That will be the normal scum crowd who don't pay attention to review sites or journalists. Though even taking that demographic into the equation its suprising its selling THAT well. The who thing is a mess from a PR perspective and the intitial game itself, they dont deserve shit
Normies and retards that believe that the only opinion worth something is their own
Bioware name
Mass Effect name
Big marketing blitz
By your powers combined I am captain profits
Normalfags have shit taste in games. What else is new?
They're not wrong. They just have shit opinions.
Name alone
why the fuck people keep thinking UK is representative of EU in term of video game sales,
place is like a sweden except not european
now think of all the fat loud femenists on that island.
>Giving a shit about review
They don't read them and they don't don't even know what the fuck SJW is.
UK. Notice how UK charts are ALWAYS fifa and other normalfag shit? That country is REDDIT The country.
I mean the retards that buy full priced trash game because they want to make an opinion on the game themselves instead of trusting what the entire internet is saying.
Because despite cherry picked gifs that pop up on autistic Chinese forums it's still a pretty alright game. It's far from perfect and the facial animations really are shit, but it's overall a pretty decent game, especially for normies.
Quick name a market with worse tastes in Vidya than the UK
>Protip: you can't
Is Mass Effect that big of a name? Star Trek with gay romance doesn't seem like something that should be a normalfag magnet.
UK likes to buy shit because they are a nation with shit taste
>trusting what the entire internet is saying
here is your problem.
being the number one doesn't mean selling well since its the only new release this week. we need the raw numbers.
Pretty much this. There's nothing else for space autists like myself. At least I pirated it like all of the other ea games.
>That country is REDDIT The country.
So was it really the London rainstorm that won Brexit? Good to know.
I live in the UK and can confirm. A Game store employee told me they only have three Persona 5 CE pre ordered and theres no midnight release because its a niche title with little demand.
>space autists like myself.
But normies are buying, so this is no excuse for them.
The sheer amount of people that don't pay attention to anything other than the marketing is enough to determine the success of a game. Just throw out some live action trailers, a supercut trailer with a familiar song, and advertise it everywhere. More people will see that than the videos on the internet saying it's shit, and the people that see both often just think 'but it looks good, and those are probably just problems with their copy'.
The industry thrives on appealing to large audiences with low standards. All because of marketing.
>EA once again not releasing sales data, instead trying to refer to data that looks like it could mean that it's selling well when you're absolutely retarded.
Woa, it's almost like this is their normal MO when their game isn't selling.
Are you Canadian? I can usually tell by the sound of a dick in your mouth. :^)
>Star Trek with gay romance doesn't seem like something that should be a normalfag magnet
it is, besides, we are in 2017, space operas, fantasy, capeshit, etc. now are also for normies. the era where all that was "nerd shit for childless virgins" is over.
even anime and mango is getting popular and is more normal than years ago.
LITERALLY the only thing you need to sell a shit game/movie is marketing. If it's complete garbage you can still use viral marketing to label it "ironically swhit" and still rake in the cash. It's a win-win-win
literally the mass effect name
most people don't care about blunders and most people who play on console probably don't even care about internet reviews
they see the mass effect name, they buy
The entire internet thinks Way of the Samurai 3 is shit. And they are wrong
>because its a niche title with little demand.
Are you sure this is that different from the rest of the world? Persona IS niche. Consider how popular Persona 4, how many threads it has all the time, how praised, how liked, and then consider that it sold one million units in all territories combined. This title will probably sell much better, but Persona really is weebshit, but as mainstream that weebshit can get.
found the triggered britcuck
Because it's an enjoyable game.
I bought it on April 1st and I've put more than 40 hours into it.
I bought it on the day it releases. About 30 hours in and I fucking LOVE it
All those ham planets who have waited five whole years for this piece of shit and they eat it up, lying to themselves that they are having fun
But for real, if I was a ME fan, I'd buy it just to scratch that itch too
The entire internet think drinking bleach is bad for your health, prove them wrong.
I agree that WotS is great though.
He's not wrong though. Most people here play and enjoy typically garbage games. The PC playerbase here is mostly shit like PU Battlegrounds, CSGO and LoL. Consoles are for FIFA and whatever Ubisoft release.
Because it wasn't at all a bad game. Wasn't great but it was pretty good.
why the fuck is Sup Forums still a piece of shit?
Because you haven't fucked off yet, retard.
>Mass Effect Andromeda sales dropped by 78%, but it managed to retain its No.1 position for its second week on sale.
>The game just about outsold Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands, which remains at No.2.
wew laddie
are you retarded or something mate?
of course persona is niche you mong
>Want to play a story focused RPG with good combat that lets me create my own character
>My choices are Mass Effect and....
the UKs hardcore gaymers gulp down every AAA games ever, they should be purged
Every single time.
It's almost as if most people were utter morons.
Go away Eurocuck.
