Would it be possible a 2D Dark Souls? What would be the limitations?
Would it be possible a 2D Dark Souls? What would be the limitations?
Other urls found in this thread:
it's called super castlevania 4
Well no technically it's Castlevania SOTN
>What would be the limitations?
Well, for starters, it would only be in 2 dimensions.
Salt and Sanctuary
Wow, plagiarism here is strong and without conceal.
Like this?
Dark Souls is L I T E R A L L Y 3D Castlevania with Evergrace combat. Silly Soulsfags.
Someone /thread me.
I got you, baby.
Pixel art would be great to reinforce that confuse and —imagine your own story— narrative.
Just play Demon's Sperm.
huuuuurrrrrrrr xDD
It's by Bando, isn't it? They likely commissioned it as a Dark Souls 2D but didn't want to risk the game bombing and bringing down the franchise's name.
Ever since the very first souls game there has been plenty of 2D dark souls threads going around and It has still to this day not been done so the answer to your question is no. If it was, we would've seen one already.
Are you fucking retarded? Did you come here, fresh off the post from reddit, see someone say FPBP and assume it was just a le upboat? Well let me educate your dumb reddit mind right now. The first half of FPBP stands for first post. That was not the first post.
Don't ever post in such a retarded fashion on my board again or I swear to fuck I will track you down and downvote all of your posts on reddit.
It would be better since backstab fishing would be unfeasible
why? it works in street fighter
Mayhaps the good 'chonners in this thread shall like my images
I said it would be better since you can't backstab fish, and you sure as hell can't do backstabs in streetfighter.
Right on spot!
Did you make these?
what are REAL and good demakes bros?
No, but I have lots of them for some reason.
Salt & Sanctuary.
Well i like them.
Reminds me of the user with the cool twinstick shooter in dev threads
How to make soulcalibur good
Why do people always compare Castlevania to Souls games?
Castlevania is actually good, so why do Soulsfags want to drag it down to their level?
>Never ever
; ;
>Metroid Prime lightgun game
Reminds me of Lawnmower Man for the Mega Drive
What are you talking you turbofaggot? There's nothing roguelike about it
We did it reddit!!!!
>Castlevania was actually good
The next Dork Souls game will definitely be better than the next Castlevania game.
That's nice!
2D Dark Souls already exists
Isn't Demon Sperm a 2d dark souls which manages to improve upon the original in every conceivable way?
This. Piratefags should be purged
No, it's called Super Ghouls n Goblins.
Demon's Sperm
It's an H-game, but it's got really well-made gameplay, really does feel like a proper 2D Souls game in mechanics. Definitely give it a try.
Does this guy know what a metroidvania is?
Fucking souls fags thinking everything is soulslike.
Souls games are 3D metroidvanias
>Souls games are 3D metroidvanias
By that, you mean Dark Souls and Dark Souls only, right?
Of course, because Demon's Souls is more like a 3D version of Megaman games.
Try Fortune Summoners: Secret of The Elemental Stones. it's a cute 2d platform action RPG with pretty hard combat. some people called it 2d cute souls on release. It's on steam.
Dark Souls is the Metroidvania of Dark Souls
Didn't even know this existed until now.
>Never ever
Underrated game. The combat is pretty great.
Forgot this was a thing. Would like if they at least give a release date.
Dark souls confirmed for roguelike
This and Death's Gambit.
And both of them
>never ever
why must life be like this.
It's good, but could have been better.
Why the hell did they make it so, for all directional attacks, you have to press the attack button and the direction at the same time? Why wouldn't they let you do them by pressing the attack button when a direction is already held down?
It just results in you having to press two buttons at the same time for almost every single attack you do. I love the game, but that shit's just clunky.
>we will never get another isometric fallout because people can't go without voice acting up the ass
At least I have fangames.
How is voice acting incompatible with an isometric view? You won't get another isometric Fallout because people want first person games.
The only ones I'm aware of are MM7 FC and MM8 FC. Everything else tends to be single stills made by artists without any programming talent.
These are by Stasis dev, hed did a few more isometric mock ups like these, he also did Wasteland 3 mock ups for their crowdfunding campaign
>what is Salt and Sanctuary
Seriously, just play Demon's Sperm.
I don't like this one, everything here looks like Gameloft games, and those fags went to absolute shit after 2009.
>lightning is doing her attack animation
>her atb is the one that is up
Fatal flaw
What did he mean by this?
>Well, for starters, it would only be in 2 dimensions.
Am I the only one thinking 2D is better for action games ? 3D has never been able to let the player be awared of what can happen behind his back.
That's not an artwork though, that's an actual fangame, FF7 re-imagined
I think something isometric would work better
In fact it would probably be identical
The 3D movement itself and simply using the third dimension in any way, made 3D action games superior to 2D action games.