Still trust in gaming companies Sup Forums?


>protecting your game from being stolen is bad

I pirate every day but I don't pretend I'm doing something that isn't illegal.

I wish more pirates thought like you.

If you want to pirate just do it and who gives a shit? Dont make stupid mental hoops to jump through in order to justify it. Pirates who justify their actions as moral really are entitled.

>Free trial

when their drm will work completely offline and literally doest effect anything in the slightest that will be the moment I'll defend it.

as it is now, even messing with cpu clockspeeds counts as new hardware.

Denuvo isn't a DRM though

Plus you need 3 DRMs to run most games on steam: SteamSpyware, Ubisoft Uplay(EA equivalent or whatever) and third party software that is not disclosed by Denuvo.

Now this is the pirate that deserves respect and still can be called a functional human.

>Dont make stupid mental hoops to jump through in order to justify it. Pirates who justify their actions as moral really are entitled.
Really makes you think.

when many people pirate your game, they deemed the product not worthy of its price, so they never intend to pay for it in the first place

you overestimated the quality of your product

it's a DRM on top of other DRM

>Anti-Tamper is completely transparent to legitimate game buyers and does not in any way impose activation limits, install drivers, or require a gamer to be "always on."

This is a lie. You need to be connected to Denuvo 3rd party servers AND linked to steam.

How much money does Ubisoft lose if I pirate their games?
How much money does ubisoft lose if I don't pirate their games?

I don't even buy most new games for PC anymore. Even without Denuvo, they make them hard to mod. So I rather just get them for consoles since there won't be a modding scene for them.

I pretty much just use my pc for retro gaming, which I've been doing a lot anyways since releasing garbage is the new gaming trend now.

And new world vultures arent vultures.

That is a technical distinction that serves no purpose.

i can't read sauerbraten, what am i supposed to be seeing here

>a company

Are you 5?

''third party'' Just Cause 3 solution is owned by Denuvo. It is a DRM despite all the Avalanche drama
>Trust us we are not pro-DRM we are totally not using Denuvo xD

it is a digital rights management software.

yeah so the developer doesn't like drm, but the publisher they used to release their game is putting denuvo on every one of their products?

this is like the most ancient news
why are you stuck on this?

Suck my pecker, fella.

the great thing about file sharing is you could have your cake and eat it too. devs think they can charge you full price of their buggy piece of shit console port then complain about you getting it through file sharing. fuck em. you can protest their garbage business practices and play their terrible game. when a game is using denuvo that signals to me that their product is shit

>T-the dev d-don't have a choice! They had to work with Square enix! T-their IP is totally not their IP
>T-they are innocent! Based Avalanche

>Trusting gaming companies
How fucking gullible or young are you fucking people?

when you have to write someone else's argument out differently, you can tell they've conceded

what were you in jail for where you missed this fresh two year old news?


Its okay when the Japs do it.

>5 years later
>Still can't delete windows.old because Securom

Never again drm boys, never again.

Just cause 3 was made by another team, OG avalanche did Mad Max
Fuck you OP

I only pirate Nintendo stuff, and I do it purely out of spite. I don't pretend that what I'm doing isn't illegal, and I will happily admit that.

Publically however, if I even admit it at all, I always come up with stupid rationalizations due to how obsessive and vitriolic and vindictive fanboys are.

Fanboys will go OUT OF THEIR way to ruin your public image for admitting to something like that.