>mfw will never get to see how the Legacy of Kain/Soul Reaver story ends
Mfw will never get to see how the Legacy of Kain/Soul Reaver story ends
Thanks for reminding me, user
fuck you
sorry this video game is
a) a video game
b) good
c) old
so Sup Forums won't talk about it
>no more comfy LoK threads
Feels bad man
I read it in his voice.
feels good to not be alone at least.
>Literally ended in LoK Defiance
Kain restore the balance, end.
Well, Amy Hennig went to Naughty dog back then, some of the VAs died, and it would make too much sense to bring it back, so they won't. Ozar Midrashim is still amazing.
But it did end in hope which is better than just either having a bad end or a good end. The only loose end was The Elder God which as far as we know is also stuck on a loop so he's fucked either way. The Janus problem solves itself in BO2.
remember me?
I remember there being so much salt when they unveiled they had to fucking scrub their youtube channel and re-upload with comments disabled
what are some other games where the 'knights of the round table' is told in reverse?
How would they've explained that Raziel could turn others into soul-suckers?
adaption/mutation of his vampiric ability to turn mortals into vampires of his own clan
They know the series has a cultura following, and even with that information they decided to fuck with it.
I heard that it was a decent f2p game.
you heard... incorrectly.
Kain BTFO's the time parasite using the true soul reaver
an additional game in the franchise would just have been about Kain destroying what cornerstones of power it had left before hunting down its 'heart', possibly at the moment of time when it first arrived on the planet
for no other reason than funds
I actually enjoyed it, played it like 60 hours. They didn't support it well enough though, so it never got out of beta.
It was cancelled because it was a bad game, a bad idea, and infuriated the fans
if the fans weren't little pissbabies and supported the game it could have lead to their highly anticipated sequel, but nah, let's just tell the developers to never make a LoK game ever again
I thought all the razielim were hunted to extinction (until the Nosgoth bullshit).
>We will never play as that giant man-bat from the concept art
No. Eat shit and die, shill. It doesn't work that way.
And they were all misogynists too!
What's next, you gonna call us entitled for not supporting terrible games?
>Implying that the developers would ever make a singleplayer game If Nosgoth proved to be financially successful.
Nice try.
The sequel became Shadow of Mordor, its multiplayer component is what went on to become Nosgoth.
It bombed because it tried appealing to an audience that was not there, and did so at the expense of a dedicated and voc fanbase. The game was doomed from the very beginning.
>The sequel became Shadow of Mordor,
You mean that leaked 2015 footage with the black face guy? Whatever it was supposed to be called. That became shadows of.mordor?
Makes a lot of sense now that I go back and look at SoM, and compare the early alpha footage..
Shadow of Mordor open meme is a great way to do vampires. Too bad so many other elements of shadow of Mordor were shit due to being rushed
i played all of the games in the series but can't remember much about the last 3
What was rushed about it?
I'm just asking because I can't imagine how they could possibly have improved the game. Don't get me wrong, it's shit, but it is so damn formulaic that I don't see how they could change anything. I have to look up whether it was made by Ubisoft every time because it's basically just one of their open world games
Well the entire missing third act/zone that was supposed to exist, for one. Or did you really think it was planned all along to end with a brief siege and a QTE?
Yeah, that leaked footage was basically scrapped and Dead Sun made its way into a Middle Earth setting.
There was no way thet could have done justice to the old games, though. But I'll admit that the leaked footage and the setting looked interesting.
Haha yeah, more areas would make the game so much better, right? Another 5 towers to repair, another 30 side missions that are all the same, and another 100 collectibles, and the game would suddenly be good
You asked what was cut,.I told you. Our opinions of the game (mine is that it was just ok and did suffer from open world blands) are irrelevant
No, I specifically asked what they would have improved if they had more time
Good to know the elements that were shit you originally referred to are literally only the boss fight and a cut zone
How important is Blood Omen to the overall story? I played it like a year ago but I already forgot all the fine details
Is knowing that Kain did time travel shenanigans which led to some future where vampires got hunted down enough? I also know SR1 takes the Kain refusing to restore the Pillars ending as canon
Blood Omens sets up a lot of shit that's important in SR2 but it's mostly minor details
Don't want a continuation now. It's been too long.
