Highest skill ceiling

>Highest skill ceiling
>Now updated for today's computers
Why play any other RTS once StarCraft Remastered is released?

>Why play any other RTS
Rts is a dead genre though.

Because it's not that enjoyable with its shit UI and I don't care about bragging about being good at a video game.

>Why play any RTS in 2017

Because I have Mass Recall and that's all I need.

>Highest skill ceiling

SC1 feels dated as fuck, and I'd rather play SC2 desu.

Different skill sets honestly.

RTS is dead, because the gameplay is archaic garbage. Real Time Tactics has proven to be the far superior genre.

blizzard is basically confirming that sc2 was shit and they cant think of anything new that is balanced and exciting, rts is dying, so they just use nostalgia as an excuse to give this a fresh coat of paint.

its like them hoping that once this is free people will play sc2 great gastby style

Bad interface design is not a substitute for game depth.

Maybe because I dont give a shit about SC lore? I play RTS as a comfort game where I can pretend to be a general crushing nations and have wikipedia entries about the battles I took part in. Id rather play Age of Empires, Stronghold, and Company of Heroes.

>Paying for a resolution update

It's free, you fuck.

patch 1.18 is coming this week. Remaster probably will get fucked up as is new blizzard.

People will just play 1.18 instead now that sc runs on modern computers.

Also if blizz even attempts new fucking balance patches its fucking DOA.

>Why play any other RTS once StarCraft Remastered is released?
because I actually enjoy the RTS genre rather than being an autistic nigger who refuses to play anything but X because it isn't X
You sound like Q3 faggots who can't enjoy serious sam, wolfenstien, STALKER, far cry, TF2 etc. purely because they aren't Q3

Twitch shooters skill ceiling may be relatively high, but comparing it to the skill required to play RTS on a mid-high level is absolute bullshit.

If there's one genre where skill ceiling is close to non-existant, it's fucking RTS.

It will revive the community. A new great age of custom maps is returning. Video games are saved.

Only because bad interface design demands 300 apm.
This isn't actually a good part of the genre.

But user SC is the twitch shooter of the RTS genre. It's all predefined strategies where victory depends on who twitches slightly faster than the other.

wasnt that what people said about dota 2 custom games

>muh skill ceiling
>muh competitive gayming
>no other RTS is good
Starcraft is the reason the RTS genre died.

>muh community

how much does this game costs?

>predefined strategies
that's what casuals here think about the genre completely missing the point that these only work till any player interaction which always result in different outcomes.

Sure, in the beggining of the game you can start just following a predefined build order, but the first time any conflict happens you will have to adapt to the situation, do the resources management and make shittons of little decisions every few seconds. It's nothing like just finding the enemy and whoever aims and shoots faster wins like in twitch shooters.

Would love to play but there's only Cali servers right now.

/v doesn't care for skills, user. For all the shitting on "muh casuals" people do here, they rather play glorified city builder wih combat and shit on "muh gookclicks"

Because it's still an old, clunky game, where the most important "skill" to have is knowing how to fight against the UI
It was great at the time, but it's not good by today's standards

>Twitch shooters
Anyone who uses this phrase makes me wonder if they have understanding of the fundamentals of arena fps. Opinion discarded.

If they don't improve unit pathing while taking the time to absolutely shit on the game's unit portraits, they won't receive a single cent from me.

Yeah, I'm playing the campaign and the units are genuinely retarded.