Are shoot em ups the most hardcore game genre in existence?

Are shoot em ups the most hardcore game genre in existence?

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fighting games are

STGs are pure skill games, you either are good at them or you're not

When it comes to single-player, yes
There are more hardcore genres like but they're competitive (played with other people, not single)
>you either are good at them or you're not
"Pure skill" literally implies that you can improve at them like any other skill


I think they and RTS are the most genetics based games

Fighting is certainly in the top of the top, but it's way more popular. For better or worse only extremely hardcore gamers play japanese shoot em ups and are able to clear them, and only 1/1000 of those are able to achieve respectable scores.

>pure skill
>can't improve at them

Cars Games

you're forgetting the most hardcore single game in existence

you're very capped by your natural abilities in shoot em ups

sure you learn how to read patterns better but if you start out and can't make it to stage 3 of a cave or touhou game (on hard/lunatic) then you don't have the genes and brain wiring to be good at these games

>mindless grindmonkey memorization

>being this shitty baiter
You disgust me and my whole family.

por que no los dos

no rts

I'm sorry but not everyone has the genetics to get a ketsui 2ALL, nmnb lunatic SA, or garegga letter score.

I know you are probably some millennial who got handed participation trophies since you were shitting yourself so you think "everyone can be a winner!" but it's simply not the case in a highly difficult genre like fighting games, RTS, or shoot em ups.

Why can jaimers (best western shoot em up player who tops all the steam leaderboards in 100 hours for every game) be a god despite playing on a fucking pad through a converter and people that have been on the shmups.system11 forums for 10 FUCKING YEARS can't even 1cc dodonpachi or a touhou game on hard?

It's genetics. Just like height, dick size, intelligence. Skill at videogames, especially at difficult genres, is 90% genetics. Fucking get over it subhuman.

here's a (You) for the effort

Untrue. Most arcade STGs require memorization and diligence to 1cc. Skill seems to play a bigger part in more bullet-hell types, though even those can be learned.

How to gid gud at shmups? Spent a few hours playing Galaga some time ago and got crushed most of the time before even reaching level 15.

memorization in that you have routes to increase your score, or a way of dealing with a certain pattern, yes

but will you ever be able to 'memorize' this? no. You'll still have to have extreme skill in addition to knowing how to apply it.

Sup Forums says shoot em ups are 'all memorization', they don't know what the fuck they're talking about. Shoot em ups and fighting games (not smash, which is not a fighting game, nor sfv, nor NRS shit) require the highest level of genetic quality. That's why they are niche and only played by an elite group.

lel @ this post

>it's another dumb jaimers fanboy
Do you think he just picks up a game and clears first try? You think he didn't grind out a savestate to practice that TLB?
I guess it's easier justifying why you're shit at STGs by blaming genetics. Even then, you could argue the ability to learn or put effort into beating them is all genetics.

>I guess it's easier justifying why you're shit at STGs by blaming genetics. Even then, you could argue the ability to learn or put effort into beating them is all genetics.
>shit at STGs

really makes me think...

I don't waste your time talking about Shmup on Sup Forums or in Sup Forums in general.

We should call them salty the general.

i-is that supposed to prove that you're not shit?

>That time counter
Winning a defensive win in that game must be mindnumbing

>that score
>not shit at STGs
But I guess you're pretty good compared to the cabinet collecting dads.

also before you say YOU'RE SCORE IS A SHIT like I know a retard like you will

remember that

1. I have less than 30 hours in the game and less than 70-ish in the genre
2. I used no route.
3. I qualified for the second loop by dying under 2 times

so I think we can establish while I am not good and will never claim to be (because I lack the brainpower/genetics to be good), that I am not "shit" especially given the time I've put in

Was that English?

>you're not allowed to call me bad because I'm a beginner and play like a retard

I never use routes and never play for score, I just oogabooga'd my way through the game. I qualified by dying under 2 times and have only gotten my toes wet at this point in the genre.

Anyway this isn't about my score, he said I was 'shit' and making an excuse. I know I will never be good, that's the point, because of genes, but I'm not terrible, no.

It's not about my score. It's that I got to 2-3 with no routing or chaining whatsoever with minimal time in the genre.

