>final boss battle takes place on the moon
Final boss battle takes place on the moon
>final boss is the moon
name 384 games that do this
>final boss have the game theme
>final boss is inside of the moon
Killer is Dead had its moments
>Game isabout Ninjas
>Final boss is from another dimension
Is he kill or just vegetable
>final boss battle takes place on the moon
>It's a three phase boss battle
>the boss theme is an electronic remix of a piece of classical music
>final boss battle takes place on the moon
>you become friends but get stuck up there afterwards
>final battle is a bullet hell vs the credits mini game
>it's somehow the best moment of the game
name 2 video games that do this
>unexpected final boss fight
>you forgot your healing potions
I only know of Killer Is Dead :(
Asura's Wrath and Killer is Dead
Yeah, it's not exactly what that user said, but it's the closest I can think of
FF4, majora's mask, bloodborne
majoras mask
>final boss is a HUGE fucking robot
>final boss wields the moon as a weapon
>final boss is a QTE
>Final boss is a qt
>final boss battle takes place in some kind of abstract space