Can we have a comfy BotW thread?

Can we have a comfy BotW thread?

Do you like this formula or the old one better? What do you want to see in the story, hard mode and dungeon DLC? What about improvements and changes to the sequel, as well as aspects you want them to carry over? Also why is Hyrule castle the best dungeon in the series?

Other urls found in this thread:

If gerudo link is your favorites outfit you're gay. Period

Anyways I find it hard to replay 3D zeldas other than MM after playing BotW. Even WW, a game I really liked, feels extremely primitive to me. I do hope they use BotW as a new foundation for the series, adding new longer dungeons and maybe a more focused story?

What is your favorite track from the OST and why is it Akkala Tech Lab?

what's so gay about liking a girl?


Definitely prefer this formula. I don't think I could go back to the old style of Zelda games again. Too much tutorial, too much hand-holding, too much "you can't go there yet" type nonsense. Also not a fan of the dungeons where you get one new item and then of course the entire dungeon uses that item and then you never really need it again.

Love the Divine Beasts. They're short, but I think the solution is more of them, not making them longer. I'm a huge fan of how coherent the design is, since they are an open design that let you go inside and out.

>not the Ganon beast battle
I'm a sucker for dissonant piano, come at me

God this game get boring really fast. What's the point of big map if there's nothing interesting going on in it.

>landscape looks generic, static and boring as fuck

Yeah, try again, fucktard.

Divine beasts would be fine if they are 1.5-2 times as long, and look different from each other or be themed, and have a SOTC-style lead up

Right now, they are just unused potential and short puzzle sections

Quite a lot of interesting things go on imo, but if you don't like open world games in general there's a high chance you won't like this

>I don't know how to hate on something I don't want to like so i'll use 'generic'

I've come to the conclusion that BotW is a great open world. With bits and pieces of an okay Zelda game sprinkled throughout.

>it's literally photomode, which freezes the game

I wish there're more than 10 kind of enemy in this game and they slightly less stupid. Nintendo is fucking lazy.



Mostly, I just wish the bosses weren't all variations of the same boss.


Naw, it's pretty clear they spent much more time on the engine and AI this time

The enemies can do 10x what they could in other zeldas

>sonybros cannot survive on own thread as everyone forgot about their game already
>come to invade other threads

Weapon durability should stay, but they should make more QOL improvements like auto weapon assigning after it breaks, and increases durability by 2x

I loved this game a lot. Definitely my favorite zelda and one of favorite games. My main complaint is the horrible enemy variety. There is a total of 22 different enemies, and that's being real generous (Bokoblins,Chus,Moblins,Wizzorbes,Lizalfos,Lynels,Hinoxs,Talus,Plebbits,Keese,Octorocks, And the six different guardians). It's really said that we don't have Deku Babas,Redeads,Dodongos, or p-p-p-peahats. I'm escpecially dissapointed with tbhe dodongo's, cause I would love an overworld king dodongo that I could fight.

23* I forgot moldugas

Those trips of truth. Anyone complaining about weapon durability is a filthy skyrim shitter and would rather use an unbreakable 10 DMG stick the whole game

This formula really started to wear thin for me halfway through. I still haven't finished it. I think they can mix the old with the new a bit better.

That's true. Find the middle ground between SS and BotW

But even then, the rewards for exploring the world are often rather lackluster. There's little joy in finding korok seeds, or anything combat related.

Koroks seed are still fun to me after 100+ desu

Maybe I'm autistic? I just feel happy seeing the YAHAHA

Nah, I'd much prefer they go with something akin to DD, and/or add some kind of crafting system. As it is now, combat is practically worthless as a whole. Neither the risk, nor the reward is there.

The only good thing about them is dropping the rock on their head after you waste your time climbing up some tall ass mountain just to find one measly seed.

Combat is fun, that's the reward to me. The weapons feel good to use, and the ways you can take enemies out is pretty amusing. Also, enemies are the source of the best weapons in game, so reward is definitely there

Junk weapons are cool, but I think there should be at least some indestructible weapons in the game. Either they're super hard to find one of a kind items, or you unlock them through a long upgrade process.

