What was his fucking problem?
What was his fucking problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
Mages, half due to childhood shittery and half due to certain mages being pretty damn shit in many regards which mixed up to make on crazed Radovid.
How does based king Foltest get himself killed and have his kingdom fall yet this bald cuck manage to rally the entire north despite having zero magi.
>no mages
>king of everything
>trust mages
>get your ass stabbed
he's a spoiled brat
But Kiera and triss were cool though..
Trust a Mage
Get a Grave.
>has a hot strigga wife
>has a hot strigga wife's loli sister as back up in case his hot strigga wife goes berserk again
>thanks to both grills is the only one with legitimate claim on temerian throne
>sees an opportunity to conquer the neighboring kingdom and takes it
>btfos the biggest empire on the continent
I don't think so, buddy
Triss and Kiera literally are the embodiment of "don't trust these hoes" though
Philippa Eilhart murdered his father while she was his advisor, he is doing gods work there.
Philippa was cucking him entire life
Phillipa is the embodiment of bad mages. A cunty dyke with a nice pair of tits but insufferable personality.
Radovid fully understood the Lodge of Sorceresses was trying to fill every throne in the Northern Kingdoms with weak puppet kings so they could be the real power ruling the North from their positions of Advisor to the Crown.
It's not paranoia when Phillipa really was out to get you. Radovid saw how Nilfgaard keeps the clamps down on their mages and sorceresses and thought that's a DAMN good idea.
Radovid wasn't insane, but redpilled as fuck
>>tfw Sup Forums get good witcher threads with discussion going
>tfw /wtc/ is just a bunch of waifuposting retards
If he was redpilled why was he allowing the culling of non-magical non-humans in Novigrad? "Elf's" are half-breed flea bitten slobs, Dwarves and halflings are everyones bro so why start burning them? Let's be honest Novigrad was never free, it squats on Redanian land so Radovid has complete say in the city.
this has already been answered in another witcher thread, like half an hour ago, mate. Maybe you could use your head and find your own answer though.
Well instead of being a nigger why not give me a quick rundown?
>T.culturally enriched cuck
I don't agree with him personally and completed that retarded State of Reason quest but I can't fucking help but to admire him.
>is young
>conquered Kaedwen and assimilate it to Redania while Nilfgaard is invading the north
>still manage to defend the entire north despite being an underdog
>btfo'd the Nilfgaardian Empire so hard that Emhyr's subjects rose up and kill him
I would honestly support Rad if he only stuck to purging mages.
bad writing, terrible ending
Radovid was the biggest disappointment in the game after The Wild Hunt
>quick rundown
Take the bogpill
>Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs
>In contact with aliens
>Possess psychic-like abilities
>Control france with an iron but fair fist
>Own castles & banks globally
>Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
>First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
>both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
>Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
>The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader’s first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?
>They learned fluent French in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
>The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they’re benevolent beings.
The quick rundown is you're being baited.
>comparing halflings and dorfs to tanned germans and southern Swedes
I can understand burning knife-ears but the other two are uncalled for.
>If he was redpilled why was he allowing the culling of non-magical non-humans in Novigrad? "
That was only a political move.
because radovid is a smart guy and is doing what his people wanted to do for a long time in order to have their support in times of war and trouble. When there's war or any other social trouble and people are dying from starvation you bet your ass the government is gonna find a scapegoat (in this case in form of non-humans) to kkeep its people from rebelling. It's what al smart governments been doing for ages. Commies, capitalists,Russia, USA, gay, trumpkins, ethnical minorites, jews - you name it. Better direct the masses' anger towards an entity that they've been hating on for years, than having to face a peasant uprising or civil war.
There. Was that so hard to figure out on your own?
How could Nilfgaard fail to conquer the North so often.
Also I heard there's werird choices that determine if they win or not and it's not super obvious ?
>Burger logic
>and thought that's a DAMN good idea.
He went above and beyond though, Nilfgaard allows mages, just not rogue ones. Magic is essentially a government institution within the empire.
because Emhyr is an incompetent fag with a head up his ass
>being this new
I let Radovid won just to give Philippa a huge F on her face. I accidentally killed Saskia because of her.
>in order to have their support in times of war and trouble.
Nigger please, he already had that. He was just a crazy asshat.
Shitty writing, hamfisting him into an ambiguous crazy villain
he wasn't crazy though
Because Nilfgaard sucks shit. Made up of faggots and are so edgy and think themselves cool they wear nothing but black.
>annex two countries, conquer the third
>gee weez, that went well. no way the nationalists are gonna rise up against me. better not take any precautionary measures in giving the population of those countries what they wanted for ages and demonstrate that I can do what their feeble kings couldn't :D
Wait what two countries and kingdoms did Radovid take? Everything previously north down south was the Black Ones territory now.
He wanted to have sex with his cruel domme babysitter, but she wouldn't let him.
One king died and two moved in to take his stuff.
Of the two that moved in, one died, so the other took both their stuff.
Or something. I don't remember.
>no possible scenario in which Philippa can die
Temeria and, I assume, Aedirn. Although you're right, at the time of the third game he probably didn't have control over them yet, only Kaedwen.
Speaking of Aedern and dead kings. What Happened to Stennis in W3 assuming he survived W2? What's he doing during the war?
So whar are the names of the newer Redanias? All I know is Temeria which is that light blue but what about the others?
irrelevant just like every other choice you made in w2
Yeah, but does he at least get a mention in W3?
