>game set in the future with concepts and science based on reality or at least with well explained reasons
>still features faster than FTL travel
When will this meme end?
>game set in the future with concepts and science based on reality or at least with well explained reasons
>still features faster than FTL travel
When will this meme end?
>faster than faster than light travel
>faster than ftl
so you are as fast as 2 lights?
>complaining about scienc in the future contradicting what we know now
Butch do you know how often we've found out that hat we know to be true isn't?
>faster than FTL
faster than FTL travel only works if you do it at night
>faster than faster than faster than faster than faster than faster than faster than faster than faster than faster than faster than faster than faster than faster than faster than faster than faster than faster than faster than faster than faster than faster than faster than faster than faster than faster than faster than faster than faster than faster than light travel
He clearly meant that your faster than the headlights on the spacecraft travelling faster than the speed of light.
Don't be obtuse.
Space is pretty dark anyway m8