Definitely. That, and when you get to paraglide all the way down. The paragliding is greatb

How the fuck can they top themselves if they add in traditional elements to the BotW template the next game?

>120 shrines
>150 seeds
>Compendium filled
>50 side quests

How the fuck can I have 42% completion

Locations and seeds count for a lot

Don't shoot for 100% in this game please

My favorite is that ambient tune that plays when you're outside a shrine

Does it count recipes discovered?

>150 hours in
>Just found out about the extra selfie poses

They should let you have only 1 indestructible weapon of your choosing per playthrough

That might be a cool 100% reward

Log surfing is one of my new favorite ways of getting around in this game.

It's my understanding that every new area you discover (ie, Great Tababtha Bridge, not necessarily just bigger areas) counts for 0.15% or so and every single Korok seed counts for 0.08%. You'll be surprised how this adds up.

There's so many ways to cheese enemies for their weapons without really having to do anything. Weapons are a dime a dozen, and by the end practically all the enemies are damage sponges that aren't worth bothering with.

>favourite location
>favourite character
>favourite weapon
>favourite divine beast
>most /fa/ outfit

Same here. I really don't give a shit about Koroks so 100% is not something that's gonna happen any time soon.

What's the most unique way in which you've taken out an enemy? Webms are welcome.

That's true, about the bullet sponge part. But since I like how weapons feel and the feedback I get I still enjoy fighting them

Weapons is still best gotten from fighting and for me, unless you like stealth.

Just fuse OoT controversial story and dungeons design (and estetics) with BotW open world.
Make climbing something useful in dungeons too
Fix the weapon system

Sadly, ttealth and electrocution are the only ways I even confront enemies anymore.

>>favourite location
I like just roaming around the hills and finding weird lakes and shit
>>favourite character
Paya a cutie
>>favourite weapon
Gotta be the long range bow, so much fun sniping
>>favourite divine beast
Camel and Elephant vastly shit on the lizard and bird
>>most /fa/ outfit
Dyed red armour w/ red hood

I remember forcing a guardian to fight a golem after seeing that video

Was fun, talus eventually went down after several lucky lasers in the weak point

Honestly if they put in more monsters into the overworld and maybe fixed up the item system, this'd be my top Zelda easily. I really enjoyed it, especially those moments where you experiment with the mechanics and think to yourself 'oh that was cool!', but there needed to be a bit more to do with endgame/rewards.

Might not be a great 'zelda' idea, but maybe a bounty hunting system with some unique bosses? Imagine fighting a giant boss across the fields on horseback as it chased you not ganon, keyword CHASED .

I managed to, completely by accident, knock a Lynel in to the chasm at the north with a stray shot from a stasis snowball

I find that many people who don't like BotW likes skyward sword. Pretty expected since they are polar opposites as far as games go

Anyway OOT>BotW=MM>WW>TP>SS for me

>Camel and Elephant vastly shit on the lizard and bird
Man I really started with the wrong divine beasts. Now the rest of the game is a slog, and knowing Ganon and the ending suck makes it even worse.

God. I can see it now. It's lumbering about all menacing,

then it sees the snowball.

As far as 3D Zelda's go

I like both. BotW is better overall.

I shot a Bokoblin with a Lynel bow. The first arrow knocked him down from the hill. As soon as he got to the bottom and was getting up, one of the other arrows hit him and he died.
I also like sneaking close to Bokoblins during a thunderstorm with my Thunder Helm on, and just waiting for the thunder to strike me and kill them.

Ganon is okay if you treasure atmosphere and don't mind victory lap fights

Also first phase is fun as fuck if you go unprepared

I find it a little unfair to compare the more traditional Zelda games to BotW. I feel like I did back in the day when I played OoT having waited years after playing ALttP and LA. It feels like a different direction for the series.

The number of issues I take with both games is about equal at the end of the day. It's hard for me to say which one I genuinely like better.

Because there is 900 seeds

Ooh. The thunderhelm idea is fun. Has anyone done anything interesting with Octo Balloons?

