Lori Alan confirms WW2 MGS Prequel written by Kojima
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He also confirmed that he's making The Boss transgendered.
2011, chucklefuck.
the last few MGS games were various kinds of garbage so I'm not going to hold my breath.
she tweeted this march 31st 2017
he's still working on it.
Trannies deserve to be euthanized, filthy subhumans.
will you say that when it's revealed that she's trans
Maybe she's an idiot who thinks Kojima still works for Konami? Either that, or Konami is forking over big bucks to get story ideas from Kojima to continue the series, but not have him as director since he takes forever and wastes a bunch of money.
or maybe death stranding isn't what it appears to be to you?
It's impossible for the boss to be a tranny, you freak.
Trannies can't reproduce.
remember when emma stone was confirmed for being in death stranding?
I remember
Also, WWII metal gear would be the dumbest thing ever. What would the final boss be, Hitler unleashing a Reich Gear equipped with a nuke to destroy Washington/Moscow? Fuck that noise. The series is over. The only thing that can be done is a metal gear 1 and 2 remake where you play as big boss/venom and build up zanzibarland/outer heaven. At the end, you play as solid snake, infiltrating the base you built.
they could if they had an artificial womb
Humans also can't control bees, walk like a spider, have psychic powers, control birds, or be ghost/vampires.
we know that. the issue is that mental ill transsexuals can't distinguish reality from fantasy so playing into their delusions is dangerous
You're a complete retard
Hey look it's FIB the madman. Give me hope
want le mgsV ruse enough?
it turned out shit
or how about kojima literally is so mediocre he can't let go of the MGS lore and story, and so he decided to make a "not MGS" MGS game to show that "hey guys look I still am a genius xDDD"
there is no fucking ruse. stop sucking his virtual dick. DS is not MGS related at all, there is no chapter 3, kojima is a fucking fraud.
kojima likes me tho~ c:
If Kojima willfully worked with Konami again the asshurt from Sup Forums would be a sight to behold
I mean, all the world war 2 parallels in Death Stranding are kinda suspect, but how would they explain all the futureshit?
did you question the wormholes in mgsv
mgs with ww2 weaponry would be kinda boring DESU
I can't tell if this is an elaborate falseflag or not.
Kojima already stated pre-MGR that he wanted to make a game about the Boss + Cobras in Normandy.
it's the truth, you can say I'm Kojima's number one fan.
that is exactly what he's doing though
right in front of their eyes
and they're too dumb to connect the dots
How did he get the rights to MGS from Konami?
same way he trademarked V
So can you post that kind of image in regards to the words "Metal Gear," n' such?
Would be neat to have a crazy Nazi scientist like Josef Mengele as the main antagonist. Actually secretly wants to rule the world instead of help Hitler take over Europe.
Maybe KONAMI licensed it to Sony, which gave it to Kojima? KONAMI does work under a licensing model ever since they started rebranding their business and strategy
"I then handed these plans over to the team so they could take over and make the game."
Never knew Kojimbo had so little involvement with his games.
well nah but they were sort of set aside from the main story
I want to believe, man.
Kojimjim didn't want a hand in Rising is what that is about.
Is that something that would be a matter of public record?
Any theory to what the V is?
I honestly don't care what the fuck Kojima does as long as we get more art from Yoji Shinkawa. That man is my hero.
More commie propaganda? No thanks.
someone post one of these pictures made before the launch of MGS5 so I can laugh at how inaccurate they turned out
See: en.wikipedia.org
> Normally seen clothed in white, Lachesis is the measurer of the thread spun on Clotho's spindle, and in some texts, determines Destiny, or thread of life. Her Roman equivalent was Decima. Lachesis was the apportioner, deciding how much time for life was to be allowed for each person or being.
All dress in white... 'her'.
Lachesis is also snake, a Bushmaster snake, sometimes known as the mute rattlesnake due to its tail that shakes but produces no sound.
Decima shares its name between this woman of fat, and Dejima, an artificial island with a highly suspect flag.
There were people who correctly guessed the twist though.
Farewell sausage.
yeah, like how Chico was Quiet
Decima is just the Guerrila Games engine they're using you stupid shit
Miller is Ocelot. Chico is Quiet. Fuck you.
Decima is the goddamn engine.
You didn't answer my request. So you're saying Kojima is doing an unofficial MGS game?
