These are screenshots from THREE different games
The Black Goo Of Japanese Unoriginality
There's no proper western counterpart to Amatsu-Mikaboshi.
That's like posting three different depictions of the devil from western games that all resemble one another and declaring that branch of their games industry creatively bankrupt
>Japanese doing anything original ever
Don't forget Breath of the Wild.
>japanese are unoriginal af
No shit, have you ever seen them? They fucking all even look the same
Truly a nation of autism
Still, we all agree that Ravus boss fight was awesome right?
meh, like the rest of XV's bosses
I recently began playing Black Desert Online, literally everything in that game is related to this black goo/black magic/black crystals as well.
And it's a Korean game.
So unoriginal, way to go Marvel.
The music was, at least.
Come on.
>tfw i remember this exact same OP from last month
Why recycle threads that didn't work last time and are pretty stale anyway?
perhaps they just work their way down a list as the days go on
>Fukishima dumps 6 gorillion gallons of radioactive water into the Specific Ocean
>slope entertainment starts showing a cultural fear of toxic poison liquid
Really activates my almonds.
i guess everyone already forgot the x-files
One of them is daemon plague.
One of them is oil.
One of them is mold.
Yep. Ravus, Ifrit and Aranea are the three best boss fights in the game.
The DLC bossfights in gladio episode are 2bh better than the main game boss fights because you get wrecked more and there is no safety net like in the main game.