Oh Clem, how'd they let you get so pretty but let your game get so bad

Oh Clem, how'd they let you get so pretty but let your game get so bad.

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Telltale destroyed their reputation so fast.

Those Clem flashbacks are the fucking worst. I don't usually get angry at video games but hoooly shiiiiiit

The moment they stopped doing Sam and Max was the day I gave up with TT

Redpill me on them pal, I'm never touching another one of these games again but you got me curious.

someone tell my why TT is so bad?

[hug clementine]

I still haven't finished the GoT one. My fuck that was embarrassingly bad.

it's actually really impressive.

they were doing so mediocre then suddenly had a hit and then "O-OH FUCK WHAT DO WE DO"

they were like little anime girls overreacting to hand holding.

I liked Back to the Future but TWDS2 was just quick time events....don't care.

they got progressively worse with their stories and started on too many projects at once. Thus leading to them potentially losing interest/not spending enough time on said project. Their last good games were TftB and TWD S1. Also their shitty engine kept destroying everyone's frames and their QTE's stayed the same boring shit as it always has been

I only played Season 1, is the rest bad?
The amount of TT games makes it look like showelware though.

>Enjoying Batman for an episode or two
>Completely shits the bed because they really need Harvey to be the villain
>And to set up an OC villain for some reason?
Surely it can't be this hard to sustain something interesting and good for five videogame episodes.

The wolf among us was pretty good tought

Remember the three different endings of season 2? There's a ten minute which changes depending on which one you got which just instantly writes them out.
The worst one leads on from the ending where you stay with Kenny. He's teaching Clem to drive, then the car skids on some ice and crashes into a tree. Kenny flies through the windshield and gets eaten by zombies.

Is it really worse than season 2? Surely it can't be.

That's fucking retarded

S2 was fun enough, S3 is just clemservice with a shitty story slapped on.

It is

>That fucking spoiler

Jesus fucking christ, not another cent from me.

>tfw Jane kills herself after finding out that shes pregnant

S3 is so shit, i regret buying the whole thing so much


*ten minute flashback

She was hot in the earlier games already.

It was alright, fell apart a bit like most mystery stories written by people who dont get mystery stories but as long as you played asshole bigby it was worth it.

First season of TWD was good if overrated and success went over their heads.

Post Sam&Max Telltale tier list

Good tier:
The Wolf Among Us
Tales from the Borderlands

Meh tier:
Poker Night 1 & 2
Puzzle Agent 2
Back to the Future

Bad Tier:
TWD3 so far
Law & Order Legacies
CSI Fatal Conspiracy

Mindless pandering tier:
Game of Thrones

Jurassic Park tier:
Jurassic Park

>janefag in season 2
>kenny has objectively better endings and overall outcomes in season 3

I've learned my lesson

>siding with le short haired telltale tough girl

Holy fucking shit, that's some Final Destination level bullshit there

>that spoiler

to be honest that's pretty consistent with the comic where people get infected and/or die because of some mundane shit
it's still very retarded and I'm glad I stopped buying their games since then

worth a watch on youtube desu

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

It'd have been better for Kenny to have died attempting autoerotic asphyxiation.

>that spoiler

Is this an elaborate joke ?


If your playin tt shit its best to just play the first game. Everything beyond that is gonna be bullshit asspulls and an incredibly transparent formula of "build group, down size group, choose a or b, null a and b choices, repeat."

If youre really curious, go watch the next games on youtube. Any choices you would have made in game would lead you to the same place as any video youre watching.

To be fair Walking Dead is a shit source material, but their games are constantly declining.

only Borderlands was good after Wolf Among Us

but who cares, they will just keep buying the rights to some fad bullshit and keep making games with a cliffhanger ending

she looks and acts like my sister so I liked her more

I actually forgot that S3 existed. Telltale has so many series nowadays and they all seem to be mediocre. So what's going on with S3. I'm still waiting for new Sam & Max. Maybe one day that will happen.

Take a step outside of Sup Forums and you will see that their reputation is still intact

To be honest I dread to think what a Sam and Max game done by current year Telltale would look like, it's better for the series to just stay dead in my opinion.

Wolf Among Us is better than S1.
Tales of The Borderlands is pretty good

the rest is just mediocre, if you enjoy the things they show atleast is good, and it has a spin of, so you are not just playing a tv series/comic.
Batman for example it has a cool twist i guess to the whole batman stuff.

That's pretty cute actually

People dying from mundane shit isnt the problem tho.
Its the fact that any loose ends from a previous game conveniently disappear in the first 5 minutes.

What the fuck...

True, I guess I'm just a little bit booty bothered because I grew to really dislike the source material.

Yeah, maybe it's better that they don't touch it. I'm pretty sure that most of the original staff, like Dave Grossman have already left Telltale so there's no real hope for the game anyway.

You mean the worst part of any zombie story?

>be reading the walking dead
>prison arc
>two guys talking in the parking lot
>zombie under a car bites one guy in the ankle

I wish someone actually made a zombie medium outside of video games where 90% of characters deaths' aren't because they forgot to lock the bathroom door

I'd be careful so user, considering Jane abandoned her sister to die.

completely terrible

someone gets paid to write this shit

It is not about their reputation.It is more like every game they make is seen as a Telltale game.

There were a lot of games that have a similar gameplay and tried new stuff, new puzzle or QTE mechanics, but Telltale is so stale it is basically a disease at this point.

