ITT we trigger Sup Forums's PTSD


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I hated it once, but once I actually decided to turn them on, I could never go back.
Sticky Keys are awesome. I love not having to stretch to keys for combinations.
Using them with games is kinda flaky, though, but mostly alright too.



After the first time it happened I still get nervous when I look at new monitors.


I've never seen this on windows 10

Cause it automatically restarts without asking you.


>bought new monitor for 150 dollars
>single red pixel stuck in the corner
>don't even care
>a few weeks later there are 2 vertical lines sitting right in the center of it constantly changing colors
>go to a thrift store and find some used acer monitor for 10 bucks
>a bit dirty and 2 small insignificant scratches on the screen
>months later not a single dead pixel or anything

Reinstall your sound card driver, dude.

i haven't seen bsod since windows xp



I grabbed it off google images.

>tfw my pc was bsod
>i had to re seat the cpu
>and i forgot to plug in the cpu fan
seems fine now, pretty scary though

Arkham Asylum actually has an effect like that happen as part of a Scarecrow level. Being one of the first games I played on my new PC, I was scared shitless


Please acknowledge my clever reference to irq conflicts.


if the heat sink is attached it will still passively cool pretty well, i had decent temps on my cpu even though my cpu fan was busted and i had to wait for new ones to arrive, my max temps were like 65 degrees celsius but now it never goes over 40

That's the level user

for idle it was fine, i tried playing games and it still went to bsod
pretty sure it was from an issue not seating it right and then forgetting to plug the fan in and running games unknowingly

my bad, looked more like a place from City at first glance

I think the joke went well over your head.

Circumcision is unhealthy and makes you degenerate and is only done in America because Protestants love Jews

Marimo-chan was spotted having dinner with a different dude.

CPU have pretty good overheating protection
Didnt damage it


Just some scareware javascript on my pc I found today. I'm pretty sure some Russian from a 3rd world shithole has access to my pc but then again nothing bad has happened.. so far


My PC has never done that to me. Maybe you need to turn off something in settings?





>Здpaвo, јa caм Зopaн Кecић.
What did he mean by this?

The only time i see this one is trying to run project 64 2.1 on a newly installed win 7.
The faggots fucked it so hard, you actually need to install an specific windows update to it actually run.


wew scary

>not turning that message off

wow faggots

he's only got himself to blame

What was this effect like on console? The artifacting wouldn't make sense there.



I still don't understand what kind of reptiloid brain decided that it should make an OS where window transparency would severely affect performance.

>close your browser at the speed of light


Funny story:

>Playing AA forever ago, on a rig with an 8800GT
>Get screen artifacts at this part, but my game crashes, get BSOD
>Restart rig, turns out power supply was in some way inadequate for the card and the GPU cooked
>Have to save for a couple months to buy a new card, unable to play AA the entire time
>Finally get new card, start playing again on this scene
>The fake screen artifacts happen, I scream "COME THE FUCK ON"
>Exit game and start checking temps, begin troubleshooting
>Figure out an hour later it's a part of the game

Fuck that part. Good game though.

>graphics card is failing
>see shadows all over the world like some sort of old roman spinning projector
>they start moving and animating and dancing like devils around a fire pit.


"That's the Tri-Optimum way!"


You can just run past those robutts, you know. I did, I saw that crowd and just peaced out.

>that area with the Donkey Kong exploding barrels while you're tracking down the one assassin who's hanging out in there
>who will always die to the barrels

System Shock 2 was so fucking dumb. I miss it.

For me it was the fleshy area. I hate shit like that.

>hello would you mind us interrupting your full screen game to remind you that windows, which you arent using right now runs slowly


>don't show me this window again
>shows me this window again

Fucks sake Microsoft

>Icarus ends up doing jack shit and that message triggers nothing
I mean, it was spooky when you found it, but you know.



>not using windows classic

ello chaps

>spasm on the chair
Every time.

>not using objectively superior Rainy Day

>not using a command line based os


>Using an OS

>Update to W10
>Put computer to sleep as usual
>Go to bed
>PC turn itself in the middle of the night
>Wake up because of fan noise

>using digital calculators


this triggers me I won't lie. I just don't get why anybody would desire the keyboard to work as a defective one on purpose.

Joke's on you, I fucking love Ricochet.

I'll never understand why people love Steam so fucking much

what does "hg" mean to you

>he didn't get accustomed to fan noise so much that silence has become unbearable

Never even noticed that steam changed colour

I still remember all the updates to the interface as they happened and how much I hated each one. If only Steam had some sort of legacy interface option for those who don't care about all the social media and market aspects of Steam.

>age of empires III

Old Steam was almost universally hated. People like Steam now because:
Cheap games
Good way to organize games into one area
Not bound to 1 computer

GoG is far better in my opinion because of the lack of DRM, but it needs more games to choose from

>To deactivate the key combination for StickyKeys, click Settings.

Why was every one of my friends a fucking retard with this?

No idea why people bitch about w10 or even w8 back then I never experienced all these so called shit like ads on the explorer, and the update thing only just reminds me that I have days before it restarts and even then I'll just do it there anyway since it literally takes like 20 seconds to update and boot on an SSD anyway.

>press the middle stick to dodge the Joker's bullet

>All those parents who freaked out

>I'll never understand why people love Steam so fucking much
It is the largest digital distribution platform for PC. The games are much more affordable than physical copies. What else is there to understand?
>Never even noticed that steam changed colour
The fact that you just bring up the color proves you're lying. If you used the old Steam you would've also noticed the change.

Maybe they just want to stick with it.




>Protestants love Jews
American meme denominations aren't protestant

>level user
What's that?

You can install the Old Green Steam skin but even then it just isn't the same because it's such a fuckin' memory hog now anyway, not to mention the skin is somewhat broken and you can't use the old message sound (Steam overrides it even if you replace the file, take ownership, set to read only and prevent all users from editing it).

ur a fag

posted from Ti-83 using the Reddit App

>If only Steam had some sort of legacy interface option for those who don't care about all the social media and market aspects of Steam.
I've got a guide for this:
1. Uncheck "Automatically sign into Friends when I start Steam"
2. While using Steam, don't click the "Store" tab

2011 steam interface was the best.