Worth playing? I see this series being rarely mentioned compared to -craft games, AOE2 or Red Alert.
Worth playing? I see this series being rarely mentioned compared to -craft games, AOE2 or Red Alert
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I don't remember these buildings for the Plaguelords.
Yes, it's worth playing, not so much for the strategy elements alone, but for the rpg-rts mix, that brings these genres really well together.
I only played the second one, it's fun and comfy and the rpg/heroes part is good.
The third one seems like the second with more content and better graphics so it should be ok.
It's pretty fucking good that brings some actual innovations to the genre
Yeah, it's really damn good.
It can get a little same-y, but the sheer variety in races and hero builds is wonderfully enjoyable and the whole atmosphere is pretty well done.
>tower rush with skeletons because they're practically immune to arrows
It's one of those games where everything feels OP at once. It's great fun exploring each race's flavour of ridiculous.
Except dark elves, those guys are worthless.
They're great. Just play the third one though, since every game is a straight upgrade from the last with more races and units.
The biggest downside of the franchise is that the balance is garbage, so it never really caught on as a multiplayer game which ruined its long-term popularity. Along with the fact that marketing-wise it never stood a chance against stuff like AoE, Red Alert or Starcraft to begin with.
Dark Elf assassins can be pretty fucking OP, but even then you're better off just playing a Dark Elf assassin leading just about every other race.
Also they're not the only bad race. Wood Elves are just as bad, Knights are very weak especially in early game, and the Swarm is decidedly below average and mostly plays like a shitty version of the Fey.
>dark elves
>not wood elves
Dark elves can put workers in their mines, scare enemy heroes effectively away with assassins and dark knights, are fantastic at spreading poison, have great base defense though a good player would always take some healing with him can use piercing resistent skeletons to assault bases or use the very great sorcerers as late-game wrecking machines. And they have much better race-class synergies for their heroes.
Wood elves have bad economy, their cavalry is strong against orcs, yay, and their late-game units are vulnerable against one of the most common attack type, fire.
Armies of Exigo or Warlords Battlecry 3? which one is better?
Three races or seventeen races?