>"According to a report by gaming historian Liam Robertson, BioWare apparently had all facial and character animations outsourced to other EA studios."
>"Robertson, who stated he spoke to several BioWare employees anonymously, noted that the company used new Cyberscan technology, which created digital scans of a person or object that is used to create 3-D models in-game. According to Robertson’s sources, BioWare relied heavily on Cyberscan instead of using artists to sculpt faces internally, believing that Cyberscan would compensate for time for development."
>"An interesting tidbit that Robertson mentioned was the speculation as to why the facial animations were also kept. One source believed that the reason the Cyberscans were not modified was due to internal pressure within both BioWare and Electronic Arts, pushing for more realistic-looking human characters. Robertson stated that an artist “suggested that there are “sensitivities” within the company about representing women in a certain way.”
>Robertson stated that an artist “suggested that there are “sensitivities” within the company about representing women in a certain way.”
AKA they HAVE to be fucking hideous because we don't want to upset hambeasts
James Price
So it's whole EA that fucked up, not only Bioware. How incredible.
Lucas Ross
Newsflash: a sizable portion of game animations are always outsourced. You can find the outsourcing company names in the previous games' credits.
Jackson Cruz
Hah! I knew it wasn't BioWare's fault. This is just EA giving the job to an incompetent team. Should have stuck with where the talent is.
Grayson Miller
No wonder they suck. Pajeets are by far the worst programmers in the world.
Ethan Morgan
>gaming historian
Isaiah Williams
Wow such damage control. Couldn't they just fire the sjw bitch who fucked with everything and move on to trying to forget that they dropped the ball so hard on this one?
Also fire all sjw morons who shouldn't bring their cancer to video games.
Why do even these big evil corporations fold under these landwhales the second they start yelling rape or asking if they just assumed their gender? Why don't they tell them what they tell their audience: Go fuck yourself, now pay us.
Jace Young
>triple A dev >triple A publisher >outsourcing your shit mhm
Caleb Miller
>Wants more realistic looking humans >Keeps unnatural looking animations I don't understand
Adrian Wilson
>gaming historian
Asher Scott
Biodrones still defending their overlord
Levi Wright
So your telling me they outsourced facial animations so they could focus on other aspects of the game and the gameplay, UI, charcters, and enemy design still came out shitty?
Great job, bioware, not even cutting corners will make you any less suck.
Lincoln Garcia
That's literally what happened though
Nathaniel James
Liam is such a cuck.
Kayden Sullivan
Did they outsource writing story and characters as well? Petty excuses..
Logan Nelson
>We're proud to announce our Feminist new division Bioware: Montreal >Check out our new Lead Writer and new Lead Facial Animator >We have had some criticism? No it was all outsourced, it was those smelly Indians
Why are Feminists so pathetic?
Jack Cruz
>Have a series that is well known and beloved for the character interaction. >Make a flagship title for the next-generation of consoles for one of the most highly regarded new IPs of last generation. >Outsource the animation for the title despite animations being critical in a game that has a heavy emphasis on dialogue, cinematography and story. >Hire diversity to try and win brownie points and so you could blame white people for it failing. >Be surprised that it fails.
Literally but why??
Jeremiah Gonzalez
Grayson Russell
because the people in charage ARE "SJW"s, it's not an attack from an external source
Josiah Rogers
ITT: hardcore games who know nothing about game development link to a site that cares more about pushing an agenda than covering games.
>An interesting tidbit that Robertson mentioned was the speculation as to why the facial animations were also kept
Aah, can't blame the stupid outsourcing, have to come up with a way to imply it was feminism's fault.
This is Aloy, apparently the ugliest digital protagonist ever, all over again. You people are a disease.
Jace Sanchez
>because the people in charage ARE "SJW"s
Not everyone who is not dumb enough to think Trump can create factory jobs is an Sjwifsehguierbguwetbghrbgoups
Christopher Edwards
you're a jew then
Charles Sullivan
So it was actually because they want to have "" realistic"" females? My fucking sides
Julian Ramirez
>Liam Robertson
Colton Sanders
So exactly what did Bioware spend that 40 million dollars on? Because they look like they cut all kinds of corners to make this game.
Noah Ward
stop with this fucking TRASH game Hollow Knight and Rain World in infinitely better yet you plebs can't stop making threads about this AAA hot garbage
Ayden Nguyen
Aren't they just trying their best to appease the general public and looking sympathetic to special snowflakes who will buy their game? Catering to beautiful wymyn at beautiful sizes seems like it'd be good for advertising, but if the world decides to turn against sjws for shit like this, it's a good sign that sjw degeneracy is about to become something they can't just autistically scream about to make it go away.
