Does a female snake appeal to female gamers? Would you play a stealth game with a female-like MGS main character ?
Does a female snake appeal to female gamers? Would you play a stealth game with a female-like MGS main character ?
Only if her name is The Boss. All the others need not apply
>an open feature
>main character in cutscenes is venom not female mercs
>trannies mtf are just as dumb as regular women.
70% of the people rather play as a female character in any game.
>as a cute girl character
Why does this tranny consistently go out to embarrass himself?
> identity politics are a games best secret.
I wanna go back to 2002. Life was happy then.
trannies are mentally ill.
Great thread!
using my genius level gamer brain i was able to control peach in mario 2. most of you probably never figured out the secret but i promise its possible.
Males and females is oldschool, I want to play as an attack helicopter.
Stealth games are made for female protags because stealth is a female power fantasy
When you silence every single shred of opposition as trolls and convince yourself that you're in the right, then anything is possible. How far do you have to walk down that road bfeore you see where it leads?
You mean girl(male)? That's just gross. Also I heard that MGS has a quite big female fanbase already, doesn't it?
>the thread about fetishes got 404
>but this one is still up
what the fuck mods?
Damn, Sup Forums, you're not missing a beat!
was this actually possible?
anyway, whats your question here? are you asking would i play an MGS styled game with a female protagonist, or a stealth game with a "female-like" version of Snake as the protagonist?
>Would you play a stealth game with a female-like MGS main character ?
wasn't that the point of Raiden in MGS2?
>women want to get attention
>stealth is for female protags
Being a badass without physical confrontation.
I played the entire game as Amber Fox because dat ass, voicework was somewhat poor because she sounds like she's dying the moment she breaks into a run.
>was this actually possible?
yeah at nearly any deployment you can replace snake with any soldier you have recruited and not on an outer op, including female ones. there's even dlc that lets them dress as The Boss, Sniper Wolf, and Eva
What was even the point of playing anyone other than Snake. They risk dying and Snake is strong enough to complete any mission. It's not like PW where you're trying to make up for the fact that the "boss" battles feel like they were designed around multiplayer.
>They risk dying
No they don't.
Notice how they nearly always spell out how their waahwaah is "justified". Do you know what that means? It means they're unsure about whether it is. Self-awareness exists, even in trannies. Too bad SSRIs block it most of the time.
As far as playing as female in TPP goes, didn't that just make the waifuists go insane with the game? Probably not what the waste of space writing that article had in mind.
And like wu, the "woman" is actually a man?
>Female gamers
>Wanting to look at a shitty woman instead of sexy Big Boss
>The Mary Sue