DRM on a fucking emulator

>DRM on a fucking emulator

People are 34.000$ per month for this


Only $34 for a great emulator?

Get over yourself. It's open to public within a week.

Welcome to the future of piracy, where you get nickle-and-dimed more than console companies. Pirates will defend this because they're autistic.

oooh shit

So you're ok with DRM (you can't play offline) being applied to a piece of software that is made to play pirated games ?

Emulators are not illegal, but this is just ironic.

>cracked emulators

Patreon was a mistake.

>making 34k a month
>we have no amd hardware to test on

The emulator is not even finished. Why would you pay for an emulator (that has DRM) that plays pirated games when it's not perfectly stable and compatible with every game?

>Pirating games is okay
>pirating our software to play said games is not

top fukken kek

Why don't people just invest their money into the actual console for the games they obviously want to play. At least they will work as intended.



>paying to pirate games

Or you could give $1 a month to someone who will make the games work on a superior platform.

poor people. Buying a console in, e.g. Bulgaria, would be 3 monthly salaries for the average person.

So is the DRM on the public versions, or only the patren ones?

>People getting butthurt over the fact there are retards out there who choose to donate to emulation

Why do you care what they spend their money on? We're getting a free emulator.

>i-it's not piracy, it's just emulation
>this whole thing is totally legal

I pirate tons of games but this logic is just retarded. emulation might be fine once the console isn't available anymore but doing it while it's still selling is nothing but piracy.

Funny you should say that; /vint/ revealed that the majority of people obsessing over CEMU are from Central and South America.

Not so surprising, really.

Wii U is dead.

> moral piracy
> paid piracy

>Paying to beta-test piracy

You can't make this shit up.

this is it

the future we bargained for

All this entire situation tells me is that PCbros are so fucking starved for games that they'll pay for emulators of one of the worst consoles ever made.

I like having the option of emulation but

>paying for emulation

for what fucking purpose

>PCMR is constantly thrown around
>mfw finding out south americans are the true master race
I always knew Brazil was a place of kings.

>paying for a unfinished emulator

I pay to have a superior experience than you. This is literally a case of the sour grapes. I could throw a food analogy your way so you'd understand

>it's wrong for people to protect their intellectual property
Cemu is a commercial emulator, not a free one, and commercial emulators are not illegal. Don't like it? Go buy yourself a WiiU.

dont know why Sup Forums shit on cemu so hard.
Everyone else pays for an emulator that would otherwise take 10x as long and we get to reap the rewards.

Soon i will be pirating my pirated games to play them on pirated pirate software.

I'm guessing Mudlord after developing a shitload of stuff for N64 emulation isn't a fan of CEMU pulling this shit?

The fact that we have to pirate a program made for the intention of piracy is fucked up.

>there are people that pay for emulators.
>there are people that pay to play a rom on virtual console instead of just emulating.
>there are people that pre-order games.
>there are people that support early access.
>there are people that support kickstarter and crowdfunding bs.

Some people just have money to burn I guess.

just wait a week
the time limit is just to keep to keep the patreon bux flowing with a VIP farce.

>stop paying for things I can't afford
Literally sums up this entire thread

I don't know man. People are stupid that way nowadays. I mean just look at stuff like kickstarter. Paying for games that don't even exist and may never exist.

Nah mate you can't sum up the thread, you have to read every post.

i did

Except pirates made this thread to complain about it, not defend it you fucking retard

what's worse is that most of the people who spend money like that generally hardly have any fucking money to begin with.

Have they even added networking support yet?

You would be surprised if you could see the lives of most young people. They are empty, empty lives. I firmly believe it is the majority of them that live without personal friends, present family or lover, they don't hang out and just go home after work, they don't drive. Spend the weekend at home with too much money to spend.

i sincerely hope that you are projecting because that's just too fucking sad to be real

>burn in hate

Of course i am, i don't know everyone but shit what the fuck is happening with the young'ns.

>stop spending money on things I can't afford

It's h8. It's a science field reference.

>newest update made it so that you have to have a Wii U disc in your drive to play games

That's some sweet early 2000s drm right there.

I can't believe I'm actually mounting an ISO in this day and age to play a game.

>paying real money to beta test an emulator
Fucking embarrassing

Mounting and ISO doesn't work. It's gotta be a physical disc

>Own a copy of the game on Wii U
>want to play it at a higher resolution with a more consistent or better framerate
>want to modify the graphics (shadows, AA solutions) to look better
Why are these suddenly being ruled out entirely as possibilities? Owning the original game and emulating for a better experience is pretty common in these circumstances

Was the fixed camera glitch on shrines fixed?

Fucking ridiculous if true, but at least the solution for people who can't wait for a crack is cheap

It has to be the specific game you want to play

>Nintedrones are this triggered
>So incredibly buttblasted they make 5 of these threads every day

they could spend 700dollar to get the highest end AMD pc setup faggot

>made for the intention of piracy

Not a single emulator will advocate piracy. Every single one will at the very least assume you have at some point purchased a legitimate software license. Emulators are about being free to use that software license on different hardware, not piracy.