Shit happens man. Raziel breaking the cycle by restoring Kain to his place as Scion of Balance was good enough
It was simply okay. Don't listen to the adamantly contradictory Defiancefags who are crying that their game got scrapped because of it.
The thing is, in my opinion the game shouldn't even fucking exist at all. Singleplayer and it's story is what makes Legacy of Kain, Legacy of Kain. I have no idea why they thought that making a multiplayer was something the fans want... It's a shame that Defiance got kicked because of it, but game is nowhere near as abysmal.
Here's all you need to know
>The Timestreamer is a little bitch
>Kain tried to stop a warlord from destroying Nosgoth, failed, went back in time to assassinate him, turned out this warlord used to be a beloved king named William the just, Timeguy used this to whip up anti vampire sentiment and initiate pogroms/kill Vorador all according to Keikaku
>Kain kills Timeguy but since he's a time traveller it don't stick
>Kain finds the soul reaver Inna church
>The last pillar guardian turns into some fuck wierd demon
>It turns out Kains death and resurrection was plotted all along to purify the circle via death
>Then they expect Kain to off himself
>Lmao no
>Life is precious, Janos discovered, as it was torn throbbing and beating from his chest
Some of these questions can be answered though far from all imo.
>younger Kain finding the Soul Reaver in the Blood Omen era
If Raziel had killed Kain in the chapel of Willhelm, he would be devoured by the sword later on. With this, Moebius could easily place it there through some means given his role in the whole circle.
>prevent Raziel from resurrecting Janos Audron
As I recall the Sarafan/Hylden used Janos as a means to channel their magic into Nosgoth, and ultimately freeing him would mean that they could get a way to destroy all in the land.
>the Circle was powerless against Vorador
I wouldn't be suprised that the reason was simply that Vorador was far too strong for the magic. One of the main reason they could subdue him later was because of Moebius's staff.
>Mortanius's whereabouts during the slaughter
Could be any place other than the Sarafan keep. The Hylden having acces to the TIme stream, possibly having Mortanius already under their influence, could've meant that they already knew what was to come, and simply chose to save their puppet for the time being.
>the fate of Razielim
Kain armed with the Reaver could simply kill all of them by himself, or order the other clans to destroy them.
>Vorador's resurrection
Somewhat iffy, though not impossible. He was "only" beheaded, not killed with a stake, sunlight or water. If his body remained intact, it could be restored imo with some sort of magic by Kain. It was but a fleswound one might say.
> the means by which the Hylden could see into the time-stream
Being imprisoned into the demon realm lead them to be immortal. Maybe the realm existed beyond the limitations of time of Nosgoth, and they had the chance to see the events that would unfold as a whole.
> the Seer
To my headcannon, she was always a bastard breed of ancient vampire and hylden. Among other things that could give answer why she was exempt from the binding.
Defience refrences blood omen a ton so it helps to understand whats going on if you know blood omens story.
It devolved into sentinel vs scout cuckery. Otherthan that i was quite sad to see it go away.
Defiance was the end of the soul reaver story. Raziel got his final death in defiances ending. Thats it for Raziels story, he gave his soul reaver to Kain, ending his thousand years of torment as an insane soul hungry spirit.
Don't forget that you're basically playing through blood omens intro in soul reaver 2
Come to think of it 2 has plenty of characters from blood omen appearing too. Vorador and Janos is a small refrence to blood omen too.
>Kain's true endeavour had yet to be specified
It was to defeat the Elder God. "You must unite what has been set asunder. Only then will the Scion be armed for his true endeavour". Ariel told Raziel to unite the Blood Reaver and Wraith Blade so Kain can be properly armed against the Elder God.
>Kain's motives to prevent Janos' resurrection had yet to be divulged
The Hylden use Janos as a vessel to enter the physical world. Kain warns Raziel not to raise Janos after realising and exclaiming it is a Hylden trap at the end of SR2
>The reason the circle of nine was defenseless had yet to be revealed
How do you miss the coolest throwback in SR2? We hear Vorador slaughtering the circle as Malek is guarding Moebius. When he hears their cries, Moebius orders him to stay put.
>The underlying meaning behind Anacrothe's "stand with us" had yet to be revealed
Corrupted by Nupraptor's insanity, they were up to nefarious shit like that tower in Dark Eden. Mortanius was obviously not a part of their schemes.
