Jesus fuck, what were they thinking? This is fucking horrible.
Jesus fuck, what were they thinking? This is fucking horrible
They're trying to emulate a time no one wants to go back to.
>OP can't into dates
too many memes
This shit makes me uncomfortable.
WTF thats actually WORSE than the DK rap. How the fuck is that even possible U_U"
>they couldn't even say hell like the original
Absolute trash
What did he mean by this?
I don't think that's an april fools joke, user.
>Thought it was corny nostalgiabait at first
>Now I've watched it 4 times
Help me
disregard that I suck cocks
The late '90s - early '00s were a hideous time for music and fashion.
They could have made it work, too. "He's green as hell, if you cross this lizard, it won't go well." Much better than "LOL HE SED REKT"
Saying hell would get Kirkhope pulled from the project. Sorry.
the original rap was jontron denying the holocaust and complaining about blacks breathing the white mans air
consider suicide
Yeah totally that's why it came out on April fools day. Its cringe for the sake of being cringe and anyone who gets upset at this shit is because they want to be upset for Jontron for getting removed from the game even though hes still excited for imo a subpar game.
Go back to tumblr faggot
She actually and heres your answer.
Dont blame me for the mental scaring X_X
>The late '90s - early '00s were a hideous time for music and fashion.
So where the 80s and the 70s and the 00s and the 10s and the 20s will be too. Mainstream music and fashion trends always have and always will suck.
God I hate fucking everything about this dumb game.
I hope it ends up being shit and all banjo-kazooie fags collectively kill themselves in unison.
I can't tell if this post is legit or not
underage nu-Sup Forumsags get the fuck out
so many layers of irony
why bother posting
jontron fanboy, please
Fuck off leaf
I do
fuck the 2nd decade of the 21st century
Stop with the ASCII faces.
People get really bitchy about that shit here, unless it's done ironically to suggest someone is a Reddit cross poster, which we also hate in our super secret club. :^)
The most cringeworthy thing is the horrible blocky movements of the dancing, and the line "Load of yap"
The fuck? I do not remember Dre, Snoop, and fucking Eminem making cameos in this video. I feel like I skipped to an alternate timeline.
Fucking cringeworthy, but I guess that's what they were going for, so good job, I suppose.
Requesting 'i can be yuor angle or devil' with OP's picture.
...They really are just fucking BEGGING for nostalgia now, it's just pathetic to see.
Obviously Rare has become a wannabe hip meme-ridden mess now...
Man... they used to be one of nintendo's best...
The one thing I really hate about jontron is his gushing nature of Banjo Kazooie.
I got a big grin along my face when Jon started saying "one of the really cool things about this game that you don't see in other games is-" and arin just interrupted his stupid gushing with a burp and setting him off.
Banjo Kazooie fags are just as obnoxious, if not more, than mother fags, I don't see why the hell they always get away with it.
I think what bothers me the most is all the stock poses and animations they have them doing. It looks lazy.
>not rekt
missed opportunity
It's like they intentionally made it bad, but I don't understand why.
Also ist hat seriously the voice I'm gonna hear during the game? Everyone sounds like shit
I fully expect the final product to look just like this.
>Yooka laylee will prove that kickstarter games are great. It's not the next MN9!
>Holy shit it sucks
looks great, can't wait till it's out. just 8 days more
go back to Sup Forums you meme loving fuck
Yooka a cute! A CUTE!
Now you're just being silly.
>my meme eceleb isn't in the game and now I must unite with Sup Forums to kill those fuckers for betraying me
>Talking shit about Break Stuff
kys yourself
so is this lizard a boy or a girl cos I dont wanna accidentally turn gay when I start looking up porn of it
those eyes look so fucking off
I don't even know anything about this game but this lizard is pretty cute indeed
Also quads confirm
>kill yourself self
>Limp Bizkit
i dont think so, he got a little buzz from eminem and had one album that sold just a little over 1 million out of the 20+ years he's been doing music, and is also one of the most hated artists.
I stand with JonTron and the white race
>multi-million donation campaign driven by nostalgia to revive a series through a spiritual successor which is built in a free engine in full 3D
No autism beats that of nostalgia wanking banjo-kazooie autism
>kill yourself your self
They were begging for nostalgia from the beginning.
This rap was announced since the kickstarter start.
The whole project is based on nostalgia and they literally said that.
Nothing wrong with it if people want it and like it that way.
They also COPIED Radical Rex, HAHA.
sometimes people should just stop and think before they do things
>getting triggered by obvious shitpostng this much
>calls other people autistic
You might be on the spectrum, user
>It's a "Sup Forums tries to make a game fail" episode
Please stop. You're embarrassing yourselves more than usual. I didn't think YL looked good to begin with, but if you're going to persecute every person who doesn't share your fallacy-laden nazi propaganda it's going to get real annoying real fast.
It was never an April Fool's prank. It was always a kickstarter stretch goal
People actually paid for this.
At least you use good quality bait.
So does this game have co-op? Looks like it might be fun to play with my wife's son.
Why can't western devs make cute designs?
>plus a credits "GK Rap + Video"
Wait, it's actually in the game?
>GK Rap+ Video written by Grant Kirkhope
No fucking way, HE wrote those trash lines?
literally fuck off
>They needed $100,000 to create this rap
>GK Rap+ Video written by Grant Kirkhope
No fucking way, HAS wrote those trash lines?
i dont know what kind of creature you are, but you may want to leave unless you have a fetish for being autisticly angry
Shit, my interest just went from non-existent to 'going to pirate'. Hope it's not some gimped shit.
You're not making any sense
AND that trash music.
Seriously, the only good composer on Rare's staff was you-know-who, which shows since he still does soundtracks.
who are you talking about buddy
you know that all this has NOTHING to do with the quality of the rap
its literally just angry Sup Forums fags who are still made because of jontron who they only like because he is a fucking racist and they all stick together
Well he was the same nigga who wrote those trash lines for the DK Rap, so yeah
u know ppl can not like things and not be from Sup Forums right
nope, the quality is definitely much lower than the original DK rap
>The lizard is male
Wait what!? All this time I thought it was female, it certainly looked female to me.
Physically impossible.
I just shattered your entire argument. Your move, faggot.
>americans still don't understand tongue-in-cheek humour
I'm sure you're aware of the DK rap. It's an in-joke that they're having a bit of fun with. Calm yourself.
The only angry one here is you man
Two reasons
It's supposed to sound shit they even warned it was even cornier than the DK rap
Grant is really fucking Phoning it in
>which shows since he still does soundtracks.
I mean, Grant Kirkhope still does music too. He's done stuff for games like Kingdom of Amular, the Castle of Illusion remake, and Yaiba.
Hell, Robin Beanland's still active, too. He's composing Sea of Thieves.
>physically impossible
that's cool of you to say user
>If you criticize Yooka-Laylee you're a racist.
I'm just saying just because someone doesn't like it doesn't mean they're from le /pool/
>GK Rap+ Video written by Grant Kirkhope
No fucking way, NO wrote those trash lines?
The only one of those I've ever heard of is the babby's 1st genesis game remake and all I've heard is that it's infamously awful. meanwhile /ourguy/ is working his ass off with tropical freeze, AKA the best OST on the WiiU.