so is this game safe to buy now? did they ever fix it?
So is this game safe to buy now? did they ever fix it?
worked fine for me
what's wrong with it
Ran well on my machine.
It was largely fine a few days after release and completely fixed within two weeks. PC gamers can be mouth breathing fuckwits when it comes to performance expectations. I had no issues running it at 1440p ultra with an i5 4670k and GTX 1070.
It's excellent by the way, possibly even better than the original.
so no?
>posts all saying it works fine
i bet you have to wear velcro shoes
Reading some of the recent reviews on steam,it seems fine.
I am waiting for a sale in order to pick it up.
how low is your iq to not recognize obvious works4me trolling?
Got it a week ago, ran perfectly smoothly.
Was a bit disappointed by the graphics though, dunno if they downgraded it or something but especially the distant decors looked like shit. Art style is 11/10 though.
How fucking dumb are you to ask on Sup Forums if you aren't going to believe the responses either way?
Enjoy missing out on the best game of last year because butthurt retards couldn't run it at ultra on four year old graphics cards.
is bethesda itself in this thread?
you're a fucking idiot
what's your problem?
What answer will you actually accept?
It always ran ok for me on an i5 and a 960 as long as I didn't try and put everything on Ultra
I wasn't fond of the HBAO+ effect in the game, made it look somewhat murky and had a disproportionate performance impact. Might be worth having another look without it enabled if you had that setting on before.
just trying to compile enough earnest/useful info to help me decide
What system do you have?
On my 1080 it runs like a dream with everything maxed.
On my friends 270x it's basically unplayable even at all lowest.
>guys does it work
>>yeah it does
>lmao fucking trolls
is the implication supposed to be that's a silly/unreasonable scenario? weird
Yes it was fixed within two weeks after release.
I played it with a 680 on ultra except for one or two things like shadow quality and SSAO on medium or something like that and it ran at 40/50fps. For a relatively old PC that's ok.
r9 fury / i5 3750k @ 4 ghz / 8gb ram
that sounds promising
no it is rubbish it runs at 20fps on 1080p with ctd every ten minutes.
specs: i7 6950x, sli 1080 ti and 32gb ram
still mad?
yes my pc is worth more than your life peasant
What do you mean? It ran perfectly fine at launch.
The game has been safe to buy for a long time now, that however doesn't change that it's not a very good game.
>AI is worse than DH1, it repeatedly does shit like a guard opening a door, turning around, getting shocked that the door is somehow open and going on alert, take whale oil out of a wall of light and the guards will investigate.... when they find nothing they return to their posts to once again be shocked that the wall of light has been disabled.
>Story is just fucking awful, especially when playing as Emily where you'll be an utterly incompetent and unlikable moron who constantly reminds you how much of a fucking imbecile she is. "Hurrrr I kind of just thought problems would fix themselves like they always do durrrrr :^)"
>Combat is dull, ridiculously easy and repetitive, variety of powers can spice things up but it won't make things challenging
>Stealth is even easier, especially with powers but even without you'll have no real moments where things get hard.
>Expect some really stupid bugs due to how the game loading works (it basically drops actors in their positions) so you can put a knocked out guard on a balcony, miss a jump and after loading the body you put on the balcony is dead on the ground.
>Low chaos is even more retarded than it was in DH1, where it made sense to not kill guards so they could keep the peace, and they were just doing their damn jobs, in DH2 they are literally insurrectionists shown to constantly be killing people, but killing them will somehow make things worse :^)
Don't buy this garbage, spare yourself the disappointment.
It runs and looks like shit
It's a great game though. Back your your random jrpg, loser.
thank you duckman
that ai thing is disappointing. my biggest problem with 1 was how dumb the enemies were, even on the hardest difficulty.
>"Expect some really stupid bugs due to how the game loading works (it basically drops actors in their positions) so you can put a knocked out guard on a balcony, miss a jump and after loading the body you put on the balcony is dead on the ground."
that sounds ridiculous.
Just because people's toasters couldn't run it doesn't mean there was anything wrong with it.
I'd wait until they get rid of denuvo if i were you. Bought DOOM right after they did the same with it.
Only reason denuvo got removed from doom was because it got cracked and Bethesda could claim a refund of the licensing fee that way.
you sound like a business savvy guy
It's not like they've updated their drm on Dishonored. CPY might crack it.
Based Razorfist says its the second worst game of 2016, I feel sorry for any moron that bought this crap.
runs 50-60 FPS on i7-4790k - 960GTX
It makes no sense to go violent/high chaos though
Still worth it IMO
nothing to fix in the first place
game is great
go for it