Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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Bethesda for making an arbitrary black and white morality system, a system which is more akin to the morality of a 12-year-old.

Tenpenny sure wasn't.
Probably one of the most iconic Fallout moments.
FO3 DLC was superior to New Vegas DLC btw.

Someone post the pic

Ghouls of course
Why the fuck should Tenpenny allow them to live there? I wouldn't want to live next to a walking rotting corpse either.


The hideous mutated murderers obviously. Tenpenny was a massive dick who deserved to die but the other residents were innocent.

The Bernie Sanders voters.

other residents were stuck up assholes too, but that Dashwood guy was pretty cool

>get tower that still has some pre-war comforts and luxuries
>bunch of ghouls come up saying "Ayoo hol up let me in"
>refuse because it's your fucking tower and you're not going to let people in who won't pay or support you, plus they're ugly

>let the ghouls in to do the "progressive" thing
>they fucking murder everyone
>this is somehow the good option

One of the better quests in FO3, tenpenny tower is top comfy

Tenpenny is still kind of a dick, though

The ghouls, no debate. It's tenpenny's tower, he can choose who he wants to let in all he wants. It's his tower after all!

Stuck up assholes isn't really the same as murderous psychopaths

How did this tower survive when everything around it got obliterated

Doesn't mean they deserved to die.

the ghouls were wrong and I never help them, cause they're psychopathic dicks

the other residents were the ones who started killing ghouls and making it a life or death situation

>tenpenny tower is top comfy



Through the power of shoddy Bethesda writing.

The ghouls obviously
Even if the game thinks otherwise, as Roy Phillips has Good karma and Tenpenny evil



no one. Vaultdweller came, saw, seduced Benny, killed him, killed Tenpenny, killed everyone else for their valuables, then invited a bunch of ghouls to keep an eye on the place while they were gone


It was repaired.

That version offends me and my wife's son please use this edit

FO3 was superior to New Vegas btw.




>don't bring niggas into the base
>you're a racist!

>bring niggas into the base
>they go bananas and kill everyone

The only way to win is to do nothing

Both. The residents hate of ghouls wasn't based on any facts, it was basically just "UGLY, UGLY!" and leaving them out in the wilderness like that was, while not as directly homicidal as what the ghouls do to them, still inviting a violent death on them.

How did they repair it to look like the original building when all other "repaired" buildings look like hobo houses with planks nailed to windows, etc..

Or, you know, exterminate them.

It's not like Necropolis where they don't hang around ferals. Gibsmedat Ghouls actively use and live among ferals.

Shooting Three Dog in the face should be the good ending.

Or to go full BoS paladin and purge until there's nothing left to purge

Nigger you're retarded. It entirely possible for a structure to stay standing you fucking faggot.

do you think tenpenny tower is air conditioned/heated? it looks like a very comfy place to live.

I was being ironic though.
Who the fuck thinks FO3 and its DLCs are better than NV? A fucking retard that is.

>not killing Roy and his band of scumbags every time you meet them

The people in Tenpenny tower are racist, but I would be too if I lived in a fucking irradiated apocalypse wasteland full of shit that just wants to kill me.
Ain't got time to be nice when it's my skin that's on the playing field.

Don't be a fool, don't trust ghouls


>Using a gun with negative durability
I'm still surprised when people even know that gun exists

Tenpenny for not using his fucking citadel as the base for a new nation, keep the nobles and inner elite inside and letting a small ramshackle town build up around it. Fucking psychopath retard.

Ghouls are the niggers of the Fallout Universe

Super Mutants are the Redneck Hicks

Nightkin are the African Niggers

kk you are forgiven for triggering me with an incorrect statement fambablam

>i'm psycho because i got kill

Wat. He's a psychopath because he wanted to nuke a fucking town.

Jesus even Fallout 3 isn't safe from Sup Forums's bullshit...

Fuck off retard, this image is old as fuck.

I like this quest just because it is such a good example of why communism is absolute horsecrap.

I won't go full autist mode and type up a total analysis of the quest, but the basic premis is:

>People work their way to wealth, decide to spend wealth building and taking care of nice thing.

>Smelly dumb uneducated faggot fucks come and want to be part of nice thing, even though they'll just stink the place up and ruin it.

So basically, Ghouls can eat shit and die like the commie scum they are.

This is for you

>old as f*ck

God you're so edgy using the f-bomb huh? Grow up kid.

It's really simple. Don't help Tenpenny blow up Megaton.

Don't help the ghouls into Tenpenny Tower

If you really hate Tenpenny, do the "You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head" quest and you get to kill him.


holy fuck I thought you guys were just meme-ing

Fucking loved this quest. I also had a special save point just before blowing up Megaton just to watch that explosion over and over again. Can't decide if I liked that one or Pint Sized Slasher stuff more

the ghouls. ten owns the Tower so he has the right to decide who gets to stay.

How was it black and white? It was more like Black & Black in this situation.