Nu pirates pay to pirate video games. Is that the digital version of actual cuckoldry?

>Closed source
That's all you needed to hear to know these fucks are jews

This is a good thing though
It ensures for once that the only people using the program are those who legally own the games. This only affects piratefags.

Watch the patreon bux start to drop massively once they realize they can't use CEMU to pirate games anymore, we'll see the true colors of everyone who supported CEMU this past month.

I feel like this should be a new standard that all emulators should follow. It will help keep emulation legitimate in the eyes of the law in the future going forward.

Hello there

Any source for this? Seems pretty unlikely, and also incredibly, very unlikely that they'd have a way to detect if you actually have the disk in or just a mounted ISO

It also serves as an annoyance to those of us with Wii Us who don't want to have to swap discs though, I know personally that I'd probably use CEMU a lot less if this turns out to be true

I just want to play my games with a not shitty framerate and full resolution, what the fuck is with this drama nonsense

I'm not saying you are wrong. But every single game I bought on my WiiU was digital, and many games don't even have phisical copies, like some weeb games localized by smaller companies.

So I hope they manage to find a better drm, some other way to verify if the person has legitmate copies.

I was always confused and am confused by one thing. Highly successful patreons always seem to get more and more money.

Same with successful streamers. Endless donations and shoutouts (okay, this might be a visibility issue for various people, they can donate to be 'seen').

But how does this process work? Do people get up in the morning, see that someone is getting zounds of cash already and think 'I'm gonna swipe my card as well'? Is this an american thing?

Then stop being a faggot and make your contribution to decaf-emu. Oh that right you're just a whiny faggot with 0 knowledge in programming.

they had to for legal reasons, otherwise nintendo could build a much stronger case for a lawsuit

What about older emulators like N64, psx emulators? not to mention that's fucking stupid if you're emulating games not on disc (like the N64 or switch). A lot of people don't even have disk drives in their computers any more, let alone a bluray drive for ps3/4 games.

counterpoint, your a fag

>not pirating the pirate's emulator so you can play pirated games

how deep does the rabbit hole go

But most people and most of nintendo sales in games on the WiiU come from the e-shop.

It's quite a drastic margin as well, with millions copies bought and downloaded digitally from the e-shep against a few thousands discs.

Everything about this emulator is so strange.

>paying money for a console that doesn't even run games at 30 fps, scratches and warps in the dock

I don't agree with DRM within software to run other pirated software, but anyone who paid money for a switch is a genuine retard.

Soon you will have to pay for a pirated version of the pirate emulator

Counter-counterpoint, your a gay fag

Emulation isn't piracy you fucking child. You're the reason shit like this needs to be implemented in the first place.

Something like getting your title db or tickets file from your own console might work for that, but those files are sharable so that wouldn't be as secure as needing a disc copy present to verify

I don't see why people tiptoe around it, 99.99% of people use emulators for piracy, I doubt every time that you have emulated that you have gone through the process of making a backup of your games. A developer would be absolutely delusional if they think that their user base is using their emulators legitimately. The reason that emulators are made is so that people don't have to buy a console and can play the games with enhancements, it's undeniably piracy, I'm not saying piracy is bad but I doubt any emulator dev has made an emulator for the sole purpose of simply recreating the hardware.

I miss you, my friend.
You played all of them delicious psx games on my shitty old rust computer quite admirably.

>Charging for piracy
Is this the new GOG?

>pcuccs are donating 30k a month to a closed source emulator with DRM that costs money



There was some old PSX emulator that you had to pay for. Bleam!, I believe it was called.

Newfags don't remember old school emulation.

God I can't wait for them to start charging to unlock support for each individual game. Want to play Mario Odyssey? That'll be $20 plus tip. Remember that you made this happen when you accepted proprietary software, r/PCMR neo-pcbros.

Will I get intro trouble if I download botw with the updater tool?


itt: butthurt nintendo fans.

Shh BR. Go back to school and keep paying to pirate.

I own a Switch so I don't see how I'm related to this mess at all, shitposter-kun.

>fucking over your legit paying customers is a good thing because they don't provide a screenshot of their bill
Literally you.

>pay for a pirated game

If I wanted to pay something, I would buy the original game and console.

Emulation must be free.

>create emulator out of stolen code
>emulator gets stolen

>Emulation isn't piracy you fucking child
Yeah, I'm sure that the people giving the devs money are interested in the theoretical developments of emulation in a closed source software :^)

>Oh boy I can't wait to play Bayonetta 2 with broken sound!

There is not a single game where CEMU is an improvement over just buying a refurbished WiiU.

all your shitty console trash is getting emulated sooner or later fags, cry about it all you want but it's happening

Putting AMD and Highest end pc setup in the same sentence is contradicting.

are you stupid?

Not really, I didn't buy an AMD graphics card.

>there was the time we joked about pirate paid mod
>today, we have to pirate a FUCKING emulator
Since when did everything gone wrong?

don't forget to subscribe to my patreon to play your pirated games goyim :^) And remember that only 10+$ patreons get to use the emulator early :P