So it just boils down to if you like the X theme they are using as a game, no one really goes in to play a telltale game for anything else other than playing a faithful adaptation of something you like it

Do they have anything else coming out now? Batman finished up a while ago so I imagine they'll be working on a season 2 for that and game of thrones.

Aren't they making a Guardians of The Galaxy game?

>read the walking dead far enough
>Zombies stop being a threat almost completely
>Literal scene of everyone getting together to murder 400 zombies in a crowded space and not a single one of them gets bitten

Don't watch the show, you might get an aneurysm from the stupidity.

Game of Thrones is even fucking dumber.

>He'll come back with an army!
>comes back with like ten guys
>but they're each worth twenty :^)
>half of them get murdered on the spot

What the fuck was wrong with

Shouldn't have come back at all if he was just going to waste everybody's time.

The fact that they're aimlessly milking it is more than enough to turn me off from it anyway, same thing with the comic.

Yeah after a while it got fucking boring. I wish Project Zomboid wouldn't suck dick so much, at least I'd have my zombo simulator and would play in peace.

Plus the family you play as are just fucking shitter versions of the Starks.

The only one that was somewhat original was the one you mentioned, the exiled brother.

I liked TWAU much more than TWD1.

Actually I recall hearing about that. Don't know much about guardians though so haven't played any attention to it.

cant wait for the new bestiality sfm of her new model

I didn't think season 3 could be worse than season 2.

The last episode didn't even have gameplay. You can walk around for 30 seconds and the rest is cutscenes.

Could be interesting if they do the Griffin/DnA cosmic Guardians. But most likely will just be the movie ones.

I haven't been giving a damn about the new season, how bad is it? Any old character returned?

I'm gonna guess Jane/Kenny died in ep1

Is that a fucking South park reference


I'm surprised so many people here seem to like their Sam & Max games so much. I thought they were pretty hit and miss with Devil's Playhouse being the best overall.

I thought the first season was average but S2&3 were really good.

You forgot Tales of Monkey Island and Strong Bad. I enjoyed both on the Wii.

I'm liking S3 thus far (people who thought your endings were going to matter are full retarded)

My only complain so far is that season feels short. If EP1+EP2 were one and the same, I wouldn't care and would find great how we're still at EP2 and we hit a climax already.

But there is still only EP4 and EP5 to go, so let's be honest, this is gonna be a repeat of S2, but with faster, worse pacing.

But meh, Clem is fucking hot, so I can't complain.

I'm just somewhat happy that they didn't go with the brother being the big bad, the old chick being the mastermind is still cliche as hell but it's better than what they probably originally wanted to go with

Clem and the baby, Jane and Kenny for the first episode. Jesus from the comics is also there.

Kenny teaches Clementine how to drive, crashes, Kenny fly's out window and gets paralysed from the waist down, tells Clementine to run and gets eaten.

Jane finds out she got pregnant from fucking Luke in season 2 and necks herself, leaving Clementine and the baby by themselves.

I have and it's not. Even the normies i've talked to who had never heard of TT before Walking Dead say they feel completely indifferent about their games at this point.

I love Clem
She was hottest in the first game, but kinda ruined in the second.

there really was nothing to destroy. they were always a mediocre dev. TWD (and TWAU to some people) were the exception that proved the rule.

Am i not looking hard enough

Where's my S3 clem sfm?

someone post a video of that shit.

It's not incest if you don't get her pregnant.


what even is this website anymore

The only good thing Telltale has ever done was Strong Bad and that's because the creators were watching them like hawks.


She could get the D a few years ago, she just looks awkward now.


Dropped any and all TT games after the slog that was GoT.
Redpill me on TWD S3

>Javi siphons gas from an obviously long since abandoned ambulance in a run down junkyard a ways from Prescott, which is a good distance from Richmond so it's nowhere close to New Frontier territory
>They take what little food is still good in the main office
>Fuckface and his crew roll up and hold them at gunpoint, take their scavenged stuff and kidnap Javi
>This is somehow used as evidence of Javi's group stealing from the New Frontier
>That complete shitshow if you choose not to spare fuckface when you confront Joan or whatever
Yeah nah fuck off TTG

Last time I buy Telltale games at release. 25 bucks for what's probably gonna be a 6 hour game.

Tt is hard to place. They can do comedy or depressive, but never consistently. Do they have different in-studios? Also if I got to hear troy or Laura one more time.. they're good, but don't overuse them like that

what went so wrong with episode 3? i havent played it yet

>season 3 is trying to push a "choose kate or david" kind of thing
>can't stand either of them

>it's a shit on this game episode
>half the thread hasn't even played it judging from reactions

Where is the SFM porn?

The office scenes were something special

>knock guy out
>pick up his gun
oh no, here comes his friends
>should I hide?
>nope, just throw your gun on the fucking ground and get manhandled

>I wish Project Zomboid wouldn't suck dick so much

AI NPCs never ever.

GoT pissed me off so bad.

It ends with a fucking cliffhanger and nothing gets resolved.

What is there to play? In this new episode you don't even walk for fuck sake you just pick dumb one liners from the option wheel like a retard. At this point this is just a simon says for 3yo nothing more since your choices don't matter at all. The outcome is always the same.

Really don't know why people even spent money on this shit and I encourage all people to just watch this "game" instead of buying it since you get the same experience, literally without being scammed out of your money.

Watching this shit gradually turn into a VN since S1 has been hilarious in a terrible way.

They have high employee turn around. If you read their Glassdoor reviews you get the idea nobody who worked on TWD season 1 probably works there anymore.

IIRC this was already true of the second season. The returning writer/director list was pretty sparse.