Neverwinter Nights

Neverwinter Nights thread
What's your favourite class in Nwn2?

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Sorcerer, some would say that Wizard is better and they'd be right. But Sorcerer needs CHA instead of INT meaning he's a natural party leader easily succeeding conversation checks.

Also Sorcerer is just all in all a more interesting and fun class to play.

20 x Chilling tentacles in 1 spot. All fights won.

Is the blind fight feat really that good for nwn2? It's in a lot of build i can find.

I don't think it's really mandatory. In NWN2 you can control party members unlike NWN1 so that they can buff you to see through inivisibility. Blind Fight only gives you a re-roll on a hit of a concealed creature I think, but doesn't guarantee you're gonna hit.

I can't remember if the shadow creatures in the OC have concealment, if they do it would be useful but you can pick some other feat.

Regarding sorceror whats the best race to play it as? I tried out a drow but the -2 LA just killed any sense of balance for me because you still have only like 6hp at the point you'd doing the graveyard run.

It's useful on melee characters and it's easily accessible, when most builds aren't really strapped for feats that much anyway especially early on.

You can easily skip it if you want something else more, but it's better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it, because fighting in darkness or concealment as a melee character can be a pain in the ass without it.

Probably Aasimar or Tiefling.

Human is never a bad choice for anything.

Tiefling have a cha penalty
I'm going for a bard with perfect two handing but still want curse song, lingering song and other shit so it's a little hard to fit blindfight early

yeah whichever one gets the cha bonus

>Tiefling have a cha penalty
Oh right, I got it mixed up with 4e.

Anyway, anything that gets a Cha bonus is good for sorcerers, and even neutral Cha races like humans will work fine.

I went with a Tiefling and it was alright, but then I realized that I can't take prestige class levels from Red Wizard of Thay.

Like the other user said, if you're unsure about the race go with the human(being a human is a requirement to be a Red Wizard,also being evil).

Note that your race doesn't mean much when it comes to dialogue. You're gonna get maybe 2+ dialogue choices at the very beginning of the game for being a Tiefling and then it's never gonna be mentioned again. Which is understandable considering how many races there are.

>pick an elf
>start as a young 120 years old going to a fare with his 20 years old childhood friend

Going to hijack this thread with some ICewind dale shit.

I know the EE versions are even more broken a bit shit but i've been playing through icewind dale EE.

Fuck this game is a joke, giving you the berserker fighter class is just jokes. Here's a fighter that can berserk like a barbian but can still wear plate, oh but he can't get grand mastery, and still has a 10d hit dice.

Doesn't matter when everything dies in the first hit. This is him at level 9 during a boss fight. Yes his Thaco is -3 and 0 on his offhand.

>he can't get grand mastery
You sure?

i've always loved warlocks


>I can't remember if the shadow creatures in the OC have concealment
Some of the stronger ones do have 50% concealment. Annoying as fuck.


Well you get a spell to see invisibility. It doesn't work on Ethereal creatures though.

Im pretty sure you can get True Seeing item or just get a buff from a wizard party member.

Fucking this.

The Neverwinter MMO was garbage and so was Sword Coast Legends. Where's my proper NWN3?

I really like this game a lot but I could never finished it because of that fucking encounter near the end where you fight 3 of those skeleton dudes and you need Ammon to spell out their names one by one, and it takes a fucking minute for each of them while your teammates need to protect him taking all the hits. And the WORST fucking thing is that while they are not in their killable state, if you reduce their health to 0 the hp bar goes right back up to max
Eventually I got tired of trying, thought I'd try again in a few days but never played again

Fuck yeah. Nothing can hold a candle to the best mod ever made.

Yep, warlocks are fun.
Being free of vancian casting and even the charges-per-day limits of other spellcasters just feels overpowered.

halfling fighter/rogue/ranger/bard in some combination, usually, or a dwarven defender.

your mod is shit and will always be shit. much better rogue modules out there without as cringe inducing, shitty porn in them distracting from actual content.

>What's your favourite class in Nwn2?
Ranger. He's actually good in nwn2, unlike in the first one.

Basically a fighter, but:

Gets tons of skills for a fighting class, I think only rogue has more. Set trap, hide/move sliently, heal, spot/listen, all crafting skills, all of this is useful. Survival can be useful depending on the campaign/module. Rangers and their skills are invaluable in SoZ.