It was first zelda since 2D where i didnt hate the controls

I mean it's just a fun ranking, and they are all 3D Zeldas after all
SS has many more problems to me it isn't even close
If they remake the game without waggle and with an option to mute Fi I might actually like it

Floating vehicles

Pity you can't balloon enemies

I liked the motion controls because they weren't waggle. It felt good to stand up and fight enemies like that and have it work.
I liked Fi as a character, but definitely agree she was overdone as a handholding tutorial.

Hyrule Castle is one of the best dungeons in the series because there are so few wrong answers. The first time I tackled it I just snuck in through the back and went straight for Ganon. It wasn't until a couple weeks later when I went back in to see what the place really had to offer and man, does it have a lot!

My only hang-up is there's no way to run around in a Post-Ganon Hyrule after you beat the game. Is it so wrong that I want to take a victory lap around the kingdom, saying hi to people and celebrating? Sure, there wouldn't be any enemies left to fight, but I wouldn't care as long as there were still an option to get myself back to before I saved the world.

92 shrines, ganon killed, fuck all the nolifers going for all korok seeds
>favourite location
great plateux style areas
>favourite character
Ravioli, he has the best voice actor
>favourite weapon
>Favourite divine beast
elephant, they're all very unmemorable, but I did elephant first so it stands out
>most /fa/ outfit
it's gotta be the shiek outfit, with the rito outfit in second

I wanna try attaching a sword to a balloon and hitting a guy with it using a korok leaf.

>Thunder storm
>Attach metal weapon to baloon
>Blow it over to encampment
>Pop balloon
>Wait for lightning to strike

>put bombs on giant metal slab
>trick enemy onto it
>freeze them
>add octo balloons just before stasis runs out
And that's how I sent a moblin into space.

is there anything really good in hyrule castle?

all I found was hylian shield and a few high damage swords, zeldas diary too

>79 shrines, 4 Beasts
>Zora's Domain
>Royal Broadsword
>Green Hylian Trousers, White Soldier's Armor, Green Hylian Hood

Lots of white enemies with gems and more Royal weapons than you could ever want.

Which path did you follow? And how are you playing the game?

I'm not finished yet but basically I visit a region and try to find all the shrines and secrets, then I go to another region.

I did Kakariko village, then Zora's domain, then Goron, then got the master sword.
Next I'll go visit the bird people, and I'll finish with Gerudos.

>finishing with the best
I envy you

Elephant is better imo, especially with the lead up

I did Zora, Rito, Ganon, Goron, then Gerudo.

900 seeds
seeds count for 72% of map completion
the % you see on the map is map related only. this includes shrines, koroks and locations

stuff not included in the 100% are things like sidequests, compendium and fighting all large monsters types including 40 hinox, 40 talus and 4 moldugas

I really enjoyed Zora. Goron was kind of a disappointment.

oh wrong image

Who cares? That was a fucking cool webm.

The music in Vah Naboris is way better, Mipha was a letdown Urbosa is better, Thunderblight Ganon is easily the most fun variant.
I hated Zora's Domain. I thought it would be my favorite area. I was so bummed.

I got there last night and my wife really enjoyed the tune. its pretty good.

>100 percent the game
>get a cool weapon you will never use because you already did everything
yeah cool idea bucko

Baloons pop after a few seconds.

They last about ten seconds

Then you cant send an enemy in to space.

That was an exaggeration, not meant to be taken literally

Why didn't they just send the dragons after Ganon if they're so powerful?

One thing I really hate is the lack of enemy variety. I know this is supposed to be a "comfy" thread, but I feel this should be addressed.

Here is a list of enemies not featured in Breath of The Wild:
Bubbles (Though you COULD argue that the cursed stal heads are similar)

Motherfucking Dodongos aren't in this game. C'mon, guys.

Considering one got all fucked up and they don't seem to give much of a shit about anything, I imagine that's why.

Reminds me of my sex life

It's safe to assume the dragons can't be told what to do and they just enjoy flying around

Naydra got bodied by Malice.

What chance you think they'd have against Ganon himself?

I hate the furbait Rito designs and the fishead zora. The koroks are fine, but I'd like to see the deku scrubs again.


nice bait. I laughed.

Nah. You'll get grassy octoroks and you'll like it.