Is this worth playing? I saw the Jews at iam8bit had a limited physical release and I'm sort of tempted to get one.
Is this worth playing? I saw the Jews at iam8bit had a limited physical release and I'm sort of tempted to get one
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eh, there were some things i kind of liked about it but it didn't hold my attention long enough for me to finish it - i think the only other game i picked up last year and didn't see through to the end was watch dogs 2
if you haven't played furi, i would get that instead... not that they are trying to accomplish exactly the same thing, but furi is 100x better IMO
>Special thanks to Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn in the credits
Does it really uses only 8 colors?
Does this shit really matter if the game is good?
Yes, IMO.
Just don't support those 2 fuckers, get the game illegally user.
Is this game difficult?