Why don't you share your score then, if you're so talented?

Hey! That's just mean. I am a cabinet collecting dad and I am not that shitty on shmups. I can 2 all cyvern on my bootleg nova PCB you twat.

Yeah sorry we aren't all burgers here.

>Why don't you share your score then, if you're so talented?
I wasnt the one claiming to be good based on a bad run in low playtime though. I'm not talented at all and you will find out if you are at a much later point if you continue that far.

I never claimed to be good (nor will I ever be genuinely good I don't think). What the hell are you talking about. I just said I wasn't SHIT. You said I was shit and I proved to you that I got halfway through a fairly difficult looped game. Stop moving the goalposts.

We all know every other answer than RTS is just purely dishonest.

Sorry, daddy. Please don't whip me with the belt again.

Nah even rocket league takes way longer to master than any shmup, you can't really memorize that shit

Schmups aren't even hard. The secret to all of them is to stare at your character and the general vicinity around it and dodge the bullets while just holding down the fire button and hope you chip th boss. Instead people play it like a normal shooter and stare at what they are shooting at instead

post you're scores

That's just the secret to clearing a Touhou game on normal mode. Looking at the enemies and killing them before things get too crazy is smarter, since most of the time it's just streaming bullets, and thus, you don't have to stare at your ship.

The 2 point of view are valide. even if I still think training and repetition
prevails more than natural aptitudes like good memory and reflex.

You people should make peace by playing Side arms or dogyuun in co-op.
Nan user I would never hit you but you better go play Cyvern cause it's awesome. (emulation is better know I think)

If you're 1ccing yeah.

>since most of the time it's just streaming bullets
You mean like in SA? Yeah man. That totally works all the time.

>since most of the time it's just streaming bullets,

what the fuck am I reading nigga

I'll assume this is a cry for help. Which parts are giving you trouble?

Since it must not have been obvious, I was talking about other STGs. I know 2hubabbies often forget they exist.

I find the control scheme to be a bit too simple for it to be truly hardcore. Don't get me wrong - It's hard as fuck, but all you have to do is move left or right.

Compare to a hardcore game like Monster Hunter where every action has weight to it, just moving around and keeping the monster in your sights has a skill ceiling.

Shmups is the purest videogame genre,its all about simplicity,addictive gameplay and music.

IYO, what's the single most difficult part of any shoot 'em up ever?

I'm going with this or the CUUUUUBES

You'll probably like bullet-hells like CAVEshit or Touhou more. They have some interesting scoring systems. Saying this as a fellow MHfag that only plays solo.

Any specific recommendations?

>your favourite shmup dev team doesn't exist anymore

Say her name Sup Forums

Let's get this out of the way.
hori >>>> verti

>genetics make you good at stgs
Good joke Sup Forums. I'm a complete mutt, mostly black, american. When I first started playing I couldn't even survive stage 1 of a cave game reliably and now I can shit all over every game they've ever released. The only physical skill involved in stgs is just learning to control your ship/character accurately which will take a few months at the most. Literally everything else is mental growth, much like drawing. The height of skill in this genre is just learning to predict the trajectories of hundreds of bullets all at once so that you know where you need to move well in advance of actually making the input. I imagine a woman might have a bit more trouble with it because their eyes can't judge distance and whatnot as well but any man whose learning curve plateaus in this genre is suffering from some mental hangup, not genetic inferiority of all things.


>not playing topsy-turvy upside-down shmups

That a fact.

Learning the system is a big part of it too. Also no North American has Cleared Black or white label of dodonpachi without macros or a full loop.

>Good joke Sup Forums

Who said anything about Sup Forums? Pazzy is black ( or indian or something idk but he has dark skin based on his hands) and he has the ketsui and DOJ western WRs and is close to the Japanese ones. You're a retard for reading Sup Forums into my post. My one steam friend is black and he's great at videogames and extremely intelligent and gets immediately very talented at anything he tries.

lmao at that train of thought to link what I said to Sup Forums- develop reading comprehension.

Just played through the entire Gradius franchise.

Why is 4 so fucking underrated and Gaiden so fucking overrated?

Because we didn't get Gaiden till the PSP collection. So it was over hyped. 4 Wasn't underrated as much as it wasn't played.


