A better library than N64, GC and WiiU combined

>a better library than N64, GC and WiiU combined
>still the most hated console made by Nintendo


Wagglan. I personally enjoy it.

It doesn't have a better library than the GCN at all, and the Wii U's library is honestly better as well.

OP probably means it's backwards compatible, making it better than the NGC since it plays NGC games and WIi games as well.

>a better library than N64, GC and WiiU combined

OP here, nope, GC library suck ass compared to Wii

>bought a hacked wii
>have no clue how to put games on it and shit


Well then you're just a shitter

You have atrocious taste

>better library than
Because it ported all that shit.
Because dolphin allows you to use it as if someone who isn't a stupid cunt designed it. It's hated because it's an under-performing lug.

The better RPG on GC is a shitty Tales of
The better RPG on Wii is motherfucking Xenoblade Chronicles
GC already destroyed

+1 gamecube was great fuck you op

Shit bait friend

>Because it ported all that shit
Wii has tons of original games faggot

NGC is their best console to date.

It was a really shitty console, Sunshine better than Mario Galaxy?

Wii had 3 good games
GC had at least 15 good games

>being contrarian just for the sake of being contrarian

>paper mario ttyd
>luigis mansion
>smash bros melee
>animal crossing
>pikmin 2

autist btfo

Instead of shitting on the GC how about you explain why you think some of GC's best games are in fact not good

Gamecube and Wii U had better Smash Bros than Wii, but Wii had a better Mario kart than the other systems.

But Wii U is backward compatible with Wii and has an hdmi port so it's better than the Wii.

The wii is the reason I stopped buying nintendo shit
Fuck that shit

Is English your second language? The best GCN RPG is Beaten Kaitos Origins.

Man I wish component cables weren't so damn expensive

Lolno, MKWii is atrocious thanks to how drifting works.

F Zero GX single handedly defeats the Wii library.

He is probably Mexican. They are the worst shit posters on this site other than leafs.

ps2 because it can also play psx

Just get a wii u.

Gc doesn't even have close to 15 good games. It had the lowest imported titles for a Nintendo console

>It had the lowest imported titles for a Nintendo console
What did he mean by this?

>F Zero GX single handedly defeats the Wii library.
it's worse than f-zero x which was on wii vc

Wii's library is worse than all of those consoles.

Nostalagia really is a wonderful thing.

>GC had at least 15 good games

The gamecube was disapointing, and it's not being contrarian to say that, you just need to replay the games with your older mindset.
>The destruction of Star Fox with two of the worst games in the serie by far
>4 Mario Party and only one that is actually good
>The worst Mario 3d
>One of the worst Mario Kart
>1080 Avalanche/Wave Race Blue Storm both killed their franchise despite having a promising future
>Lots of forgettable games despite the good ideas (Wario World, Odama, P.N 03...)
>Weak third party support compared to the Wii

And I could go on for hours. Instead of shilling "nostalgia goggles: the console", you could spend that time discovering hidden gems on consoles that deserve more of your time.

>tfw GCN and Wii are my two favorite Nintendo consoles
>this fucking thread

Download CFG USB Loader and put it on sd:\apps
download wiibackup manager for your pc and use that to transfer the games to your SD/USB. Put SD or USB on the wii and load CFG USBL by opening homebrew channel, then the app.

>the Wii U's library is honestly better as well.

>But Wii U is backward compatible with Wii
So fucking what? Wii is like $40, Wii U is like $350 and has no games

Do i need windows for this?

for the wiibackup manager, maybey. But you can just pust the iso files in a folder called "wbfs" on your SD/USB and it will work. For the other stuff, no.

Is it possible to run both GC and Wii games from one single sd card? Also what booter would I use for GC games? I tried Nintendont but it says I am outdated?

>Is it possible to run both GC and Wii games from one single sd card
>Also what booter would I use for GC games?
Nintendont works fine for me. Which guide did you use to install it?

It was the start of the over-casualization of Nintendo as they shifted their focus towards a broader market of soccer moms and little kids and relied more on gimmicks than gameplay. A trend that continues to this very day.