Can choose between archery/two weapon fighting and get a bunch of free feats even if he doesn't meet the requirements. This is especially good in the case of two weapon fighting since it allows you to pump STR instead of DEX and still get the feats.

Some druid spells, most of them suck but they can be useful.

Animal companion.

Free toughness, faster move speed outdoors, evasion, no steath speed penalty outdoors, HIPS outdoors, overall great as long as you are outdoors.

Favoured enemies can give you some hefty damage bonuses. You end up with +5 damage against 5 enemy types at level 20, +7 and 7 enemies at level 30 (possible to choose even more enemies at epic levels).

Considering rangers get most of their essential feats for free, you can easily pick improved favoured enemy for almost all types, that's another +3 damage.

Bane of enemies is +2d6 damage against all favored enemies.

That's 12-22 damage against at least 7 enemy types, possibly more. Much better than measly +6 fighters get.

Only downside is they have d8 hit die instead of d10. Not a big deal.

Might as well play diablo 3 if you just want to spam 3 abilities

Druid a best.

How do I get into this game? It keeps kicking my ass.

I see that the character generator gets a 2hander ranger build, confused as to how this is meant to work. Unless there are specific 2hander feats I never saw?

Also the most powerful build in the game if im not mistaken is a drow rogue sorceror, i remember seeing this years ago, he can do like +30d6 of sneak attack damage and 15d6 against undeads/wraiths.

What kind of character are you playing and what part of the game is kicking your ass?

I always enjoyed maxing out cheese damage.

You go half-orc with 18 or even 20 str, you start as a barb, go like 3 levels in Bard (or was it 5?), you go then for Dragon Disciple (he gets fuckton of STR), get all perks for Scythe (because of x4 crit multiplier), craft a scythe with extended crit range.

Enjoy nuking (over 100 damage hits are frequent) everything and still having huge AC because half-orc can 1-hand the scythe and have a large shield in the other hand. He looks bonkers too

This game is fucking easy what are you talking about...? Once you get khelgar and elanee and neeshka its legit impossible to lose this game no matter what you do (my first time I made a war priest... oh my god what a terrible choice)

>I see that the character generator gets a 2hander ranger build, confused as to how this is meant to work. Unless there are specific 2hander feats I never saw?
Kaedrin's pack adds a 2-handed combat style for rangers (Power Attack -> Improved Power Attack -> Enhanced Power Attack -> Supreme Power Attack)

also, after maxing out Dragon Disciple you get back to barb, I don't remember the NWN2 restriction on level gaps between the classes.

Any tips for NWN2? I got the GOG full edition, saving it for a later playthrough. Are there any things I should keep in mind? Have only played NWN1 a long time ago but have experience with Infinity Engine games.

>I tried out a drow but the -2 LA just killed any sense of balance for me
Just get rid of it. There's no reason why the stronger races should have shitty handicaps.
>muh equality

keep in mind that the character arcs are not finished in this game, it has a typical Obsidian syndrome of resources running low late in the development, so the subplots don't have satisfying endings
also, NWN2's ending is quite infamous for what it is.

Base campaign and Mask of the Betrayer are not that hard. They do have some harder fights but you don't need to munchkin to beat them. It's perfectly fine to roleplay and roll with whatever you find cool.

Storm of Zehir get really hard towards the end, you do need to make a pretty good and optimized team to finish it. The final boss is bonkers.

Modules tend to have difficult fights as well.

>Also the most powerful build in the game if im not mistaken is a drow rogue sorceror, i remember seeing this years ago, he can do like +30d6 of sneak attack damage and 15d6 against undeads/wraiths.
I don't think there is a clear winner when it comes to power builds in nwn2. There are tons of them.

Monk dual wielding staves is pretty fun.

I liked NWN2's original campaign

Me too. I've enjoyed worse.

It wasn't bad. It had some real issues, like the weird pacing at times, many of the characters being unfinished and/or underwritten, and way too many boring undead fights. But on the whole it was pretty enjoyable. The story had some genuinely good parts and most of the companions were fine.

It's definitely a lot better than the OC for the original NWN.

NWN2 plays more like the Baldurs Gate games than NWN1 as you can control all your companions but uses the 3.5e ruleset as opposed to the 2e ruleset of BG and 3e of NWN1. MotB has a smaller party size but you still have full control of them. SoZ involves you creating 4 members of your party and then taking along an NPC or two to fill it out.

my first and so for only playthrough I went fighter into weapon master. I was 14-16 yo I think. I played a couple of hours last week, trying on necromancer Wizard this time.

