CPY Hint

Do it Zoidberg style!


Definitely ME Andromeda

What a waste, they should crack Nier Automata Instead.

Other urls found in this thread:


Why do you think it's ME?
They're weebs and wanted to crack Nier next

Or they could not crack Nier and you could support a developer that's in legitimate need of sales to stay afloat and get funded for further titles.

From leddit crakwatch, take it or leave it

Zoidberg crabwalk - youtube.com/watch?v=ASMpIlGRHI4

ME:A crabwalk - youtube.com/watch?v=6bWGANKbYrI

ME A & Nier Automata uses the same Denuvo V4

>ME Andromeda

>ME Andromeda


Even if they crack ME:A it will be pretty ground breaking and cool to see that they can do it

ME:A isn't even worth a play for free.

>and you could support a developer that's in legitimate need of sales to stay afloat
Square Enix has plenty of money

square enix has lots of money you fucking shill, FF XV sold well and Remake will sell even more.

Every Denuvo release on every game is different. If each incarnation of Denuvo was identical, then cracks wouldn't dripfeed, a whole bunch of games would be cracked in one go.

fuck them, fuck platinum and fuck SE.
they spent 100K on drm when their port is utter shit. I bought it, runs like shit, looks like shit on 1070+6700k, they do not deserve sales out of pity, especially if they treat custumers like shit.
no word of a patch, fucking nothing

somehow blizzard keeps making games even though i havent given them money in 10 years

Fuck you all. I want to play as an autistic girl

I hope its ME:A

I would actually have to consider it if I got paid even to play it.

>Fuck you all. I want to play as an autistic girl
Nier Automata is the same thing except the girl is actually cute.

CPY is doing ME:A first on purpose I think
To let Nier have some sale before they begin to crack it

What version of Denuvo is ME Andromeda? Is it the latest? What about Near Tomato?

Rin.ru already confirmed it there are 4 versions of denuvo. Version 3 Denuvo is took 8 months to crack it.

So this is very big news if ME A is cracked this soon, because those game uses Denuvo V4

Or wait for patches so the game is playable on PC


Yes, it is the latest
Cracks should release more frequent now

Does anyone have a source on MEA using Denuvo v4?

>Con S Piracy

So the S stands for...?











it's AIDS, isn't it?

It's not Andromeda. It's Abzu, you fucking idiots.

Shitpost you fucking leaf

but i want dumb weebshit fapbait games to die

Serve SE right for hiding the release date for N:A from pc players and a shitty port

After Tomato, we are running out of weeb game to crack isn't it?


I'm not a Canadian.

Hell, there's a likely chance I don't even exist to begin with.

>Plants VS Zombies : Game of the Year Edition – CPY

Fucking kill yourself shill. Square nor Platinum need the money, and we shouldn't support P's B-team effort anyway. Nier is equivalent to their Korra game in that it has ZERO depth and only pushes copies due to Platinum logo+ass.

Nier is coming to PC?

I don't really even want to torrent ME:A to be honest. It doesn't look fun.

CPY always do that

You obviously don't run a computer with those specs. I have what little graphics settings there are all the way up and I get a stable 60fps at 1080 with a 6700(non-k) and a 970.

the hint is in its nfo though. next game is andromeda probably. maybe not, who cares denuvo is a goner anyway.

>Nier is coming to PC?
are you stupid or something?

While SE may well have unlimited resources, Platinum does not. Taro came out and said that they don't have the funding for expansive DLC because SE doesn't intend to fund it. This is presumably because their prior games haven't had substantial sales figures.

Literally WoW and they're owned by Activision.


>I haven't played it, but I have an irrelevant opinion to give you.

Cracking Andromeda first is a necessary evil.

It gets the game out of the way to further demolish BioWare and prevents further people from caving in on buying the game out of curiosity when they hear all the bad stuff about it. When Andromeda is already cracked they just have to go straight for a torrent instead of having to wait.

>I have no idea how a company functions, but please buy this game that is already selling well.

square and platinum got their money from console sales anyway. stop shilling.

Does mass effect andromeda use denuvo v4? Did denuvo get assfucked again?

I'd like to, but denuvo is a dealbreaker for me.

cpy does hints 24 hours before uploading. We'll see soon enough, if true then denuvo is truly dead. no fifth versions are saving it.

Don't need to have played it to know what I'm getting myself into with ME:A and Nier. And the opinion is relevant: stop buying half-assed games for full ticket price. You certainly will buy them while I get them for free, because you're a cute little drone.