OP is being a shitter, but I do agree with him. Wii had some good, weird shit. Trauma Center series, Little King's Story, No More Heroes, the Trauma series, Sin & Punishment 2, Red Steel 2, etc.

Good arcadey shit and just some weird ass games. Gamecube is a solid library of several 10/10 core titles, and I will always appreciate that, but I honestly do think the Wii has it beat in terms of how many good games it has, though I would play the best few Gamecube games over the best Wii game probably.

The Wii was good but it put too many bad ideas into Nintendo's head.

Wii U has the better Zelda and DKC and no waggling

Where can i get the iso files?

Wii has the better 3D Mario, better Star Fox (Sin and Punishment Star Successor >>>>>> Star Fox Zero) and better Xenoblade
Wii is a better console

>Wii U has the better Zelda
No it fucking doesn't. BOTW is a Switch game. Wii U doesn't have a Zelda.

>Wii U doesn't have a Zelda
what did he mean by this?

Its not exclusive so it doesn't count.
You guys always argue that even though Yoshi's Woolly World, Mario Maker and Hyrule Warriors are on 3DS, they should count as Wii U games because the Wii U versions have better performance.
BOTW Switch has way better performance than Wii U, so its a Switch game.
Wii U is the only Nintendo console without its own exclusive Zelda.

Oh, don't even try to pull that one. BotW is a Wii U game with a Switch port. You don't get to try to negate every game the Wii U had by claiming any ports off of it were the "real" version.

BOTW isn't even 1080p on the Switch. It still look like crap on a 1080p monitor, just like the Wii U version. BOTW is a PC game.

>ou don't get to try to negate every game the Wii U had by claiming any ports off of it were the "real" version.
If they released at the same time then yes I can. That's what you guys do with games that come out on PS4 and Vita at the same time. So fuck off, hypocrite.

As if you nancy faggot.

Even with dolphin the only good game I ever played on the wii was sengoku basara 3, which was a ps3 port, and brawl's subspace emissary mode.
Fact is everything in the wii's library was terrible
>most casual installments of every major franchise (until the wiiu)
>simple controls in every game because the wiimote is shit at everything
>not a single worthwhile exclusive, all the best games were ports

Hey, I didn't say anything about the Vita. Vita got as raw a deal from Sony as the Wii U did from Nintendo. PS4 can fuck off for all I care.

Won a generated before it even started on empty hype from E3 2013 and the games only started coming years later because everyone bought one on blind faith and waited. It's the fucking Trump of gaming.

>BOTW Switch has way better performance than Wii U, so its a Switch game.
By that logic it has better performance on pc so it's a pc game.
Also your argument completely invalidates your original point of "Its not exclusive so it doesn't count."
BOTW isn't exclusive so it's not a switch game.

Okay. But BOTW still doesn't count as. Wii U game. Both versions came out at once and Switch is better. It is a Switch game. Don't use it boost Wii U's image. Its the worst Nintendo console ever.

>By that logic it has better performance on pc so it's a pc game.
Lol the game can't even run on CEMU properly, fuck off retard

what said

wiiso . com, thepiratebay(?)

It was targeted towards grandparents and soccer mom's. This was when I feel Nintendo began to ignore it's fanbase.

>Lol the game can't even run on CEMU properly,
It can't run properly on the switch either, as noted by the constant single-digit framedrops and sub-standard resolution, what's your point?

I'm counting it as a Wii U game because that's what it was developed for. Switch version is only marginally better via only a few visual upgrades and only wasn't an actual downgrade because Nintendo removed the Wii U features so Switch owners didn't feel left out.

It's a Wii U game.

What fanbase? So-called "real gamers" fucked off to the PS2 by that point. Nintendo had to adapt or go under. There was no getting that crowd back.

>I'm counting it as a Wii U game because that's what it was developed fo
Who fucking cares? Why does that hold any weight at all?
It released simultaneously and Switch version is better, objectively full stop.
It's a switch game.

>Switch version is better, objectively
It might be "better" but it's still not good enough, it's clearly an unfinished mess on both systems and it's a safe bet the switch is to blame.

i'd say the fanbase that still wants a 2D metroid or a starfox game prior to the shit show we got on the wii u.