>Time travel not properly explained
It has been explained about as well as time travel can be explained in any fictional story.
>The fate of the Razielim had not been revealed
It is revealed in the first ten minutes of Soul Reaver. Kain exterminated them.
The rest of these are either fine or unimportant. The biggest plot points not concluded are Elder God's death, Kain returning the Reaver to Avernus, and Kain restoring the destroyed pillars.
At the time I really wanted a continuation, and the continuation would still fit right in, I think, but for what it's worth the series did actually pick a really good moment to spontaneously end.
The exact moment when Kain, just once, thinks not everything is screwed and he has a chance. It is fitting in a way.
In any case, while it would be possible to make one final game then and just make it complete fanservice and resolution to the series, nowadays it would probably be impossible. It's all just resolved a little too well in Defiance for a full new series, and nobody is going to be interested in producing a single game for a cult fanclub which might or might have not died out.
So maybe we should really be happy the ending was as conclusive as it was. It could be worse.
Yeah that's roughly what I remembered, now that you mention it I remembered that the entire thing was a plot by the time guy
Also, soul reaver just being a a good sword that sucks souls or something instead of the Kain/Raziel duality that it ends up being
Vorador is that older vampire who tries to recruit Kain (and obviously gets killed) and isn't of much consequence otherwise, right?
I don't think Janos shows up in BO1
So Raziel is detached from fate or whatever and can do what he wants
But didn't Kain already defy fate when he refused to restore the pillars?
Is Fate just an invention by the Elder God
Oh, I remember how angry I was when this was revealed. And I was actually angry at the very fact there is this war going on between humans and vampires, and how we're playing the grunts. At the time, I was really confused why, since it didn't seem like there was actually anything wrong with extrapolating on the wars and minutia of the setting.
And then I understood - Legacy of Kain was basically kind of like a stage play in game form, and I was aggroing on the tonal shift. Only main characters matter, they have extensive vocabulary and long dialogues with philosophical musings inside, plot is driven by emotional turmoil of those characters, their personal flaws is a major source of problems, the other being fate, everybody else exists only as a backdrop and barely shows up. All these details were so intertwined in my mind with the series, I could not imagine it being different.
It's actually kinda weird how tonally coherent the whole series was, considering its production history. I think the only game that doesn't really fit the description is BO2, and I always thought it was kinda weird, and barely felt like a part of the series. Though it still wasn't as bad as Nosgoth.
He can do whatever he wants but he's the only one who can so he's still bound by existential factors.
Vorador isnt super important but hes still plenty relevant.
Janos gets a short mention in the heart of darkness item from what i remember. A very small refrence but Janos didnt appear from nothing in soul reaver 2.
Kain not restoring the Pillars was fated too, otherwise Raziel wouldn't be able to show up and go into Soul Reaver.
It's a weird thing about time manipulation with fate written in - you still have to go through the motions of securing that most outcomes come to what you want, even though whether or not you succeed is predestined and almost all of those possibilities will not actually happen, since causality still holds up and to win you need to go through the motions of winning. Well, somebody like Raziel walking around does make it incredibly important the timeline is manipulated well too, since he can actually stumble into one of those outcomes at any time. In any case, the possibility of Pillars being restored and Nosgoth dying anyway was just one of those "fallbacks".
It's a good question whether Kain's actions in SR2 or Defiance can be read as "denying fate", though, but he himself didn't seem to believe that.
You know, what I'm really interested in is, what was the timeline like before Kain killed William the Just? Mobius and Elder God decided that it was worth changing, despite this being exactly the hint Kain needed to become a major player afterwards. Apparently, it wasn't that good a timeline for them.
Wasn't it at one point revealed the entire reason for changing the timeline was so they wouldn't get fucked by the Hylden? Or am I misremembering that terribly
Does that text have a source?
For the elder god a timeline where vampires live is a bad one. It'd probably wouldnt be that much diffrent from soul reaver 1 timeline since Kain would still ive a 1000 years to rape earth in the ass.
good. imagine what they'd turn it into
Shit, I didn't even know I wanted that
6 hour long co-op campaign with micro transactions
They made a bad-to-mediocre assymetrical arena shooter with no story, using a license renown for its great story-driven single player.
Of course no real fan would support this, I don't know what make them believe otherwise
>ywn kill your former self armed with your future self in an arena representing you killing yourself