
>Customers aren't willing to pay more than $5 per game
>Development, porting and post-launch support is expensive and resource-demanding due to pcs having almost infinite hardware combinations, compared to consoles only having one.

Why pc keeps getting games? Because:
>Videocard manufacturers (AMD, NVIDIA) bribe developers and publishers
>Stockholders, people who have no idea how the business works, force the publishers to port to pc, under the (incorrect) idea that pc is profitable

Other urls found in this thread:


>no proof

shit thread m8

Cite your sources.

>Look at me pulling numbers out of my ass and making shit up as I go along

Ever heard of Doom? One of the most optimised games of recent times. Has stellar success. Got cracked in 2.5 months. Fuck off

The reason PC is getting ports is because this is the shittiest console gen to date. Less consoles have been sold compared to previous generations and the desktop PC market has been growing.

OP confirmed fag.

>>Stockholders, people who have no idea how the business works, force the publishers to port to pc, under the (incorrect) idea that pc is profitable

This is just retarded. Stockholders don't dictate operational decisions to anywhere near this degree and even if they did all publishers would have to do is present the data showing that porting to PC results in a net loss and stockholders would be happy for the platform to be dropped.

Porting to PC is not universally profitable but when even Ubisoft is still porting their games to PC, and the CEO of that company has made it quite clear he hates the platform on principal and wants to drop it, you can be sure they are making some money from it.

Back during the Bush administration trolling meant something. #Reclaimthebush

>Stockholders, people who have no idea how the business works, force the publishers to port to pc, under the (incorrect) idea that pc is profitable

Sweet, sweet irony.

>muh 'pinions

Even if you think you're pretending to be retarded, you're an actual retard

>(incorrect) idea that pc is profitable
keep telling yourself that retard

Depends on stockholder amount, I'm sure that 30% of stockholders can force publisher to do something they don't like.

Yes and no. The board represents the stockholders and while they have operational oversight they tend not to get directly involved in specific decisions, their responsibilities are more to do with broad direction of the company and the hiring and firing of executives.

The board may suggest the PC platform as being a possible market but they aren't going to insist the company stay the course in the face of massive losses and the idea that they wouldn't even be aware of the losses that result is ridiculous. Their primary concern is the financial position of the company, they would have to be deliberately deceived in order to believe the PC market is profitable when it isn't and they certainly wouldn't insist on it if all it does is lose them money.

use pc to make game for consoles. also release said game on pc. can't explain that.

wow thanks for enlightened me professor op

>"p-people... the manufacturer people pay devs to make games on pc!"

Or you know, in some sort of cosmic sense, perhaps, just maybe there's a demand on PC and not everyone pirates games on PC.

Also nice sources faggot

I only saw pne number mentioned which was $5 per game which is true. Pc gaymers pirate most their shit, or muh humble bundle steam summer sale

Games are developed on a PC so you need the game to run on it anyway. It's not really a "port" if it has been working all this time.


It doesn't work that way. It's perfectly possible to develop for a target system that has nothing to do with the development system. Even if you do need a working PC build for non-hardware dependent testing purposes you'll probably only have one that is good for the development system, not one that is good for general PC platform release. That was how Red Dead Redemption was developed.


>be me
>release PC game
>lose 6 millions sheckels because of pirates

fucking PC pirates

Fact of the matter is that the game has to run on a PC at all times during development. So a port in the classical sense is not needed. Finalizing the game to release on PC is still work, including performance tweaks, sorting out driver issues, etc.
I'd wager that NOT releasing a game on PC is a business motivated decision is about 90% of cases. All games run on PC at some point during their development.

>pc isn't profitable

Uh, yeah no. PC completely dominates the video game market.

I don't know how you can even say such things when something like steam exists or when square is literally throwing all their games on PC for additional profit.

Just because you 'feel' a certain way and giving a more than likely improbable cause as to why people make pc games (cause clearly there's the motive of profit); doesn't mean it's true.


Yeah, but because you did release it on PC, you gained 6 billion sheckels.

That's a 5.94 billion sheckels in net gain. Can you not even jew right>?

>>be me
>>release poorfagbox game
>>lose 6 millions sheckels because of gamestop

Last generation was worse


Doesn't dominate when pcbros only buy during sales


fuck off retard

Game name?

...? Um, it doesn't matter when or why people buy games, it matters how much profit is made?

What kind of retarded comment is that? And undeniably, the pc industry destroys the console industry in terms of profit.

I thought this post was too stupid to function as bait but then I saw there were actually a lot of posts so I guess Sup Forums is literally impossible to underestimate.


I'm quite sure the DS platform has a higher percentage of software piracy than pc does though

Or at least comparable

You realize some of the most profitable games on PC are free right?

>f2p assfags shit

>make a game on pc
>can be selling it in 30 years (gog)
>make a game on console
>5 years later console (and your game) is in every trashcan in america when console2 comes out.

Fact is pc is the most profitable gaming sector because you're not paying a massive cut to nintendo or apple, and it lasts the longest, and everything is backwards compatible to some extent.
Making a game run for different hardware configurations isn't that hard, the japanese are just shit at it because they have the worst programmers in the world and their games are shoddy bullshit.

This is a good point too. You even see trends where after like a decade, a company will release a patch on a really old game.. usually just for functionality, but that will make headlines in gaming news and be used as a form of marketing which has shown to get some sales.. I believe the first to do it was the Old Republic and then they had a big steam sale.

>>Customers aren't willing to pay more than $5 per game
Hmm... I wonder why. Could it be because most games are steaming piles of shit not even worth pirating? The majority of PC games released are bare minimum effort console ports with terrible optimization, awful controls and ofcourse mouse acceleration. Even the games themselves are shitty casualised cinematic experiences made for retards to enjoy.
Make better games and I'll buy them.

>Uh, yeah no. PC completely dominates the video game market.

lolno, only if you include MMOs and literal Facebook games in the PC market

>games arent games
10 INT

>facebook games
Well if cellphone games are included in statistics at all, those should too.
Why would those not be included?

>t-this doesn't count b-because I said so

In that post you're replying to, I linked a source to what I'm saying. I don't care about your 'feels', pc is hardcore dominate of the market.

I assure you user the fact you're an ignorant pigman doesn't really change the fact pc has a 100:1 ratio of pc games to all console games ever made.

no, this is even worse. at least last generation consoles had some cool powerpc shit under the lids. ps4 and xbone are literally shitty outdated x86 computers.

>only if you include MMOs and literal Facebook games in the PC market

"so if you ignore these I'm right"

spot the retard

>Baby's first thought experiment


not an argument

its an inb4 you dipshit

how new r u?

not an argument

Oh great, a pc thread.

Have: GTX 780. i5 4670 (non k)

Upgrade plan: Either AMD 480x or novidya 1060.
Halp me choose with explanation?

novidja == nohousefires

Which is more powerful?

480x. get an MSI Twin Frozr one and you wont have any problems with temps-

What about Sapphire? I kind of like Sapphire.

shit i dunno. not to be rude but maybe make some research yourself.

Asking people for their varied opinions on hardware they have tested as opposed to trusting money bought reviews is actually research, user.

For specific games that are released both on PC and console, a game will have 1.5/2 times more sales on console than on PC especially for 2-3 years after launch.

But believe that article saying PC has more sales the same way you should believe that you play games to be sexist.

Gamers are such fanboy gullible fucks.

>Sony owned around 9.5 million Square Enix shares for a decade
>Sell them
>Over time all FF games appear on steam

There you have the proof faggot


use pc to make software for car. cant drive said car on pc. whew, lad.