There is no doubt a lot of them either jumped ship or broadened their gaming to other consoles, but the fact remains nintendo never catered to them thanks to shit like Wii Music and shit games from any 3rd party bypassing Nintendo's "seal of approval" process.

Because Wii U is the system it was meant to take advantage of. Just because they removed those features at the last second and delayed its release date to the Switch release doesn't change the fact that it's a Wii U game.

The switch and the WiiU are by far the worst.

Name 17 games on each of these consoles. You literally can't

>wii was a pile of garbage
>a decade later I'm looking back on that pile of garbage fondly because of how shitty modern nintendo has become
It's true that it's better than the wiiu and switch, but that's a testament to how stupid the wiiu and switch are.

It doesn't matter what they were "planning" for Wii U version. It's not in the final version. It's a switch game.

What would it have done? Do you honestly think a 2D Metroid or this "real" Star Fox would've brought those gamers back? Those are B-stable games at best and completely under the radar at worst. Games like that don't sell systems.

Do you really think Nintendo would be in any better of a state than it currently is now if we got Star Fox 64 2 or Metroid Dread rather than Wii Music? It would've been a blip. Another "return to form" that ultimately would've meant NOTHING for Nintendo's visibility.

>Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword
>Mario Galaxy
>Metroid Other M

it speaks volumes when you're greatest games are just inferior versions of previous instalments.

Metroid Prime 3 was pretty fucking good.

It was made for Wii U. It's a Wii U game.

>a better library than N64, GC and WiiU combined

This board gets dumber and dumber by the day I swear.

It runs better on Switch. It's a Switch game.

>Actually liking Subspace Emissary

Disgusting see me after class boy


Oh here we go. Someone go back in time and shoot the director of that fucking documentary so that the Meleetards would never get the balls to come out of their huts. 2013 was when Smash died.

What, it was good content.
Beats the shit out of 3 terrible flash games and 8 man clusterfuck mode like smash wiiu.

Most anons here played Wii during their childhood. It's time for us oldfags to leave this website.

It should be a pc game then.

I played that story mode so many times that I have a ongoing hatred for it.

I agree with your opinion on Smash 4 tho. What were they thinking

>A "console" so common and over-abundant that you have to pay people to take it

>bought a car
>can't drive

hate when that happens

Why did you play it so many times? It was a one and done thing for me and I enjoyed it as a result.
Good boss battles
That entire last segment with a 2d metroid-style map
It was really quite amazing.
People praise tropic freeze despite the fact it's just subspace emissary as donkey kong instead of a real donkey kong game, and yet subspace emissary was better, more difficult, and more interesting than tropic freeze by far.

Go back to your $500 Bloodborne box, fuckface. Men are arguing about important things here.

>a better library
Hmm, debatable, but neither of those had good libraries. The best you can say is that it was bigger but it was also lacking anything good.

>bought a computer
>to dumb to use google

I just followed a youtube vid. Its telling me to update my IOS to 58 when I already have IOS 61 whenever I boot up nintendont

Shoulda hacked it yourself so you'd know what you're doing. Go online and find a tutorial, it's safe for 2 year olds.

This is from someone who is too stupid to hack his Wii U and 3DS.

You have to replay some levels to get secret characters. Also, my save keeps getting wiped out so I had to keep replaying it to get all the characters

It's not the most hated console and you know it, shit posting scum

No idea how this thread got so much attention

The Wii absolutely does not have that good of a library

Also where is the Wii hate you speak of? Most people remember it fondly, it was only hated by edgy 10-15 year olds when it was relevant

>The Wii absolutely does not have that good of a library
It's better than the Wii U's library at least.

Hey fuck you man. Never played Avalanche but Blue Storm was great.

To each his own but for me the GC was the last Nintendo console that I considered viable as a primary system without feeling like you were missing out on too much. I eventually got a PS2 but the GameCube was my main console for a good two years.

>It's a switch game.
are you motherfuckers this retarded and desperate for an exclusive on your 300$ useless gimmick fisher price tablet? Kill yourself