Why was Revolver Ocejew on your side in this game?
Why was Revolver Ocejew on your side in this game?
because you was big boss
He was always on your side user
>tfw played the entire game as the avatar
more importantly how does master miller know snake from mgs1
His allegience is such a confusing cluster fuck, I stopped paying attention to it. I treat each Ocelot in each game as a separate character now.
Also, isn't he supposed to be torturing Afghans to earn the title Shalashaska at this point? He didn't do any of that. He was just adivsing Big Boss over the radio according to this.
He helps train him in foxhound
He already did that. They say it in the cassette tape records that you were supposed to be listening to as you played the game
gomenasai we needed at reast 3 more year development time to tell tru story of big bossy
prease understandu
such a shame
>Still not realizing the MGS story is a clusterfuck of shit writing
>They say it in the cassette tape records
>tfw never really played MGO because too disappointed with the story and it took too long to release on PC
is it still good?
MGO2 is coming back to PS3 nigger
>put Ocelot in a mainline high budget MGS game
>never have him do anything
>only fires his gun once, and that was at the roof during Huey's trial
Literally why.
why didn't ocelot spin his guns like a madman?
>fags who started playing at V
Ocelot loves big Boss, his allegiance is to big Boss here.
You can....
with mods ; n ;
>put kaz in the game
>he doesn't act like kaz and barely appears in the game
>put ocelot in the game
>he doesn't act like ocelot and barely appears in the game
>put the man on fire in the game
>he barely appears in the game and serves no purpose (seriously why is he after medic? shouldn't he know?)
hmmm ... really activates one's almonds...
That doesn't count and you know it
What's your point? This benefits big Boss and he's a fill in for big boss.
Will there ever be a more emotional moment in any game?
>Need to upgrade RnD platform to lvl3
>Need 48000 Fuel
>Have 7000
What the fuck how am i supposed to get that much?
I just started doing missions in Africa, do i find more shit there?
Too bad the game itself was shit.
Nah, it's pretty good.
grind the online raid missions (against AI) with fuel rewards and hope it's not the week of fully armored dudes
>protects Big Boss from explosion
>loses arm
>filled with shrapnel
>gets memories and personality wiped
>made to look completely different
>used as bait
>finds this out
>still works for Big Boss
Why was Venom Snake such a pussy?
I think i still have to unlock those. I kinda ignored online up to now.
Of course Volgin doesn't know, Medic was given plastic surgery to look exactly like big boss, remember? The experiments turned Volgin into a man on fire, not a genius.
iirc complete mission 20 and you can do them
but yes fuel is always needed the most
I went back to this game and I'm enjoying it now that I don't care about the story. Gameplay is great, but fuck man what a let down in the story department.
>Be standing around doing guard duty
>Some bum kills all your deployment friends
>Breaks your face in and interrogates you at gunpoint
>The pulls you with a balloon into space
>Pulled into a helicopter and brought to a base in the middle of the ocean
>Decide to join the madmen
Why were Diamond Dogs such pussies?
>story material already in the game
>the same thing as external secondary media that you have to access separately
you're probably trolling but come on m8
the man on fire doesn't care about looks, he taps into feelings. but thanks to hypnotheraphy the medic has those feelings
Literally the only functioning characters of TPP is Ocelot and and Kaz. Everyone else is a mute.
he sold his world to big boss
now he literally is big boss too
So Big Boss really was a huge dick with no redeeming qualities?
he told the medic that they both are big boss and he's as much part of the legend as he himself is
Because their entire purpose is to serve big boss in any way, what he did was the ultimate sacrifice and even after finding out the truth he was happy to carry out the will of big boss. I think you guys missed the whole "god idol" part from Mgs4 or something.
>tfw you kill venom snake in metal gear on the NES
God this game was such an utter disappointment. All the supposedly great gameplay in the world can't make up for it feeling like some generic action-stealth game instead of Metal Gear.
He also let a hospital full of people die for him and didn't give a shit about his cloned sons at all. Big Boss was fucked up in the head by the end of peace walker, he became skull face lite.
>His allegience is such a confusing cluster fuck
It's not that difficult dude. It's Big Boss, always Big Boss.
What in the actual FUCK was meant by this?
Worst part was the shit explaination of why you can't deploy as him
>the ruskies will see meee
Why the fuck would a random grunt know who you are if you were fucking KGB Ocelot? Fuck this game
Didn't he mention that there can only be one big boss though?
There was some definite subtext that Ocelot was using his tort-I mean persuasion magic to brainw-I mean get them to join out of their admiration for Big Boss
it's dead
If you played MGS3 you would have seen that by the end of the game he loved Big Boss. he was young and inexperienced. He could have killed snake on the plane at the end but he jumped out and left. it's clear he respects him. I never played PW so I can't say if he was in that or not but of course he would try and help BB in V.
That was ment to be the point of this game. Kojima showed it in the worst possible way just so he can crap out the
>we all BB!
Bullshit. I blame him going to visit that dead kids house for this. Bet he fucking changed it cause of that
Yes it's pretty much been implied through the series that Big Boss is a cunt that only cared about going nuclear . People started to romanticise him after 3 because of muh feels
He also brainwashed himself to forget that Venom=medic
true loyalty
Kaz was clearly having a tough time mentally. Also his anger and revenge was higher than anyones.