Evan Gutierrez
Why do people think 40 million is a lot for AAA? GTA5 cost over 100 million,
Levi Green
So this conforms that the females were made intentionally unappealing so as to appear 'realistic'
Don't they realize that games are meant to be escapism, and not a bland representation of real life?
Joseph Young
I really love games were you have choices so Im really worried about the genre. especially by the lack of choices in all aspects (plot, customization, interactions)
Anthony Cruz
They are admitting SJW ruined it
Andrew Hughes
I don't buy it. They made bodies 10/10 (some were even too stacked)
Landon Clark
what is drama but life with the beautiful bits cut out
Leo Turner
SJW did not ruin it, or more specifically it did not do it solo. they are just shifting blame for their dickless faggotry
Jaxon Hernandez
Doesn't really confirm it. One employee suggested it.
Lucas Carter
Yeah but they fucked everything up
Noah Gray
>it wasn't us guys! Honest!
Elijah Cook
It's bad pr and game companies are pussies
Jace Cooper
>Robertson stated that an artist “suggested that there are “sensitivities” within the company about representing women in a certain way Hmm. Really makes you think.
Adam Gutierrez
so did everyone notice the lazy plot copy of halo?
Bentley Lee
They hired the outside source so they could release the game
Cameron Morales
Men get this, woman don't. Same reason you go to the movies or turn on TV, and every actor is handsome or sexy. Hollywood rarely hires ugly people as leads in shit. Because people don't want to see ugly people in entertainment. This is just a fact in life.
Easton Miller
>blaming it on other people >blaming the awful faces on Cyberscan when Kojima did just fine with it
Cyberscan being the culprit would mean that everyone they scanned had deformed faces and heads. Which is bullshit:
Sebastian Price
Because they lie and cheat and get caught constantly.
Lucas Roberts
This is true, but if the autistic screech is against sjws as opposed to for sjws, won't EA just look at that and throw them immediately under the bus?
That sounds good, unite the rest of the internet firmly against sjws and hopefully they'll start being embarrassed about their faggotry.
Thomas Jackson
except comedy
Hunter Barnes
Sara actually looks kinda cute, in an I wanna fuck an autistic girl kind of way
Lincoln Peterson
If they fire them, they will start social media crusade and that would be bad press for company. And no matter if the game was bad or good, the company would still have a 'sexist cis shitlord' sticker.
Gavin Hernandez
Why did not they hire a quality team? for fuck sake its a 4th game and they are charging 60$ for it. for 600$ you could buy a used car.
Zachary Butler
Well I'm still okay with them blaming SJW. Maybe next game they don't pander to them or the LGBT crowd.
Luke Fisher
So someone on the design team comes up with a great idea on how to save time and money animating the faces. Turns out it was a horrible idea, game becomes laughingstock now why wasn't the game delayed?
EA being greedy or this studio trying to get away with murder?
Also why is TotalBiscuit such a tremendous ultra mega cuck that he couldn't even join in on the fun. What a total fucking faggot that guy is, I could barely listen to his review, going ON and ON and ON about impartiality.
Jaxon Bell
It's all coming to a head lads.
Juan Martinez
And bioware is pushing agenda so it fits
Brayden White
nah, even then they are faux ugly or comically ugly (like fat bastard from austin powers) no one wants true ugly.
Connor Adams
>gaming historian
Juan Harris
Which is the fault of the producers overseeing the outsourcing process, not the outsourcing companies themselves.
Henry Anderson
They spend it on shit devs and marketing
Brody Powell
Yeah, but if the internet can gradually realise that being called a sexist cis shitlord means nothing and it's the same as Sup Forums screeching autistically about Hillary or the Jews or whatever, then they all of a sudden have no real power anywhere.
I believe in meme magic and it can save us and the world from sjw degeneracy
Kayden Nelson
Does not matter, you can't get anything done if you are constantly afraid of stickers
Asher Lee
All this bullshit to hide the fact that they hired a person as a lead facial animator only because she was a pretty female who animated a video called "i hate men".
Oliver Russell
Oliver Johnson
Yea and BioEA didnt choose to clean up the returned product
Jaxson Taylor
Don't believe their lies, outsourcing this kind of stuff is commonplace and happens all the time with good results. Bioware dropped the ball on this one by hiring unproven tumblrinas who think they can animate or draw, but in reality, can't do either.
Aaron Sanchez
It's still the incompetent in house animation team's fault. Incompetent animators think shit will magically get fixed when you outsource it.