That's way better because it's not edgy racism and it fits the tone of the game more. But of course you being a child would obviously opt for the racism to stick it to your mom huh? Grow up.

"Reddit! Reddit! A thousand deaths were not enough for Reddit", goes the refrain.

first post etc.

but that's ok! Just give 20 water bottles to the guy outside Megaton and you're Jesus again!

>The Prudential was heavily damaged during World War II, particularly during the Warsaw Uprising when it was hit by approximately 1,000 artillery shells, including a single hit by 2-tonne Karl-Gerät mortar shell, leaving only the steel framework. The artillery damage bent the construction sideways, but it survived the war and was featured on numerous anti-war posters.

>this Picture got banned from reddit

really makes you think.

>Muh grey morality

Sup Forums here, the disgusting shit skins were in the wrong. Everybody else gave them a chance, let them into the building, and they thanked everyone by chimping out and dismembering them.

Of course the media was on the side of the shit skins and acted like it was the victims' fault that they were slaughtered, even though we're never supposed to victim blame and the victims were being progressive and letting the shit skins in. If you don't help the shit skins gentrify the neighborhood, the media calls you some kind of evil bigot. Of course the media doesn't care, they're just pushing their cuck politics because they live surrounded by armed security and don't have to worry about a handful of shit skins, but you and I and our families have to play affirmative action and put ourselves in danger.

Sup Forums is ALWAYS right.

This. Me and my cousin's mother feel much better about the edit.

>no windows
>no furniture
>no roof
>most of it collapsed
nyikka you go fuck yourself.


its called chimp up

yeah, really he could just expand outward and start his own settlement quite easily since he has the capital and could stand to make immense profit

I find this comic still presents a rather flawed viewpoint on the quest. tl;dr, it's still racist.

The Tenpenny residents are all transparent facades of Pre-War racism that's now being projected onto Ghouls because it's easy to call them literally inhuman from their looks and association with feral ghouls. They're a heavy-handed attempt at making them instantly "bad", because they are oppressive and biased against a group they stereotype and believe to be inhuman, Ghouls. This sets the modern gamer up to be biased against the Tenpenny residents from the start, and sympathetic to the downtrodden Ghouls. However, if one doesn't ken the message of "these super preppie people who call this other group inhuman monsters and threaten to leave when you convince everyone to play nice together" and is instead sympathetic to the Tenpenny residents, it calls into question their motives beyond the gameworld.


A town specifically built around a fucking nuke. Talk about psychopaths.

And yet, jet fuel could melt steel beams.

so instead of admitting the obvious about the morality system being screwed up as evident here and ALL of the shit Fo3 fanboys give to the older games, NV for their quests the only argument is,

Locking yourself out of content in the game who's biggest praise is the parroted YOU CAN DO ANYTHING? The delusion man.

This is getting embarassing

When the player arrives, Roy is cursing at the intercom and says they'll pay for this, or something to that effect. When you enter the tower, you're presented the opportunity to either Kill the Ghouls for Tenpenny, or Find a Peaceful Solution. You can also get the Kill the Bigots option from Roy when you go visit him in the metro tunnels, but at no point does Roy come off as someone who wants to live with these people. He obviously has a vendetta, and if you try to arrange a peaceful coexistence, he makes it quite transparent that he's unhappy with some residents. He immediately kills Tenpenny, breaking the agreement you set up. It's only a matter of time before he lashes out against the rest of the residents -- who have behavior which ranges from "yeah they're okay" to "oh my god how could you force me to live with those monsters", many of whom were against the Ghouls moving in until your silver tongue (or strong arm) managed to sway public favor. If you understand racial tension, you will see the massacre coming before you even begin the quest. It's lampshaded at every turn.

So, this comic tells lies, essentially. Roy does not ask the Player to help find a peaceful agreement; he straight up tells you he wants to kill every last motherfucker in that building. You have to suggest finding a peaceful solution, first to the Security guard, and then to Roy. Peace is always the Player's idea, and it is always born out of a misguided attempt at getting factions that hate each other to play nice.


What's worse is killing the asshole murdering ghoul who has the gall to tell you off for calling him a murdering piece of shit, gives you bad karma. I just killed a murdering bigot and yet I'm the real bad guy according to the game. Fuck you, Bethesda.

I see you never played the game.

"Some time later" as a panel is woefully inadequate at addressing the meat of this quest, as well! That blacked out panel includes convincing or strong-arming each member Tenpenny suggests as influential into letting Ghouls stay. Two shop-keepers straight up tell you to go to hell, and leave the tower if you win a Speech check because they can't bear to live with "zombies". The Snooty Couple leave as well. That's 4 out of the, what, maybe 7 characters you have to talk to, with Mr. and Mrs. Cheng and Dashwood being favorable to the move. It is eminently transparent that the Tenpenny residents are bigots and you are supposed to dislike them, and that Roy will kill them if they mouth off to him.