Day of the rope soon, non-believers.
it's actually a collaboration between both studios. It's got the brains of FOX on it too.
chico desu was most likely venom, since GZ and TPP both start and end the same. Listening to a tape inside a cell of your mind~
but i love me some dickgirl quiet canon c:
>it's actually a collaboration between both studios. It's got the brains of FOX on it too.
You completely sidestepped his point.
>chico desu was most likely venom, since GZ and TPP both start and end the same. Listening to a tape inside a cell of your mind~
Oh fuck off. You're just as bad as "you Joostfags." Gonna save this fucking thread and parade your posts around on a cross when this game turns out to be a separate entity from MGS.
>it's actually a collaboration between both studios. It's got the brains of FOX on it too.
Decima was developed solely by Guerrilla Games and has been used since Killzone Shadow Fall. Stop talking out of your ass
If only everyone was an obese NEET who cant even talk to girls like you user
He can't make two games at once. Rising was done while he was beggining MGS5, but his team fucked up so hard, he woudn't even dare to launch that shit.
After trowing the game on the garbage, Kojima went to Platinum to ask then to remake Rising since they are experienced with hack n' slash. Kojima's team only writed the script, but still a lot of changes were made by Platinum.
Spotted the tranny canuckold.
these fools didn't even read the poem
yo i'm right here using the name FIB
I don't need to user because I'm not a little bitch like you are
trannys are gay, you're gay.
Hey. Pony up you little bitch:
is he saying pokemon is shit??
if I like girls does that make me straight or gay
Why did it have to end like this
>durrr here's a completely different theory prove u rong
Chico was going to be in the game but he wasn't venom nor was he quiet.
No we have actual fucking proof from artbooks.
you're so fucking autistic
it's modified from what guerilla is using, thus it's a collaboration between both studios.
his FOX engine team hacked up their engine.
so it's both their engines.
I knew that the Doll was an easter egg in Horizon but I only just now noticed that the Handcuffs and the Usb chain were from Death Stranding too.
why do you think it's labeled unused
because they went with a different concept for chico.
Whoa I never saw the Norman hoodie thing before
WTF I believe in chemtrails now.
Wow, a creator uses similar themes and motifs across his works. Stop the presses.
That's not the point. You completely sidestepped the point that it was an engine with the name Decima long before you imposed your theory on its meaning here:
All i said was there were people who predicted the twist, and you're being a fucking faggot and pushing your faggotry. Kill yourself
>FIB has gotten rock bottom so hard after being shadow banned from MGS, NBGO, and DS sub reddits that he has to spam his autistic theory of Norman being The Boss's son and her male clone despite the clear inconsistency that he was born after her child was born by fucking years that he resorts to shit posting on morning Sup Forums
FIB, you give a bad name for trannies, for MGS fans, and for Kojima dick suckers. Seriously, check yourself in the hospital. You need serious help with your obsession over this 24/7
> Decima is the Greek Goddess of childbirth, and that has a nice connection with creativity, yet there is more to the name, as Kojima-san explained: in Japanese the engine’s name sounds like Dejima, which was an artificial island in Nagasaki during the Edo Period. It was the only place where the Japanese people were allowed to trade with Dutch merchants.
suck a rock
Did you also see the tweets a few days ago of him hanging out with The Boss' VA? It's soooo obvious but some people just don't want to see the truth baka.
>tfw just happy to get some more metal gear discussion
april 28th you can suck my cock
he's literally proving how stupid people are, it's wonderful in the worst way.
We have enough MGS discussion without your autistic shit posting FIB. Remember the old you? Remember when you posted good content and weren't a nut job back on NBGO? What the fuck happened to you?
Also, posting a pic from that fake INGSOC shit won't help your case
i made friends in high places
Because they went for NO concept for chico
Sorry do you prefer theories over facts?
why do you think venom sees paz
why would medic give a shit about seeing her again
venom remembers paz because he was in love with her
it's parallel to jacks love for the boss.
This is some advanced autism
Do you have a close up of Paz' face from GZ?
He got blocked and muted by several voice actors like Troy Baker as well as Ken Ichimori of Kojipro. He's that annoying, I even had to mute him since I followed him back when he wasn't fucking nuts
I want to cum on the Boss.
only hayter blocked me tho??
and SHE* doesn't tweet either troy or ken lol
why you always lying
ps: david hayter spoke both Futa Snake (and Puta Snake) and FIB on Reaper's podcast. Has Big Boss even heard of you? o7