"he [big boss] is the two of us together"
And he did redeem himself in 4 so there's that
more like true stupidity
He was kind of stuck with the role of Big Boss at that point. He didn't even find out that he had been used like a tool until Solid Snake started infiltrating Outer Heaven, which meant he had the option of either walking away with the face of the most infamous war criminal in history with no possibility of finding a job, or stay on the base and protect the Metal Gear. Big Boss is such an asshole he got fucked from the very beginning, but at the same time he got guilt-tripped into the role because he wouldn't be alive if he hadn't played the part.
Is any one else getting fed up with longtime favorite crazy bad boys being portrayed in prequels as "mereley pretending" reasonable and sensible people after all, this gen??
>every reviewer that gave it a 10/10 after only playing the first mission
Solid hadnt started infiltration yet.
His allegiance is always to Big Boss, or Big Boss legacy.
Revolver Ocelot is clearly a fag in love.
I actually do feel bad for Venom, seems like he just got stuck in a shit situation
Ocelot's love of Big Boss from a mentor perspective falls apart under any sort of scrutiny, and I'm surprised 13 years on we just brush this under the rug.
>people can't change
>people are just born a certain way
Don't be an idiot
Not quite, its more "it takes a clown to cry" pretending. An act. MGSV showed Ocelot in the context that you already know MGS4's ending. I think it is fair to say MGSV portrays Ocelot at his least interesting, but it's also the only game in which he is truely being himself, unfiltered no smoke screen.
>its more "it takes a clown to cry"
What does "it takes a clown to cry," mean?
how does it fall apart? To be fair I do think going from a sort of rival/mentor respect to "yeah I'll help you start your own private army" is a bit much. Was he in PW at all? maybe it was covered there?
Honestly story wise MGS V is probably the worst, I mean all the faults MGS4 had it was still better story wise, It may have been plot/cut scene heavy but it had a lot to try and clear up as they thought it would be the last game. It's a shame that they paid so much for voice actors yet Venom only says like 10 lines of dialogue the whole game.
Mother Base is a weird place.
I would have thought it obvious user. It's the ultimate "merely pretending" clowns are happy beings that bring mirth and laughter are they not? How could they ever be sad.
>how does it fall apart?
After the virtuous mission Ocelot's orders were changed to support Naked Snake. That means all the times he encountered Snake, he was pretending to be a bumbling idiot. That means that Ocelot is the better soldier, and spy, than Snake. Ocelot has no reason to look up to Snake whatsoever, as he is superior.
why did he try to kill snake in mgs1 and 2 then?
I know what you meant, I suppose I'm not satisfied that it is stated as "it takes a clown to cry," because by itself it doesn't mean anything. It doesn't take a clown to cry, many people cry.
Because he had no memory of the person he was and was just Big Boss now.
How did they give him all of Big Boss' memories? How did he get all of Big Boss' memory and skills but not his Russian language skills?
Ocelot was the only person in the entire series who noticed that everyone was acting retarded.
>he doesn't act like kaz and barely appears in the game
Bad bait. Miller probably has like 50 hours worth of voice lines, he appears in 90% of cutscenes and has so much dialogue or narration that you could compile his voice lines to read out an audiobook.
Also who the fuck are you to say how a character should act? You clearly see why and how he behaves differently to Peace Walker, hell it would be weird as fuck if he didn't behave differently after everything that happens to him. Is it that hard to understand that the game isn't made around your fan fiction?
If he was basically Big boss then why not just be the only Big boss? He had all of real big boss's skills so why not?
That's a pretty gross simplification of her desires.
Because Big Boss was a cunt and erased a loyal companion's entire life to save his own ass. Venom had nothing to go back to, the only thing he could do was accept that his life was gone, and he contributed as much to the legend of Big Boss as Naked Snake did.
The point was that Volgin was blinded by hatred and revenge, just like Kaz, Skull Face and to an extent the player. He spends the entire story trying to kill Big Boss, only to realise that he was obsessing over the wrong person. Sound familiar?
How come Ocelot had magic supernatural powers in mgs2 but it's never mentioned again?
What powers?
He can medium the souls of the dead like his father
If Big Boss found out it was cipher, not zero, that was behind everything and zero dindu nuffin, why did he kill Zero in mgs4
But you just proved yourself wrong. It's brought up in MGS2, explained in MGS3, and then retconned in MGS4.
I think it was more of a symbolic act at that point. I don't think there's much of value to read out of MGS4, seeing as how its writing is worse than a low budget anime. Maybe that's me being ignorant but I couldn't read into it.
>Blatantly ignoring the best character and character development in the series
I thought Cipher was Zero.
Cipher is Zero why are you people talking about a game you don't even understand.
I thought skull face is cipher
Yeah but it's not mentioned again in ocelots appearances in mgs4 or mgsv
>I thought skull face is cipher
Jesus christ. Skull Face and Venom are phantoms used by Big Boss and Zero to get at the other guy. It's a proxy war.
>Yeah but it's not mentioned again in ocelots appearances in mgs4 or mgsv
That's a different point entirely. As was stated, it gets retconned in 4. MGSV Ocelot could've been a new character entirely to be honest.
Ocelot was just using Venom, much like Zero was, to protect the actual Big Boss and its hard to tell if Kaz was just using Venom to get back at Big Boss or not. Ironically the only person who gave a shit about Venom at the end was the real Big Boss.
The protagonist in 1 and 2 aren't the same guy as V. He was with Big Boss/Venom Snake, trying to destroy the Patriots. So was Miller but for whatever mindfuckingly stupid reason they decided that one of them should go out and switch sides and Miller was like "sure I'll probably do it" and that's why he's with you in MGS1 kinda.
>Ironically the only person who gave a shit about Venom at the end was the real Big Boss.
Yeah that's why he destroyed his memories.