The reason Three Dog reports unfavorably on your actions if you kill the Ghouls after helping them, is because they are the Oppressed ones, and the Tenpenny residents are the Bigots. You are meant to feel bad for the Ghouls, and dislike the Tenpennies. If the Player is left frustrated by the questline, it is because their Personal Motives beyond the gameworld don't mesh with the message the game was pushing. (ETA, can't confirm because I haven't gone far enough to get the radio back up again yet on this recent game and 2008 was a long time ago)

A comic like this comes from a viewpoint that is flawed and doesn't see what the game itself is doing, and has not considered the motives of every character; or in fact completely disregards them to make an exaggerated point.

It wasn't funny with the "bix nood", and it's still not terribly funny because it comes from this flawed viewpoint which is inherently biased against the Ghouls and does not present the quest in an honest manner.

source: I literally just played this quest 2 days ago


>wanting a bunch off pasents around your Tower stinking it up

sooner or later, the would raid the Tower.

It's not that they killed everyone is that bothers me, but that they killed that one old adventurer dude who actually never had any problems with ghouls.

I unironically liked Fallout 3 more than Fallout 4 and NV. There is something about it's visuals, dark tone, setting, npcs, combat and music that makes me nostalgic.


Same here, the game seems to have a more coherent structure. Sure NV has plenty of factions but some of them are crammed in for numbers sake and they give the game a theme park characteristic

and now kill yourself

I really dislike how the game tries to paint a natural fear of outsiders as bigotry when the thing the residents of Tenpenny tower feared would happen is LITERALLY WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU LET THE GHOULS IN.

No the Ghouls are NOT the good guys just because they are oppressed, and no they do not deserve to live in Tenpenny tower. It's a private property and the owner decides who goes in and who doesn't. Deal with it.

I fucking this quest and the attitude people have towards it so much.

Suggesting suicide can get you in jail for manslaughter don't do it.

I'm not suggesting
I'm imploring

Tell it to the judge when your ass is in court.

good luck shlomo I'm behind 7 shoahs

The ghouls don't have the right to live in Tenpenny Tower just because their life sucks. The ghouls didn't help build or maintain; the ghouls just see something they don't have and want it.

Fuck the ghouls. They are about as oppressed as my balls when your mother is sucking them.

>Convince the smooth skins to let the ghouls in
>Every thing went better than expected
>Smooth skins even comment that the place is safer with the ghouls around
>Come back later
>All the smooth skins are gone
>Ghouls are being coy
>Find out the ghouls killed them all
>Cant kick the ghouls out
>They all rebuff me when I say they are fucked up
>If I kill them like the monsters they are game goes out of its way to tell me I'm an evil jack ass

Bravo, Bethesda. Bravo.

Fucking this.


Has anyone else realized that Tenpenny Tower from Fallout 3 is basically Europe right now?
>rich white people living peacefully with each other, their self contained economy flourishes
>dirty violent ghouls want in
>they say no because they are dirty violent ghouls
>get called bigots by the Ghouls who proceed to threaten them with violence for not letting them in
>their guards and walls protect them from the threat
>suddenly out of nowhere comes the Lone Wanderer AKA the SJW lord
>bleeding heart faggot convinces everyone in Tenpenny tower to let the poor misunderstood ghouls in
>those who outright refused are called bigots and made to leave the tower completely
>ghouls get let in by the "progressive" residents
>2 days later the Ghouls kill all the residents in the tower and stash their bodies in the basement, taking over their shops and the tower itself
>player is rewarded good karma for this
>so progressive

>lone wanderer hears how big of a threat the ghouls are
>kills them before they can harm the residents of the tower
>gets bad karma
>3 Dog bashes you over the radio for killing the "poor peaceful misunderstood ghouls who just want a better life for themselves"

wasn't there a peaceful solution to get the residents and the ghouls to live with each other?

>yfw you realize bethesda was woke as fuck

Yes, that's what the option in that comic is.

Then the ghouls murder all the evil racists who didn't want them there, thus proving the evil racists were ultimately right.

>>rich white people living peacefully with each other
you've never been to the Euro zone have you

The game just pulls one over on you. You think you're doing the right thing seeing how Ghouls are treated unfairly because they're still human and it turns out they are because Roy is just as awful as the humans in the tower if not worse because he murders them all regardless of their opinion of Ghouls. The only thing wrong is the radio message. That message plays if you kill them before they get in the tower. If you get them into the tower Three Dog talks about how great you are getting them to let the Ghouls in and it never gets brought up again even if you kill Roy. I still don't see how killing Roy after he mass murders people should give you bad karma.

Its a good lesson in media bias

What is Three Dog doing for the wastes? He's not out there fighting muties, helping the homeless, he just talks about it. Its like today when people think their contribution to a cause or charity is telling other people about it

So the only true solution is to all the ghouls and the residents and loot the place for yourself

I wasn't comparing that specific part to Europe

i was gonna do this

This is my confusion with the hero status of Charles De Gaulle. He just escaped to Britain and talked on the radio about how people should resist Hitler. Umm, thanks?

the one who didn't give me a gamebreaking mask