What other Gamecube games are necessary for every collection? Pic related is all I got.
I was thinking of picking up P.N.03 out of curiousity.
What other Gamecube games are necessary for every collection? Pic related is all I got.
I was thinking of picking up P.N.03 out of curiousity.
Killer 7
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
pikmin games, eternal darkness, metal gear solid, paper mario, and baten kaitos to start
going good so far user. restoring a gc collection has been expensive for me
>came to post lost kingdoms 1
>its already there
What the fuck
I actually The Twin Snakes coming in the mail soon. Paper Mario is stupidly expensive so I'm just aiming for Killer 7, which I haven't played ever.
Is Eternal Darkness as good as I hear?
Eternal Darkness is great. One of the later Survival Horror games that were published before the bottom fell out and the genre turned to shit.
I wouldn't call it "scary" as much as it can be unnerving. Basically re-writing Lovecraft without having to mention Lovecraft.
Kirby Air Ride
Twin snakes, eternal darkness, windwaker and holy shit you already have TP.
maybe mario party 5.
You already have pretty cool stuff to be honets.
I wanted to start collecting GC games again, but my wallet is glad that I didn't and I'm also glad that Dolphin exists in such a functional state.
Thanks for the responses, guys. I'm writing all this shit down in an autistically fashioned checklist.
Is MP5 the best of the bunch?
Wind Waker
Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg
Paper Mario
Super Mario Sunshine
Metal Arms
F-Zero GX
Waverace Bluestorm
Starfox Adventures
Star Wars Ruge Leader and Rebel Strike
Sands of Time
Timesplitters series
007 Nightfire and Everything or Nothing
Spartan: Total Warrior
Not OP but I opened one of my old xbox games and my game is dusty after not being not opened for 2 years, any way to clean it? It reads error on my old xbox
I heard old Xbox's are practically ticking time bombs. I don't know the specifics but look up 'xbox capacitor' on Google. Not sure if that'd be the issue you're having but it's worth a look anyway.
For dust, just use water and a dish sponge. Dry it off with a bath towel or use a blow dryer
Ikaruga, Phantasy Star Online/2, Luigi's Mansion, Battalion Wars, Baten Kaitos/2, Pikmin, Captain Rainbow, Doshin the Giant
>xbox capacitor
I don't think thats my problem as several of my other games work it's just one or two games that got dusty, but I will look into this for sure
will do
>Paper Mario : TTYD
>Pokémon : Gale of Darkness
Wii U has definitive version
>MP1 & 2
Wii has definitive versions
>newest == definitive
Killer 7
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
Chibi Robo
TP HD has a new dungeon, hard mode, both mirrored and non-mirrored Hyrule, and it's in HD.
Metroid Prime Trilogy has all the Prime games with the best control scheme.
There's no such thing as an essential game for every collection.
Eternal Darkness and Killer 7
>TP HD has a new dungeon
lol you're gonna call that shit a dungeon?
>hard mode
who cares
>both mirrored and non-mirrored Hyrule
who cares
>it's in HD
lol the new textures are high res and they still look worse, and the framerate dips in some spots.
All that patrician taste but no Killer7? You confuse me
Gotcha Force is very good, but has gotten very pricey.
Where's Luigi's Mansion?
i took a fresh picture of my gamecube collection, never sold mine off so i have some expensive shit mixed in.
some games are straight shit but i got them in wholesale lots when people were dumping their games when wii/xbox360 ect came out.
also the reason for two splintercells is because one has a copy of true crime in it.
The first 2 Super Monkey Ball games.
dont get PN03 its just more waifufags claiming shit when the gameplay is trash
Okay, I'll bite. Why are the GameCube boxes upside down?
it's not bait, it's regional differences. the unitied states for example had gamecube cases where the GAMECUBE part was at the bottom.