Only reason it's "hardcore" is because Bullet Hell games ate up all the attention of the entire SHMUP genre. There used to be games made in the genre regular people could enjoy.

This is why a lot of NA runs have big ol * on them. Either they run the games on emulators, which fucks up the game because how mame emulates SH2 cpu. So you will see a lot of american runs with *.

Most console shmups were like that. It got hard to sell a 2 hour game for 50 dollars.

Emulator play has no value. Many people in the Western shmup community openly encourage the use of hacked emulators to give yourself as much of an advantage as possible. Or in other words, cheat.

>Many people in the Western shmup community openly encourage the use of hacked emulators to give yourself as much of an advantage as possible.


are you talking about using savestates to practice? are you an autistic PCB collecting farmdad that can't stand that people don't want to spend 1k on a videogame?

>hacked emulators

Also if you look at Scorer events in Japan its always on real hardware, on arcade sticks. The thing is learning how to play the game on a keyboard is actually putting you at a disadvantage if you actually want to play at the same level the top players do. Because your record is going to have that * on it.

True. The Asians don't fuck with anything but real hardware.

I will try and find the WR for those games and all the NA and international records have * on them for either using adaptors or macros.

How many can you name without looking it up?

you also have to play in a real arcade, without the discuragement of having to spend money on every credit and other people hogging the machine you're giving yourself an unfair advantage!

Japanese play their games slowly. They play in a single quarter and its about trying to squeeze the most amount of time from 100 yen. And they might play that game for months.

Its not unheard of people buying or renting the PCB's in japan. They used to do that all the time for fighting games.

Just give me

1. Hori
2. Space
3. A kickass OST

and I'm sold.

>hardcore this, hardcore that
what ever happened to playing vidya james for fun

touhou 8 imperishable night (not him)

"Fun" is now equated to "so piss-easy that a retarded limbless baby can't possibly fail it".

Why would I respect a game which doesn't respect me as a player?

If you're not trying to be the most hardcore player in the most hardcore game you're wasting you're fucking life, idiot

What are some really good shmups?
I've been playing through alot of my old favorites and want some more obscure ones I might have missed.

anything but touhou is trash

Because this is a harmless pastime and not some sacred warrior marriage or something?

This isn't like reading a book. Games are a challenge, like training at the gym. My life was saved thanks to playing so many hard games.

Wrong. No woman is worthy of my seed unless she can 2ALL Dodonpachi DaiOuJou with a high score.

I don't even care about scores just want to get a 1cc.

>tfw last boss in deathsmiles is a huge difficulty jump

Cho Ren Sha 68K

Why can't I 1CC mushihime Sup Forums? Do I just suck?

because you're not putting in the effort

2d fighting games are, why? Because there arent any women playing 2d fighters apart from guilty gear games which are designed for women.

>implying there are women that play shmups,wargames,grand strategy or run and gun games either

Women in general shouldn't be the standard for anything

If you're really desperate, you could always save up resources and spam bombs. It's what I usually do during that stupid boxes attack.

>not playing verizontals with the top half of the screen covered

look at Area 88/UN squadron are awesome games. Arcade version is more forward and harder SNES add shitones of thing but kind of too easy.

Hotdog storm is not that original but pretty solid to play.
Outzone rev B should be a big challenge (dont play rev 1 if you aren't up for the challenge)
Cyvern is a bless from the gods but the emulation is shit.

Want something obscure ? Life Fortress Volcabamba.

I practice user I do. Even if I memorized the bullet patterns one just manages to scrape my hitbox

Because you aren't actually trying

I don't know of any women that play shoot em ups besides one girl that attentionwhores on the shmups forum and kamui (who is a tranny/biological male)

>apart from guilty gear games which are designed for women.

LOL capcuk detected

Guilty Gear has more tranny players than Street Fighter

do you have a single fact to back that up?

the second best sf player at the moment is a spic tranny and the top gg players are all japanese guys (that aren't trannies)

if you're referring to Sup Forums trapfags, well they're secondaries that don't even play the game

>tfw your pc is trash
>all the more recently released ports have system requirements above and beyond yours

Ricki Ortiz is a female (female)