Do you play New Vegas on hardcore mode, Sup Forums?
Do you play New Vegas on hardcore mode, Sup Forums?
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But it's also stupid because you can set hardcore mode+very easy.
One of the only things FO4 did right was survival mode.
>One of the only things FO4 did right was survival mode.
>no fast travel at all
>fast travel
I play the hardcore VERSIONS of New Vegas instead.
more like BOREcore 2bh
sasuga ADHD Xbot... shit taste as always.
project harder, shill
>shilling 10 yo games
>that anyone should pirate in the first place, as old devs are long gone
It's quite ironic when a Beth-fuck is accusing other peoples of advertizement.
missed again, shill
>play new vegas once, years ago
>get most of the content, probably not all of it
>beat it
>having enjoyed myself, uninstall it
>years later there's some weird cult of anons who play the thing religiously over and over despite the game having no surprises left
>praising literal Bethesda shit
>not a beth-fuck
typical Zenimax
>no fast travel
>can't save, still unstable as a shitty bethesda game
>can't have survival options like eating/sleeping/diseases without the other shitty forced mechanics and over-the-top damage boosting shit
Hardcore being separate from the difficulty slider is objectively better than it being tied to the """""hardest""""" difficulty
Yes. I heavily disagree with people that it's only inconvenience. They seem to forget that in addition to "lol just having to drink water and eat food every couple of minutes" ammo weighs so you have to plan ahead on how much you need. Stimpacks don't heal limbs and are not instant, sleeping doesn't heal you, etc.
>shill AND ignorant
truly you are the pinnacle of humanity
Arbitrary difficulty. I use the modded hardcore mods that show a more realistic "desert survivalist" game. I haven't made it out of goodsprings yet. Fucking untreated bullet wounds to the head and their massive infections.
If you don't have at least one or two games that you can play over and over again, I feel sorry for you. It doesn't even have to be "700 hours and I still find new things" kind of game. I can't stop replaying Half-Life 2 and gta ___3____ every couple of months, for example.
Install one of the countless mods that either let you save normally or craft save chems or find one use save holodisks. Problem solved.
Yes but I play on low difficulty because of the bullet spongeyness.
What mod(s)?
>m-mods fix it
Don't be a faggot, I know that mods fix it but it's still an objectively worse system. If I have to mod out bethesda's changes, then they're not worth being in there in the first place. The default for the game shouldn't be something I have to mod out to fix.
still denying your emplo- I mean favorite game's publisher, Zeni-kun? It's right there in the game cover even.
yes. but it is a bit inconvenient that companions permanently die which would includes when they're not in your party and get attacked halfway across the map
I actually like Bethesda/Zenimax as a publisher. New Vegas, Arcane titles, D44M I guess, Call of Cthulhu game that was buggy and kind of bad but also really atmospheric - they publish some decent and unique stuff, even if they unfortunately tend to shit on devs they're working with. Just avoid anything actually made by Bethesda and you're fine.
>It doesn't even have to be "700 hours and I still find new things" kind of game.
That's funny, I have 800 hours and just recently found those notes at that one farm with malnourished livestock that tell a story about a kid going crazy and killing himself in a house fire after his parents died.
yeah and it was lame as fuck
One of the few things that was actually shit in New Vegas (and FO4).
Tedious bullshit mechanics being considered """hardcore""". Wasting time with clicking stuff in your inventory and extending the gameplay, instead of making the game truly challenging.
Why don't they add peeing and shitting as hardcorrrre mechanics also?
Instead of making enemies smarter, or spawn more frequently and chase you.
A "hardcore" mode should force you to make better decisions, not just boringly drop and take a few more times than normal stuff because "realism".
Well, sure, I agree with you that survival should be customizable. There's no survival specific achievements, and you can't possibly make it easier than very easy, so why force all the difficulty on somebody if he doesn't want it?
That said, I had beaten survival unmodded on a gimped character (END and STR set to 1 so I can't carry much and die fast) and I had a ton of fun. It wasn't a terrible no-fun grind because no matter what you do, you will become powerful by level 20, even on a build like mine. The first few levels you just have to take it slow and plan ahead.
