Is disliking this nearly 20 year old game babby's first contrarian opinion?
Is disliking this nearly 20 year old game babby's first contrarian opinion?
Hardly the first. Just the latest, since OoTfags have been spamming the fuck out of Sup Forums all year.
Sup Forums is essentially an autoimmune disease. When we have nothing outside to properly rail against, we'll turn against whatever faggotry is trying to stand out the most.
The game still holds up
It's probably just shitposting. I have a hard time believing that there's anyone out there that truly hates OOT. Thinking it's overrated or that it was eventually surpassed? Fair enough. But saying that it was a bad game when it first came out, is just straight up baiting or underage delusion.
Yes user, everyone that shares different opinions than you is just a contrarian.
I don't think is a bad game, but I do believe that the 3ds version is better.
It's been happening since that ocarina of time vs link to the past video was made.
The most OoT shilling I've seen of late is that it's the best pre-BotW 3D. But in that "least flawed entry" kind of best and it's not considered a good thing in terms of the series as a whole.
super mario bros 3 is better than ocarina of time
I guess we can all rejoice that BotW broke the Zelda Cycle though.
SS is still hated and the only ones that hate BotW haven't played it.
I played OoT and TP in 2013 and 2016 and they didnt differ in quality much which surprised me since Sup Forums considered TP a weak entry while putting OoT on a pedestal.
MM > BotW > OoT > WW = TP
Only underage faggots can't see the importance of this game
I don't hate the game, it's just not as good as the other 3d zeldas
ww > tp > mm > oot > ss
haven't played botw
>OoT is nearly 20 years old
what about link between worlds, i hardly see anyone talk about it
If I want to play OoT for the first time, what is the best version to go with? The original 64 version, the Gamecube version with Master Quest, or the 3DS version?
Same question for Majora's Mask but that's mostly between the 64 and 3DS version.
Its just a really forgettable game, I look back at playing it and I can hardly remember anything about it.
what the fuck are you talking about? underage hates this shit you underage faggot
You literally have brain damage if you percieve anyone with a different opinion than yours as a contrarian.
The only good zelda game is the first one.
It was an absolutely incredible experience if you were old enough to appreciate all the things it brought into the industry.
Disliking it would make sense only if the focus was more to do with aesthetic taste than functionality, innovation, and accomplishment of it's goals.
Can't, not can. Learn to read before replying, underage faggot.
It's still the greatest game of all time. You don't get to be number one without making a few enemies.
I think a lot of people dislike it because they spend too much time discussing the series and get frustrated that people celebrate OoT by default at this point.
>LttP (honestly can't see how anyone would hate this one)
>Link's Awakening
Every 2D title from LoZ to GBC is solid.
Yes and it shows you're underage.
OoT was like the video game industry making horses and carriages, then Nintendo decided they'd build a car and built a Ferrari as their first car.
You can be a contrarian faggot all you want, OoT is a crowning achievement of game design in a world where 3D didn't yet exist.
It's legit if you played it during the n64 days and knew the limitations and available games at the time. So if you're under 25 your opinion about it is irrelevant.
Sounds like a flimsy evasion for anyone examining the quality of your opinion or having an opinion about your opinion, faggot.
To keep it condensed and short. The thing is oldfags who played since NES or just LttP were not fans of the greater story focus or tutorials in the Gamecube games. There was also this idea that Zelda was beginning to mature in the N64 days and TP failed to deliver if you look at all the blood and horror stuff in OoT. Especially after WW. The quarter heart damage thing from WW also made a return in TP. This is really overlooked but in LttP you could get two or three shot from full health, sometimes one shot. This made you desperately search for heart pieces. That shit was treasure. It was already iffy in OoT/MM but every game after until BotW just made it feel so optional and only for completionists. What was the risk in not pursuing them?
A lot of the time it's not about putting the previous games on pedestals but pointing out what they did correctly and what developers did wrong in later games.
I recently started playing it on my 3ds. I never cared for it when i was a young lad. I've been enjoying it.
Sup Forums is AIDS confirmed? I always knew this but I needed another user to confirm.
People that aren't familiar with the industry much will make an effort to compare it to modern games without actually appreciating what it did at the time. And for some reason 'at the time' is a negative to them. I fucking hate the Zelda franchise, but it is just stupid to claim OoT is a bad game.
Oot is somewhat overrated but it's understandable because at the time there was no game that was like it. Its still a great experience today, even though it's outdated. Oot was and never will be a bad day.
I don't hate any of the Zelda games. They all have something unique to offer.
Here are people who are gonna shit on it.
Graphicfags who didn't play it on release.
Children who are too young to care about it so they parrot their favorite contrarian youtuber.
Try getting the VC edition on either Wii or WiiU, whichever you have laying around
Yes. It was my first contrarian opinion then I played the game for the first time a month ago and I fucking loved it
>all the blood and horror stuff in OoT
lol what?
3ds definitely. Provides enough of a graphical update to not look shit and I'm pretty sure it includes Master Quest