So unlike nier nobody knows if ME: A uses denuvo v4 or not.

Im poor though?
You could support it and buy it for me

why would EA use old cracked denuvo v3 if they have money for version 4? especially in their AAA game. Fuck even indie devs can afford denuvo, remember inside,abzu?

no, you can fuck off lying piece of shit
link to speccy in profile description

>selling well
Nope, still hasn't really come close to 1m as far as anyone knows. Whereas Nioh, a PS4 exclusive has sold 1m+ and something like Ass Creed Unity has sold well over 4m. As far as buying it goes, yes do it please.

>I have no idea how a company functions
I know, it's fine you lack business understanding, most people lack even the basest understandings of risk/reward, so you're ahead in that regard, at least I hope you are.

>“This new version of Denuvo will be used in most future titles. We know for a fact that Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 will be using it, though it remains a mystery whether For Honor, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands and Mass Effect: Andromeda will use this new version of Denuvo,”
New version kinda implies V4 or the latest, most operant anti-tamper tech

Nier sold enough to be profitable. It had piss poor budget, so $24kk is more than enough for a niche Taro game
Especially considering pretty bad marketing support SE provided

You're right, it's a consistent 50fps according to SpecialK.

It's up to speculation at this point, who knows what kind of money SE will skim off the top? Or how the contracts were written? I'm just hopeful we'll get some actual gameplay DLC and see future titles like Nier.


Another nail to Bioware coffin.

>looks like shit
>runs on par with ponybox

truly great port

>new denuvo didn't even take a month to crack


Yes my question exactly. We know for sure Ghost warrior and Nier are using Denuvo v4. But I don't think ME:A is. This is way early for a new version of denuvo to get cracked

Anyone know why the fuck warhammer isn't getting cracked? Getting annoying since that and nier is all I care about

Warhammer hasn't gotten all the dlcs yet. They only crack huge AAA titles before all the dlc get released.

But warhammer isn't going to finish until 2020 not that we know warhammer 2 is an expansion. Are you honestly telling me not to expect a crack until 2020? I find that hard to believe.

Other games were cracked while being unfinished. WHERE IS THE WARHAMMER CRACK REEEEEEEEE

nah I dont support fap bait.

The first Warhammer still has DLC to come, there's "An old Friend" dlc yet to be released.

So why were things like tomb raider, dues ex and watch dogs 2 all cracked while still having story dlc missing?

because they are AAA titles. The bigger title they crack the bigger name they get. Why do you think they cracked Ass effect so soon?

>>Definitely ME Andromeda
>What a waste, they should crack Nier Automata Instead.
Why waste their time cracking console games?

They should get to work on Total Warhammer.

>warhammer isn't a big game

are you dense?

As long as it's not Dishonored 2 and Nier I'm good. I would prefer SE4 or SGW3 tho

So how long does usually take from a hint to an actual release?

Between a day or two.

Want to know this too. I wanna try this hot steaming pile of garbage but I'm not giving Bioware my money.

Generally 24 hours at best before it hits all the public torrent sites

Sweet, thanks. Knew it was close but didn't think it's around a day or so, more like a week.


ME:A doesn't use the newest version of Denuvo.

>Buy nier
>Waiting for the crack to play it and dl 100 times so that they lose money



Nier deserves sales


stop making up bullshit.

It Does, just PM Voksi on revolt.group or Machine on cs.rin.ru

are you retarded?

Edit : Yes, I am a retarded.


>inb4 reddit

Fuck Off, CPY respected crackwatch, see their DOOM NFO.


Denuvo was removed from Titanfall 2 over the Free Weekend, and since CPY is obvs doing Origin cracks (PvZ), hopefully they'll upload it along side Andromeda ('cause I seriously doubt that anyone's actually gonna download it)


>mfw their buyers remorse kicks in from spending money on something they could have got for free

>b-but we are supporting the game devs

Enjoy your game with 100000000 bugs then poorfaggots.

Bioware plans to fix the facial animation in the future.

We dont want it fixed

Bioware plans to suck my nuts lol

>Supporting Bioware

NIER CRACK WHEN??????????????


417 Days left

Nier Automata will gonna defeat Just Cause 3 for the longest uncrackable offline video game.

>will gonna
What's with the influx of ESL?

>mfw brainlet chinks say denuvo in uncrackable
>meanwhile the Italian master race shows their superiority to the world by cracking the """impossible""" denuvo.

>caring about ME: Andromeda
not even worth a pirate, honestly.

cpy are italian? I t


>They also cracked Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas.[11]