But the story is complete shit, whether it's the premise or its conclusion (inb4 muh journey), there are far better TPS out there and the character creator might as well not exist due to how limited it is, unless your definition of a good character creator is the one that lets you add shitty lizard scales "tattoos" (decals) to your face so you can live out your anthro dragon fantasies in space
Imagine being from Norway and being told you're from the UK for years,and when The EU takes off and becomes something Clappers know of, they start to refer to every country on the continent as The EU. Not only that, but they think The EU is a country like The US and was shocked that England left.
UK has the worst taste in games. Andromeda is just fucking broken and they're still buying it.
>Not only that, but they think The EU is a country like The US
But most of them already think this.
Because despite its flaws the gameplay part of it is actually decent and with a supposed patch being announced tomorrow with them further acknowledging issues and actively trying to fix them (like the shitty galaxy map) people aren't writing it off and are actually praising Bioware's "dedication". At this point I wouldn't be surprised if it was shipped half done on purpose so it could be "fixed" generating good press for both EA and Bioware.
Because it was the closest thing to ME1 and had actual loot and exploration instead of corridors with chest high walls.
1 > A > 2 > 3
Sorry dudebros.
Thanks Murrica!
>That will be the normal scum crowd who don't pay attention to review sites or journalists
You do realise the exact opposite is true? Normie scum DO pay attention to reviews and """journalists"""
Maybe becuase normal people dont give a rats ass on what fuckers scream about in the internet. Its really hilarious to see Sup Forums freak out about normies' tastes when normies dont even give a shit about what they say. They dont even know Sup Forums exists.
Central Europe countries.
I swear all they play is either FIFA, CSGO, Mobas and phone shit.
My mom fell for the Bioware meme, playing ME2, 3, DA2, and Cisquisition, and is only temporarily held back from buying Andromeda by the price tag. She doesn't even order online, but buys everything from retail at full price like a A-rank goyim. How do I make her see the light and release my family from this plague?
Seriously though, what are we going to be elitist about now?
>My mom plays ME
You must be 18 to post here.
Hardcore games.
The s is there for looks, there's only one hardcore game left.
Thats the whole world son. Here in Asia, its isnt much different. In fact when I first came here I was culture shocked to find out that console gaming is supposed to be a normie hobby because back here, its practically nonexistent. Everyone and their grandmothers games on a PC.
Because it's a good game, an underrated gem that will have a cult following like Vtmb and Arcanum, /vg/ loves this game more than the original trilogy, go ahead and take a look they are lusting all over Peebee and Vetra in there like it was 2010 again when ME2 generals were all the rage.
what game?
Shit like Nier, I guess.
True story. My mom's over 50. I don't even live at home anymore, but I feel responsible. There should be a way to free one's parent from the curse of bad taste.
No, they pay attention to marketing. Which isn't the same thing even with literal shill reviews.
Have they given any actual sales number yet?
It being first doesn't mean much if it is only first because it released in a slow week.
Im sorry but normies love it too now. My steam friends are all talking about it. And these guys have 3000 hours in dota 2 and csgo.
Afaik, its on 2m now. But below their expectation of 3m.
>/vg/ loves this game more than the original trilogy
Are you arguing for or against the game? /vg/ is the autism containment board.
Last I checked in MEG, they were posting bizarre celebrity memes and castration porn of Veetor.
That's Nier Tomato. I meant the original Nier and Drakengard.
user, Sup Forums is just another autism containment board.
Why do we even need reviewers again? People obviously don't care about anything they say be it positive or negative, I say we cut that dangling turd loose.
Positive reviews have actually had a huge impact on how well a game sells.
About 1% of the number fat loud feminists in the USA.
This is true.
Why else do you think the ps4 sells so well?
80 hours and I haven't looked back or regretted it
Why didn't EA condemn and fire this guy?
Every fucking chart in every country is filled with AAA garbage.
Fucking CoDIW was the second best selling game in NA last month and it was released in January. GTAV wasn't far behind.
Because normies function on a different level. They don't go to a chinese basket weaving forum to find everything wrong about the game. They remember enjoying 1,2 and maybe even 3 so this one HAS to be good too. They don't bother finding out.
because he was making the only good part of the game, the shooting, manveer do the gameplay of MEA, ME3 and wolfenstein the new orden.
monster hunter
>that lets me create my own character
Unless of course you have preference for white characters
You just described all of Sup Forums because all of you fucks here think your opinion matters the most. It's almost like people in general think their opinion is always the right one. Hmm really activates the almonds don't ya think?
The characters look like Brits so that probably explains it.
mate my mum completed mgs 2 on european extreme and 100% FF12 with no guide before i did, slightly older adults also do enjoy things others dont now and then
>tfw you're so fucking contrarian that you like shit games just because normies hate it
Post the stats.
The ranking is insignificant if the benchmark is low.
It's fun. Cry more.
the rofl so random humor goes really well with the 10-12 years old audience
Isn't bioware Canadian?
yeah hes right you fucking queer, also