NWN and NWN2 were definitely two of the major gaming highlights of my childhood along with Ratchet and Clank and Jak and Daxter and various other ps2 titles. Nostalgic af ;_;

I always had trouble with the fucking bandit hideout in Neverwinter

It's not like bg1 has a particularly good story either and it's a good game
That said the way they toss magic weapons at you the moment you leave the first room is a bit silly, eventually (orc caves part) you'll get so many drops you can't even store them all before getting out of the dungeon and merchants run out of money before you've sold half your inventory.

Forgot to add; was playing human and waifud Elaine so damn har

Ammon JerRo is prob my fav npc

Also, is it safe to assume that you'd enjoy D&D 4.5 if you enjoy NWN2? I tried 5.0 once and have heard (and seen) how casual it seems compared to 3.0. 4.5 as pure role playing I've heard mixed things of.

NWN2 is 3.5, not 4.x

The MMO "Neverwinter" which has nothing to do with NWN1/2 is somewhat based on 4E

Source, dat qt

>Also, is it safe to assume that you'd enjoy D&D 4.5 if you enjoy NWN2? I tried 5.0 once and have heard (and seen) how casual it seems compared to 3.0. 4.5 as pure role playing I've heard mixed things of.
Neverwinter Nights has nothing to do with D&D 4e. It's based on 3.5e, so go for that if you want to play something that's as similar as possible.

A lot of people hate D&D 4e, because it had a much more MMO/boardgame kind of feel to it which many 3.5 players hated (but disliking the newest version is a shitty meme anyway, back in the day almost everyone who played AD&D (which is that games like Baldur's Gate are based on) at the time hated 3e as well so whatever). I personally think 4e is great if you want something with more of a focus on combat with a more video game like feel to it, while still leaving your roleplaying options wide open. Speaking of 4e, it's a crime how there has never been an actual video game adaptation of that version because it was perfectly suited to it. 4e kind of fucked itself up in the end due to wildly conflicting design and marketing decisions (like their absolute clusterfuck of a digital environment), so instead of fixing it they just scrapped it and made 5e. All in all 4e isn't bad, but at this point I wouldn't really recommend it as a starting system.

I haven't had the chance to play 5e a whole lot so I can't say much about it, but it seems like a great entry point for new players. It's similar enough to 3.5 that you'll recognize a lot of it without much effort even if all you're familiar with is the NWN games.

But no matter what system you use, the most important aspect of any RPG is the group you play with. It's not like a video game where as long as the game is good you'll enjoy yourself. You can have the best game in the world, but you won't enjoy it if your group is shit. And you can play a game that's objectively awful, but if you've got a cool group it can still be fun.

NWN1 Class Tier List

>God Tier:

>Top Tier:
Wizard, Sorcerer, Cleric, Shifter

>High Tier:
Champion of Torm, Black Guard, Bard, Weapon Master

>Mid Tier:
Paladin, Harper Scout, Fighter, Red Dragon Disciple, Dwarven Defender

>Low Tier:
Monk, Ranger, Rogue, Pale Master, Arcane Archer, Shadow Dancer

>Trash Tier
Barbarian, Assassin, Purple Dragon Knight

I liked the warlock because it felt like a good bit-of-everything package. He had single damage, aoe, chain damage, status effects that can be applied to your regular attack, a haste spell, two dispel spells, summons, shapeshifting and all of it without vancian magic. Felt like a great class.

Everyone knows druids are OP in NWN1. But you keep posting this in every NWN2 thread.
At least make an effort and create a tier list for NWN2.

NWN2 has so many classes its hard to do a list

The other class I really liked was the cleric, because domains allowed you to do some interesting thematic characters, like a cleric that uses fire based spells only.

Just stick to the base classes then, that should be easy enough.

Is permanent divine favor worth it?
Apparently what they say about German humor is true. I like it.

I'd say it's one of the very few spells that are worth making persistent, along with Haste.

free +3 AB and damage, hell yeah that's worth it.

It takes up a feat and a level 7 spell slot.

I really want to try spirit shaman, anyone got a decent build for it?

Assuming you're not using any mods, I'd probably just go pure Spirits Shaman. Maybe take 2 levels of Paladin at some point, so you get Divine Grace and the ability to wear Plate Armor.