Pc master race version soon r-right?
Pc master race version soon r-right?
Please stop shitposting
>falseflag as strawman pcfag
>"ha! pcfags are so salty! they just can't STOP obsessing over this game!"
This is the same shit you did with bloodborne, you only do this so you can claim the game has made people "salty" which it hasn't.
Difference between this and say, Breath of the Wild is all the salt is genuine and occurs on a daily bases, but with this, the only people who care are sonyfags, you attempt to fabricate that by pretending to be salty pcfags and going "HA! Look at how much salt this game has caused!"
Despite what I've said, I'm getting the game myself, but you sonyfags are the saddest subhumans on this entire board.
just get the youtube port
unless they somehow made it so persona gameplay is no longer bad even by JRPG standards
>t. BRfag
/vint/ just showed that majority of port beggars and PCfags that start console wars are literally 3rd worlders
megaten has the only fun combat in jrpgs
Lmao! another sonybro false flagging on Sup Forums to make nintendo gamers look bad. It wont work, we actually go outside. Hint: we have a portable AND home console device. It looks stylish as fuck AND has one of the best games of all time. Look at its metacritic (you know the one, heh). Stay fucking mad sony cucc boi.
Can't be streamed user.
nigga what, you just do your basic attack attack attack heal rotation (with buffs debuffs added in for hard fights) and hope your first attack against a new enemy won't be reflected
I want flags
name a jrpg with better combat
>tfw no consoles
how am i gonna play this game?
like half of the final fantasy franchise at least
I mean, most of them won't
I am more sure about the DQ XI PC port in two years than this ever seeing one.
I mean, most of them won't be that much better, but they won't be worse since megaten combat is nothing to write home about
There are PS3 all around the place, I doubt anyone will have trouble playing this game
you can still record it through capture cards but the entire game, from the second you open the application, has the share functions blocked on the ps4
but i dont want to buy a console just for 1 game
Borrow one. Don't you have a single friend?
Remember the CEMU threads? Literally filled with poorfag brazilians and americans that can't afford multiple consoles.
Well, you can always emulate the PS3 version, so yes?
maybe in 5 years
Oh come now, PS3 emulators already exist.
>mfw 2 fps
Please stop shilling your shitty game.
you just made my day. 12/10
>2 fps
is there an iso out?
The switch has one game, which I can play on PC
youtube port inbound
Wait until it's on PSnow
But user! PS4 exclusive "games" are walking simulators!
>80% of content is bugged and graphics glitches all over the place.
>stuck with ps3 release
Wow... so this is the masterrace.
just buy a used ps3 for 50 bucks my man
Man I wish I lived in america.
>cheapest used PS3 in my country is $120
I honestly have no interest in any other persona games but this one. It would be good if it's emulated soon so I don't have to buy a ps4
I want to lick Morgana
I want to squeeze Morgana
I want to be penetrated by Morgana
Because the PS4 version is so much better, right XD
It's coming much sooner than you think
look at those massive frame drops. it's not gonna be playable any time soon. RPCS3 is still only able to play a very small number of games (6% of ps3 games) and something new like p5 wont be playable for at least a year minimum
>turn based is bad
This again?
ps3 iso when?
PS3 emulation is underway so it won't be too long now.
the game didn't even run at the start of the year desu. progress looks pretty fast to me
it's "only on playstation" so no official pc port
>look at those massive frame drops
sounds like the usual console experience?