What was the last 9/10 or higher game made by pic related?
What was the last 9/10 or higher game made by pic related?
Street Fighter 2010
Binary Domain
Yakuza 2
oh wait that was SEGA
I dont give a shit about Cuckcom
Dragon's Dogma
DmC. 4 a shit
>Yakuza 2
Really made me think.
Is this a "haha capcbro so bad haha exdee" thread? Stop playing SFV.
Monster hunter 4U
Resident Evil 6
MH4U for sure.
Megaman 9 & 10
Resident evil 7
Resident Evil 7
That game is barely a 7/10.
Fucking hell, forgot about RE7 too. Not even horror games fan, this was almost a pure 10.
AAI2 was the last good AA.
Except maybe Great Ace Attorney, I don't speak moon.
Monster Hunter XX released like last week, it's easily 10/10.
AA5 was a solid 9 too.
Dead Rising 2
Resident Evil 7 - Capcom has struck gold with that game. I hope they make any and all future RE games in first person with VR support, including the REmakes.
I couldn't hear you over all the DARK AGE OF THE LAW.
>including the REmakes.
please die
Don't really care about VR but agreed on continuing it like this. REmakes can stay with the old style for nostalgiafags, they're cashgrabs anyway.
>he didn't like Blackquill
Last (you).
Fuck off marketer-kun, quit ban evading.
SFV and DmC
Ace Attorney Investigations 2 is the only legitimate answer
Did XX cut down on the gathering quests?
Yes, aside from a few in the start they're all completely optional.
When you get to High Rank you automatically unlock everything in the farm so there's no need to use cats either, unless you want the Barrage Earring.
What did you mean by this?
darkstalkers 3
>still barely any porn on either one of them
9/10 joke
>still barely any porn on anything AA6 related
Dragon's Dogma is the newest Capcom game I own so that.
me underneath
They make a lot of good games (6-8/10, non-journalistic rating), but the last really good one was probably DD, and even then that's a stretch. Still like them though, they rarely disappoint.
I really like a lot of their games. Even new ones, and HD ports they do I really appreciate.
resident evil 7
Most of their games that they don't outsource are good.
3rd strike for cpsIII, they only produced crap after that game