Newr Redanias is Temeria, New Redania is Kaedwen, Newerer Redania is Aedirn, Newest Redania is Lyria. Everything else is just a bunch of smaller kingdoms no one cares about. Mahakam is between Newer and Newerer Redanias
Radovid is Hitler
>persecuting the ones, who he considers being unjustly more powerful (jewish bankers vs mages)
>is about to fight Temeria's traditional enemy (russia/soviets vs nilfgaard)
>tries to create an empire based on somewhat convoluted northern identity (Festung Europa)
>some people belive in his cause, yet not in his methods and want to see him dead (Wolfen Schanze vs that assasination quest)
Emhyr is Stalin
>can be considered lesser evil
>will make temeria a puppet state
>cruel, but not as persecuting as Radovid
this whole shit is based on WW2 Poland.
Did Hitler's father get killed by a jewish banker that then proceeded to abuse little Adolf?
shitposting aside this user is objectively correct
Stalin also persecuted the Jews afterwards that's why there are many Russian Jews migrated to USA, Canada, and Israel.
A google serach away.
Maybe he observed the world around him and noticed that literally everything was the fucking Lodge's fault, and decided to do something about it.
>normal and intelligent in witcher 2
>WOAHHA CRAAYZY MAN!! in witcher 3
Explain this
if i remember right radovid actually promised to liberate that country and then just took it
he did something crazy for sure
Broche says the stress of the war was getting to him
He had enough of the Lodge's bullshit and sorceresses in general. Being locked in a war with Nilfgaard also he needed to gain the support of the peasants, so he isn't really crazy. He saw how those cunts killed foltest and kept trying to move puppet kings in to be the main power. Women are venemous creatures.
Definitely not biased or revisionist whatsoever. Naturally those who want to create a world wide communist state arent going to decry one of their greatest pawns as a anti-Semite.
You have nothing but your Sup Forums post.
I quoted an article full of references.
And I am the one who needs more proof, and you gave enough?
that doesnt make it any less true
>i am right because i say so
>you are wrong despite all the academic work saying otherwise
>its true because i reiterated my claim on Sup Forums
No, you nigger. Educate yourself.
He was perfectly reasonable in two, but when CD Cuckjekt sold out to WB, they needed a Hitler archetype to pair with their Mages/kike holocaust allegory questline.
Fuck this piece of shit game. Poland has no balls.
>i believe everything academics shit down my throat
>i believe everything Sup Forums shits down my throat
>rally the entire north
Not really, He had his armies and what was left from Kaedwen and Temeria, and he only did have those because the other two countries were king-less.
His lunatic beef against mages aside, how's mad Rad as a person/king?
No he's clearly gone insane.
>i dont question anybody and just shitpost on Sup Forums
>i question peer reviewed academic publications more than i question Sup Forums posts
Bullied by a sorceress.
Apparently he hit his head somewhere between second and third game. Alternatively, shit writing disregarding any and all player choices as always.
He sucked on too much Flaccid Cock
Letting rad win is killing yen. Hope you're happy, cuck
Nah he ain't crazy. He just WOKE.
>i continue to shitpost without critically questioning sources myself
Indeed you do, my friend.
Indeed you do.
No matter how much you jerk yourself off over this, in the end its your useless opinion against the word of actual historians and contemporaries who wrote about it.
Radovid was redpilled af and did absolutely nothing wrong.
oh boy certainly no conflict of interest there
doesn't she get BTFO if you help Radovid find her?
>all people who lived at the time are jew communists, and all people who studied the period are jew communists, and all people who aren't myself are jew communists
Fuck off, kike.
HOLY FUCKING SHIT, not even that guy.
How can you be so bafflingly blind to think you are any less ignorant than he is? You have no reason whatsoever to feel "superior", worthless scum.
In your language:
>Jews denied basic human rights in Poland/Russia/etc. for centuries
>Can't go to college, forced to live in the pale of settlement, periodically subjected to pogroms, etc.
>A group comes along that wants to break down religious-racial lines
>Get mad when Jews join them
Even Russian Prime Minister Stolypin said that nobody should be surprised that Jews joined revolutionary groups given the way they were treated. You can justify the treatment of Jews, but don't act surprised when you reap the consequences of said actions.
That being said, the "Jewish Bolshevik" is still overblown for propaganda reasons. Take a gander at any list of CPSU delegates for the Central Committee by nationality. Proportionally to their population levels Jews are behind Latvians, Estonians, Lithuanians, Finns, POLES and Ossetians in their representation among the ruling caste of the Bolshevik party.
Of course, talking about the "Latvian Bolshevik" doesn't advance the narrative, so people conveniently ignore this.
He wasn't particularly fond of a bunch of magic wielding faggots constantly fucking around with politics trying to get the kingdoms to kill themselves so that they could take over. I don't blame him.
Helly von Valentine. She shows tits in this set, and tits and vag in other cosplays
Literally making shit up out of your ass versus reading what people who lived at the time and studied the period wrote.
It is in no way the same, and any person who at least fucking tries to research instead of repeat the mental diarrhea of Sup Forums blind is objectively superior.
Now fuck off, retard. Enough bah bah bah imma triggered sheep baah.
Thanks user
fokken slut she is
he was bad at chess
If by 'that country' you mean Temeria, then he did liberate it. Have you forgotten that he's married to Foltest's daughter? or bastard daughter. Adda, and then Radovid's child by Adda or Anais is Temeria's only legitimate heir now
Yennefer can take care of herself and doesn't need a babysitter. Not to mention she wants to fuck off from the north after ciri business anyway.
not even close you retard
Such is the nature of /vg/. A general is only good at the beginning since it hasn't established its circlejerks and tripfags.
Motherfucker killed my nigga Kalkstein. He can suck flaccid dwarf cock in hell for all I care.
I just wish I had been able to shank Philippa as well.
>le enlightened centrist
>le if you aren't as extreme as us, you are the enemy kiddie
wtf I love radovid now