good games

don't be a weasel, user. we're not stupid.

>bioware isn't vidya

yes it is. we have bioware threads every day here, because bioware makes vidya.

furthermore, dragon age is a game.

she plays games.

>She does nothing but pander to the lowest dregs of tumblr and twitter and uses videogames as a launching point.

this point is valid. you would do well to stick with this angle instead of showing the world how dishonest, whiny, and impotent "real gamers" are in their disposition and their reasoning skills.

Fuck off leaf

>so terrified of her own fanbase she advocates crossing the street when coming across gamers

>"But they have not dissipated. And because of the frightening emotions and actions attached to what has happened over the last month, the events are sure to have a long-lasting affect on gaming as a culture. The fact that it has affected me, to the point where I decided to cross the street last weekend away from those gamers, was heartbreaking.."
just lmao

Like with every hobby though there are levels. You think someone who photobashes then throws a chromatic aberration filter on top of an image should be on the same level as a professional oil painter? or someone who makes different kinds of sandwiches in his kitchen a chef? Would you take film advice from someone addicted to the bay Transformers?

Because of average women that can't cut it for chad's attention attention-whoring in and around videogames to get validation from desperate beta orbiters.

>not even a real ginger
Why do people fall for this?

bumping epic twitter screenshot thread!

this is the quality content we need!

e celeb HYPE!

such a disgusting picture.
what was she thinking?

That's actually a pretty cute pic of her. She's over rated though, she's just hyped as being attractive for being a gaymer gurl.
Saying she's not big into the gaming community isn't doing any justice though. That's what she spends all her time doing, she likes normie shit and her audience is normie shit so who cares?

Stop using this.

>stop complimenting me you fucking misogynists

You're retarded. Is the kid who draws stickfigures in his notepad an artist?

Looks like a hard M begging to be punched in her belly.

You should have mentioned Fallout "New Vegas", which is not terrible, but not the golden standard.
And yes, I still consider the whole beta orbiter freak show around her to be "problematic", chance are she just part of yet another clique of opportunists.
And dragon age? Are you Kidding me?

>That's like being ... a fake tabletop player.

t. Person who has never had their group destroyed after the GM invited his gf

Actually, I just consider her an annoying piece of shit who is doing more damage than good. Oh, and who has absolutely no principles.

>The fact that it has affected me, to the point where I decided to cross the street last weekend away from those gamers, was heartbreaking.."

Of course we're all connected to some zany gamer network where the lord of games can change what we think and guys will go from talking about Halo to full rape mode in a second.

For someone who talks about being progressive and open minded, this really does come off very shallow and stereotypical of people who play games.

I never got why this bitch was relevant.

She looks like every other cosplay bitch you see at a con. She has a rat face and a skellington body. I can literally step outside and find 5 better-looking women in minutes.

Why are gamers so pathetic?

I am that GM.

I regret it very hard.

But I don't consider her a fake game, she's a MMO gamer, a.k.a. the lowest of the lowest rank amongst nerddom.

>Gaming culture

I love vidya, but i'd rather quit than having to take part in that shit. Gaming culture has been shit since "THE CAKE IS A LIE XD".

>With that tweet Felicia Day admits that she's been exploiting geek culture for years

After Saturday, are we just assuming that all SJW shitposters are Canadian now?

If the background wasn't a different colour, I wouldn't be able to tell if I have my Sup Forums tab open or my Sup Forums tab.

>Voiced Veronica in Fallout



One character that could have been good ruined forever, never sided with the BoS thanks to this cunt

>wears hat with lame sex joke that implies lesbian tendencies
That kid is going to be the parent soon

Being more interested in video games than someone else is not even the same scale of a gap. Doing something as a professional career vs a hobby is a terrible comparison. I really hope Sup Forums doesn't think that highly of themselves because that's just embarrassing.

>tfw Felicia Day will never be as much of a gamer as Michael Douglas

Fake gamer is retarded
Fucking shit with horse teeth is acurate


Celeb and e-celeb shit need to be a bannable offense on Sup Forums

>Calling another male a bootlicking whiteknighting faggot and making a flippant jest about the integrity of the woman said person was defending is grounds for fervent extremist misandry and other chaotic cancerous dogma.
Cuck yourself to death

why does she have to be so disgusting though

i dont, i know im a piece of shit shitstain on the world, but i bathe in it, molded by it, i am beyond your comprehension

I agree, she has nothing to do with gaming.

not really a gamer if you are not interested in it games for example you can be a movie fan read tons of reviews but barely watch any movies...are you still a movie fan or not? gamer is the same situation you can read a shitton of games reviews look at game art and listen to game music but barely play games are you still a gamer? yes

Gaming "culture" was always shit and full of memes.

The only thing that's changed is that evil dead and monty python aren't cool anymore and other stuff is or has been.

>a person who has been playing vidya his whole life, knows the ins and outs of many genres and is heavily involved with the culture of it all is on the same level as vapid bitches who play SM64 once and think they're so retro hardcore gamers
>literally sitting there and telling me that girl who was obsessed with Portal but never completed it has as much validity as someone who has competed in tournies

No. I wouldn't trust the opinion of someone who disregards films made before 1980 on what a good movie is and I certainly wouldn't trust the opinion of someone who is a casual "gamer"

Why do we hate the word gamer?
Would a different term be better, or is it just the attitude regardless of what term is used?

I don't even know who she fucking is or why is so important
Everyone acts like she's some sort of messiah to "geek culture" without ever really saying what she did.

Why is she apparently so fucking important?

Celebrities need to shut up about irrelevant stuff and do their jobs. You don't see film editors running their mouth off on twitter about politics.

This is sort of like the guy who talks about shit about how many blow off valves he's installed in his new mazda 240z

Every hobby has people who know thier shit and people that don't. And some faggots who just attention whore and make money off beta bux

You're not an authentic geek until you want to slap the people who keep tossing that word around like it's some sort of coveted title.

>Does that mean that Orson Welles is anime?

Gamer is a marketing tactic used to label people who play video games, in turn it makes them feel like part of a group. A more correct term instead of Gamer would be "Player" as that does not have that same level of validation looming over it.

That makes me wonder now.

Have rodeo and auto show babes likewise been SJW'd the way booth babes have?

OP, you work at a McDonalds but that doesn't make you a McDouble enthusiast.

>Exploit people who call themselves gamers
>Bitch about people who exploit others

>knows the ins and outs of many genres and is heavily involved with the culture
How does this apply to you? I bet the woman in the OP is more involved in the "culture" than you. Also lots of people have been playing games their whole life. Video games aren't a secret hobby or anything.

>evil dead and monty python aren't cool anymore.

Evil dead 2 is still ranked as one of the best 80's splatter movies.

Player sounds even more pretentious, tho.

Who considers her a 'fake gamer'? I'm pretty sure the only thing we've ever considered her is an ugly cunt.

its a bullshit marketing term.

before the mid 2000's i never even heard of people calling one another "gamers".

Gaming culture was nerd getting together and lan it out for 3 days straight.

This removed almost all of the normies.

Considering you weren't even born yet, is that a surprise?

Isn't she a huge Ultima fan though?

Also it's filled with experimental arthouse kino moments.

is it bad that i really like evil dead 3 but just plainly dislike all the other ones? not even dislike i just feel very casual about them they dont exite me and just bored me but the third one had me in tears it was also the first one i watched