Hudson Long
>gaming historian
Gavin Lewis
William Allen
The makers are sjw, how did the makers not ruin it?
Joseph Ortiz
Then fuck off leaf
Luke Cook
They are taking you for a ride. its like when tiping culture pins the customer and worker against each other while the owner avoids having to talk about salary negotiation
Isaac Green
Reminder that Jennifer Hepler was also involved with the Andromeda scripts.
Noah Barnes
Danny devito and Steve Buschemi were always ugly
Nicholas Wright
Its been confirmed over and over again a majority of AAA budget is advertising. Out of GTAV and ME:A, giess which one had more advertising?
Jace Lee
>One source believed that the reason the Cyberscans were not modified was due to internal pressure within both BioWare and Electronic Arts, pushing for more realistic-looking human characters. Robertson stated that an artist “suggested that there are “sensitivities” within the company about representing women in a certain way.”
I love how glaringly fucking obvious this SJW agenda-pushing was, and how the world at large instantly worked it out before the game was even released. It's so goddamn transparent.
Julian Gray
so why not give her a backup who would do the actual work?
Easton Allen
>Fuck up your game >W-we outsourced it g-guys!
Gee where have we heard this before.
Luke Turner
Because majority of the leads are SJW and think she is capable
Jaxon Reed
This is just fucking disgusting. Do these people have nothing better in their lives than to attack women for "bad animation" in a fucking video game?! Animations that AREN’T THAT FUCKING BAD! They’re awkward and sometimes bad but it’s not the worst I’ve ever seen. Even if it were this is just..UGH! I cannot stand how the internet finds a target and lashes out in a horrifying display of ignorance and stupidity. My deepest condolences to the women who were harassed over such a petty thing. I wish them all the best and hope they know many (hopefully most) gamers are not like this. God no wonder nobody takes gamers seriously. We don’t fucking deserve to be.
Andrew Brown
so what is the deal with manveer heir?
Bentley Ward
The free market of capitalism will stomp out these SJWs if it hurts their core business, and so far it's giving EA bad recognition.
Mason Phillips
So how come we have pic related if nothing was changed?
Hudson Young
Thomas Morales
Im not saying they did not, Im saying they were allowed to by the company so company is to blame as well.
Henry Miller
You have to consider the licensing costs for all the tracks on the radio. That would eat up a huge chunk of V's total budget.
Easton Lee
Im going to nuke canada one day
John Williams
>gaming historian
Lincoln Price
>outsource big game >don't bother to check results
Owen Walker
Like god damn
>What is happening, Sup Forums?
A bunch of hacks and people with shit talent were given millions to make a AAA game and thats it. Nothing more and nothing less ,as it could get worse heh.
And what the fuck is with all these fags whining about "SJWs"? Like shit how fucking hurt are faggots that shit isn't pandered to them? Like damn just ignore the shit move on and try to find shit you will actually enjoy instead of whining like a bunch of faggity ass bitch niggas.
Like the fucking irony of these fags whining about shit pandering to others and not pandering to them. So fucking stupid and gay
and for you Sup Forums posters the irony is even bigger since you are all whining about how the other side is not making your culture for you and think on that for moment and how you are acting exactly how you supposedly hate other groups of people acting you fucking dumb retarded queers.
Cooper Taylor
>Arkham Knight shoddy PC port >ME:A facial animation >Doom's shitty multiplayer
what else is blamed to outsouce?
Matthew Rodriguez
oh wow so bioware was talking out of their ass when that thot was found to be the lead facial animator
and everyone has already forgotten about it so EA will keep getting away with it.
Fuck video games.
Owen Sanchez
Unfortunately high end executives don't know this and go with a low risk choice which is going on with, what they think is general opinion
Camden Ward
Fucking this. No company ever had not checked outsourced material before release to a client
Colton Brown
no people actually believe in their fucked up ideology and think they're making the world a better place
Dominic Thomas
Day of the rake is coming.
Connor Green
the facial animations werent the only problem
David Richardson
nah, both look ok. Steve looks like a hobo on his off days but they have unconventional beauty like tilda swinton. I mean they are no the types you would see a young girl dreaming about but a woman in her 40s would defiantly go for them, especially Steve since he looks like a "within reach" type
Joshua Lopez
>Imma just take a nap here, alright? Let the gas in and don't wake me up.
Colton Johnson
Horizon. Guerrilla is made up of Idea Guys and all the actual work was done in India.
Leo Collins
Thing is, Sup Forums don't usually ask for Sup Forums games, just to remove the pander. You forget how all this started years ago. /vpol/ is the product of it all