ITT: Best games where you shoot black people?

ITT: Best games where you shoot black people?

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Any GTA, though IV is the most satisfying.

far cry 2

Watch_Dogs 1 for black people, the sequel for hipsters.

GTA San Andreas and Hitman Blood Money

>though IV is the most satisfying.
This. It's impossible to overstate how much better GTAV looks as a game compared to GTAIV, but the gunplay is much worse because they removed Euphoria, something that probably made GTA IV run like shit.

Postal 2 is best game to shoot people in general.

>the sequel for hipsters.
Or for people who want a better game, but you should probably buy neither.


WD2 ruined/removed nearly everything that made the first game good.

Get fucked, hipster.

Real life.

MOON wad for DOOM

IVfags always trying to start shit. They can't help it. Everyone needs to know that they like IV the most.
Probably one of the worst groups on this website for being contrarian elitists.

What? I didn't say IV was better, it just had better gunplay. I even said how much better V looked.

IV is the best GTA yet. Sorry we can't all be Shark Cardâ„¢ buying faggots like you.

>made the first game good.
Nothing made the first game good, so that's impossible.

IV is better and I'm not an elitist

>he never played the Digital Trips
>he never experienced the bitchin' 1v1 Online Hacking
I sure do feel sorry for you, faggot.

And around that was a third-rate GTA clone.

That's my point though, IV played like shit. You're such a contrarian faggot it hurts.

>IV played like shit
I don't mind it and I don't remember IV playing much differently than V, except in gunplay, which was superior because of Euphoria.,

With arguably better minigames (definitely in comparison to V) and a better story (same as before).

Okay, but 90% of what you're actually doing, it's better in GTA.

He's just talking out of his ass. Probably underage and can't accept that some people prefer IV to V.

Are you serious? To put this in perspective, you're saying that the game is better because people stumble around more when you shoot them.
You are disregarding the weapon variety, AI, fluidity, just because enemies will stumble around firing at the floor for a few seconds when you shoot them with an assualt rifle.
God knows why you're pretending GTAV didn't have Euphoria physics either. You don't even know what you're talking about.

The gunplay was fine. Customization and driving are better in most GTA games. The "press x to hack" shit was fun.

Oh, and there's a fuckload of side content.
>fixer contracts
>criminal convoys
>privacy invasions
>human trafficking
>weapon shipments
>serial killer case
>criminal interventions
>ctos boxes
>QR codes

You're joking, right?

Not him, but I love stealth and gta is piss poor shit with that
Watch Dogs atleast gives you to do what you wan't to complete it

I hope that wasn't your response. I think you should really try playing both GTA in back to back sessions, because it's like night and day. IV is blindfire headshot simulator, V is like a poor Max Payne 3.

Fuck, I forgot about the stealth. Silencers actually working is a huge bonus.

look, it's another redditard poster. gta4 actually had fun physics and mechanics. npcs didn't die with one shot to the fucking foot

Have you heard of capital letters my underage friend?

Far Cry 2 , the best desu

This. People actually reacted to where you shot them in IV.

Wow, I thought RE5 had shit AI but they genuinely behave like this.

RE5 would have been great if the blacks weren't actually zombies but were just insane on their own.

Watch Dogs series, most GTA, Max Payne 3
That's all I can remember

why would they be there if there's no escalated bioterrorism?

this is Sup Forums, not your high school english essay, you redditard faggot. you're been found out. you faggots love spouting the word "contrarian" as if it means anything. no, what it's called is having actual taste that used to separate places like Sup Forums from the mindless cattle such as yourself. you're just a stupid and mindless cock sucker is what it comes down to

That's nice and all but a literal child isn't going to sway my mind.

>you're saying that the game is better because people stumble around more when you shoot them.
Yes, that's what I'm saying. It actually made it harder to kill them because they did this.
>You are disregarding the weapon variety
I guess this was larger with GTAV, but the guns still fell in the same types as IV.
I don't remember if it was worse or better.
Again, no worse than what I remember from IV. If anything it was too fluid and the comes didn't seem to have much impact.
> just because enemies will stumble around firing at the floor for a few seconds when you shoot them with an assualt rifle.
It's subtle, but adds an element to gunplay that I didn't find in V.
>God knows why you're pretending GTAV didn't have Euphoria physics either
I looked it up and I'm surprised to see this was the case. Still, from my observation, the ragdoll effect was less pronounced.

>why would they be there
Blacks thrive in shitholes, why would they magically leave?

keep bleating you retarded sheep. i bet you wish you could down vote my posts so hard right now

It seemed like the developers were chasing after that Grand Theft Auto gold, resulting in a menagerie of takes on the GTA formula, each with their own little hook. As for the hacking, for the most part, this boils down to pushing the square button to incapacitate police cars. It's a one-size-fits-all approach to hacking, which makes the way the game occasionally and arbitrarily sticks in a dull hacking minigame feel that much more puzzling. As for the gunplay, a perfectly accurate and silenced pistol that, except in cases where you're severely outnumbered and forced into open combat, makes most of the combat and stealth situations feel completely trivial, assuming you're even slightly skilled at lining up headshots, and there's very little challenge to the combat. online invasions pop up against your will, forcing you to deal with another player before you can proceed. The rewards for succeeding in this mode are minimal and they seem to always pop up when you're trying to start another mission, making them feel like a hassle that's preventing you from doing the thing you actually want to be doing. It seems like a bad implementation of a decent idea. The story is all over the place and is full of characters that sort of cruise into and out of the story, which makes it hard to care about any of them. The game doesn't come close to reaching the polish and production values of GTA, and the larger variety of activities don't make up for it.

Working in an unrealistic way, as they're actually that silent or undetectable in real life.

>but were just insane on their own.
And why would they all be insane?

as they're not*

You can turn the invasions off or simply play offline.

Better than not working at all.

>Better than not working at all.
Okay, but it basically makes gun battles tedious where in every situation, you sneak behind them and take them out.

You don't have to use the stealth, though. Also, there are often times when you either have to sneak through an area without killing or are forced into open combat.

>You don't have to use the stealth,
Okay, but I don't like games where I have to make my own difficulty by choosing a less effective route.
>there are often times when you either have to sneak through an area without killing or are forced into open combat.
So, like any shitty stealth section, it's like the regular game, but slower.

>it's subtle
>they stumble around practically every time you shoot them

Okay, so it's not subtle, or it at least is subtle compared to V, where it's like a gunrange all the time.

Stealth is slow. Have you ever played any stealth game ever?

I meant when it's just a slower version of the main game. There's a difference when the entire game is done around it and it's shoved in games for no reason. Sadly, I can't think of a game that actually combines stealth

Both IV and V are crap, but IV is the worst one

>start another miss-
>every single vehicle in the game leans 5 foot side to side when turning and handled like all 4 tires were completely bald
>can't even g-
>small ass map
>multiplayer was killed early by tugboat spamming 12 year olds
>only aircraft was helic-

IV is better than V

All GTA games have the same problem that they'll never fix because "muh adds to the difficulty"

That problem is police. As soon as you get a wanted star, there's always a cop spawning on the very next street and no matter what you do, or where you go, they ALWAYS know where you are. You can get a couple stars, then teleport to the other side of the map and WHADDAYA KNOW, COPS ARE THERE LOOKING FOR YOU.

I wish they'd make the cops more realistic. If i split a wig or two, it should take minutes for a 911 call to go through, then more minutes until cops are dispatched and make their way to the scene, not spawn yards away.

And fuck the whole endless supply of cops and helicopters.