You get to have one (1) third party game unveiled for the Switch at E3. It can be any game you want...

You get to have one (1) third party game unveiled for the Switch at E3. It can be any game you want, but it has to be an actual game, not something like Elder Scrolls 6. Assume that it's optimized for the Switch and runs well. What do you want?


Dark Souls trilogy.

Bloodborne 2, imagine all the burt hurt.

im imagining the buttery smooth 10fps

No of those games look even remotely interesting

Pretty sure you can even beat it in portable mode in one charge.

Rayman 2

the framerates are already barely bearable on the normal PS4, my eyes would probably puke if I play anything near it on the switch.

Only game I care about that's on PS4 is Persona 5.

This. A new Souls like game like Bloodborne exclusiveley for the Switch.

Even though framerate will probably be shit, just like everything FROM does. Those niggers can't optimize for their lives

This except I already have this on my PS4 so no. I feel like a fighting game would be better because every Switch already has two controllers for local player shenanigans.

for honor

Persona 5. It already runs on PS3, should be no problem getting it on Switch.

Only pure programming wizards will make BB running on the Swtich looks like its running on the PS4, you will probably need to recharge after like an hour of game time.

pretty much the entire vanillaware lineup
but mostly muramasa and dragon's crown

You say that, but DragonQuestHeroes2 sometimes rusn worse on Switch than it does on the fucking Vita.
Zelda is also a WiiU game and still runs like shit on the Switch.

I don't see why you think Persona5 would run well on the Switch, not that it'll ever come out for it.

Doesn't matter. I own a PC, PS4 and Switch. I'll be alright.

that new south park is probably the only game on there that could actually run on the switch

DQ isn't optimized whatsoever for the Switch, user. Persona 5 doesn't require much horse power to run.

>fighting games
>with no d-pad
>with those shitty Switch analogs on a controller smaller than the fucking gameboy micro

Are you well? Need some rest user? You're saying some pretty silly things.

They've already confirmed the opposite. It's the reason it won't be getting a Switch port.

DQH2 doesn't require much horsepower either. It runs at 1080p (targeted)60fps on PS4, just like Persona5. It runs on the Vita just about as well as it does on Switch. If it was taxing it would be 30fps on PS4 or 900p, but it's not.

You can also not rely on devs optimizing well for your system. You should know by now that the majority don't. That's why you shouldn't sell TegraX1 hardware in 2017 and expect everyone to put extra hours into perfectly optimizing games for the currently least sold system in the market

Dragon's Dogma 2

hmmm... Well I don't want anything I already have or can get for my PS4.

So I'll go with Owlboy or Cuphead (if they ever get off their lazy asses and finish it)

>switch buttons are smaller than micro buttons

What did they mean by this?

Yeah, that's not how it works.

Well that wasn't vague at all, I even know what you are refering to! Thanks for the clarification user.

Ironically Pro Controller's face buttons are perhaps the biggest of any console ever, Sega Saturn aside. I think they are trying to send a message.

We will likely get RE& because Nintendo was asked by CapCom to optimize the Switch for it. South Park is possible, MvC might happen if CapCom is nice, so might Tekken.

If we could get some co op thrid party games, that would be great. That's all.

I'm with this as well.

MvCI or Tekken 7 I guess if that image is all the options.

If you're playing a fighting game with a friend, then you're probably not going to be in tryhard mode, user.

Unless you do go into tryhard mode, in which case, you're an asshole who doesn't know how to have fun.

Oh fuck me, I read the OP wrong. I get to pick a game, ok. Persona 5

Even the Wii U is stronger than the PS3, tx1 is plenty of power in 2017 even if you don't see it that way. Switch will never have games like Battlefront 2 but that's not what it was made for and Nintendo knows it.
>and expect everyone to put extra hours into perfectly optimizing games Optimization doesn't work that way. Google it instead of spouting bullshit, this isn't Reddit where you get upvotes for being a retard.
>for the currently least sold system in the market
Gee, I wonder why.

>choosing anything but MvC:I

>The switch is literally perfectly designed for beating peoples asses in the school cafeteria at fighting games

>in the school cafeteria
Underage out