There are people who beat survival vanilla + all DLC without using any armor or weapons (except bare fists). Now that's a grind.
I noticed that the more we play one game, the more we tend to follow the same path, even if we try not to. When my Mom was playing NV, she found a ton of stuff in obvious locations that I have been to many times that I haven't seen. Like that weapon repair kit in Jean, right on the fucking floor.
>I actually like Bethesda/Zenimax as a publisher.
I guess you'd love working for Putin then.
FO4's survival adds a lot of nice changes to the mechanics, I like the diseases and all the other shit that it adds. In a more stable game, the save bullshit wouldn't be so shitty either.
I'm still not a fan of the damage changes. You feel too squishy even in power armor and enemies die way too easy too. My current playthrough has become extremely easy, and I'm only like level 12 and didn't even min/max my stats or perks.
That said, I'm happy that Bethesda actually managed to include survival difficulty as a free add-in later. It's one of those things that fans actually liked, that gives me a tiny glimmer of optimism that they might not completely fuck up future fallout/elder scroll games.
>I guess you'd love working for Putin then
Well I'm Russian so I guess it's not a matter of whether I love working for him or not...
Your mom sounds cool.
Yeah, I feel like it adds to the immersion, and immersion is the reason I play NV. It also gives a use to all the food and drink items. I do use the Bottle That Water mod, though, so maybe some would consider that cheating.
>He didn't beat Dust on a no kill run
Casuals the lot of you
its the only way to play
Yes because I liked having a reason to keep food and water on you.
Otherwise it's just trash flavour items. I mean it's not like it's hard or that the item requirements are stringent.
There is nothing hardcore about this. They should have just renamed it as survival mode, like it was in Fallout 4. Scares casuals off.
New Vegas thread?
Where the fuck do i find a good sniper rifle in that game?
It's hard. Not much ammo till you get to 188 post anyway. When you get to the gun runners you can buy pretty much everything. Until then you can get Ratslayer in Broc flower cave when you making your way to Novac or regular varmint rifle with a scope which is really easy to get.
You can steal your first hunting rifle in Novac, there is no one in Cliff Briscoe house during the day. You can buy scope if you lucky at 188.
There is also gun case with a unique sniper rifle and very hard lock at Sniper's nest near Cottonwood cove, but you need 100 lockpick for that or 90/80 if you have lockpick magazine.
Actually, Im level 47 and i still havent seen a single sniper rifle ingame.
Is Gun Runners my best option?Any good unique snipers that i can loot somewhere?
Disregard the last part, im a fucking retard, didnt finish reading your post properly
Thanks lad, guess im heading to the Cottonwood Cove right now
What are the real world equivalents of FNV factions?
I tried once, but found all the scrounging tedious.
That could be because I play with Tale of Two Wastelands though, the Fallout 3 portion doesn't seem to lend itself well to hardcore mode.
For instance, Mothership Zeta DLC, there's no beds whatsoever on the ship, I'd have to play it on casual mode or bring a whole mess of Nuka Cola.
If you did OWB already, you can head back and get Christine's rifle in the ruined house near Yangtze camp or whatever it's called. That's pretty much it.
I'm usually rocking GRA anti-material rifle or hunting rifle, because you can put OP mods on them. The rest of them kinda meh.
Caesars Legion = Russia
House = Europe
Does anyone know of any mods that made the game considerably harder/unfair? I've never modded FNV before.
Unique food stacks healing per second, you can pretty easily get more HPS from eating a bunch of food than popping a stimpak.
Eating the same kind of food will only increase the healing duration however.
Food is crazy good in New Vegas.
Try JSawyer mod.
no. i tweak the numbers so that everyone isn't a fucking bullet sponge and healing isn't hax
it's just a tacked on mechanic that doesn't add to my immersion. the fact that the courier's body is just a nourishment black hole destroys any suspension of disbelief
Make your own. GECK is very easy to use once you gain an understanding of what's underneath.