Dark Souls 3 > Bloodborne

Bloodborne sold 2m copies LIFELONG (2 years almost), Dark Souls 3 sold 3m copies in the FIRST WEEK


So, this, is the power, of, SONY????


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PC players really ruined the Souls community. Like they do with every game really. Back we only had interesting discussions about the lore of Bloodborne and it's world, people looking for PVP action and nowadays it's just jelly shitposters like you sperging out. I wonder what your reaction towards Bloodborne 2 at E3 will be.

Exclusives are dumb

bloodborne has a great lack of pvp
dark souls 3 has a whole lot of it
both pve and pvp are important in the soul games

A game that is a sequel to a well-established series that was released for all platforms outsold a one-shot game that was a console exclusive?


you don't say?

Bloodborne is the better game though
which kinda pisses me off cause its pretty much the sole reason I got a ps4



It's people like you that ruined this series

>implying bloodborne wasn't shitposted to death
how new are you?

And they call pc players the poorfags

>new ip vs sequel on every platform
>ds3 console sales still greater than pc

Get btfo beggar race.

filthy dumb console scum

DaS3 > BB.

Get over it fanboy.



>almost 50k signatures vs 189
Guess who took the petition seriously

don't summon too many phantoms kid

While it'd be nice to play bloodborne on a better platform, I don't think sony would allow it

Oh you mean those dick waving curseswords MLG pro lagstabbing ganks?

When it comes down to it,
DeS had PvP where both the invader and host have the same advantage
DaS had PvP that has the advantages all on the host and the disadvantages on the invader
also >poise

BB had PvP where both host and invader doesn't have any advantage, still the invader can fuck up ganks no problem all due to >no poise

No, that's the cancer that killed the series.

Shame Nioh is going to cater to PvP fags with the next DLC.

bloodborne's comunity was good

i'm replaying dark souls 3 these days and everyone wears fallen knight armor, chugs like a champ (one faggot burned two divine blessings just to bring me down), is accompanied by phantoms who also spam r1, and they all gesture point down if you get killed

this is on ps4. the community is dead. normies got in

>he didn't participate in any demon's souls tourney at launch
>he genuinely doesn't realize how important pvp is to these games

>playing das3 on ps4

Kek. PC has god tier DaS3 community and 1440p 60fps.

Agreed, the Sony and Xbox fags could get along with banter about Dark Souls 2 when Xboxers eventually got it.

Then the PC crowd came in and... O YEAH, I'M FUCKEEN HARDCORE. That was the state of Souls threads and lore sharing effectively died. PC fags would rather datamine that shit anyways with their 'rip the game' attention spans.

multiplat vs console exclusive, multiplat outsells
nice thread op

>Bloodborne got a 94 of Metacritic
>Dark Souls 3 only got an 89
Damn.... the numbers don't lie..........

huh really makes ya think

It's really not.

There is not going to be a Bloodborne 2...

The 2 million figure for Bloodborne was a short while after it came out

Thats like saying Super Mario has only sold like a million copies

I play both and i like them.
I'm the ultimate centrist.

>Demon's Souls PvP

Time to move on, it wasn't good.

99 Darkmoon grass

NR+Regen cancer

Pivot Backstabs


Curse weapon katana pushlock

Bad netcode

Wakeup Backstabs

rolling stopped backstabs, blocking also

oki acid cloud

phantom rings

infinite headbutt

Backpedal blocking

There's more, but anyone who says Demon's Souls PvP was good are probably 1 of 20 people on the entire planet for a reason. Move on please, nobody misses that shit.

Bloodborne is only PS4. DaS 3 is multiplat. 1/10 made me reply.

Holy fuck did you just join last week?

Bloorborne sold 2 million on PS4

If DS3 sold 3 million, then that's 2 million on PS4, 500k on PC and Xbox.

A game available to a larger audience sold more copies? You're blowing my mind.

DaS3 sold 3m in the first week. Now it is around 5m with 1.4m on PC. Virginborne still struggling at 2m after 2 years. Kek.

>Bloodborne 2

Never ever s0nygg3r.

Dark Souls 3 was avaible on 3 platforms, BB only on Playstation. Now use your Corsair Led brain and think about how this influences the sales.

Also, the 2m sales figure were announced the first month the game came out. Since then the game has been re-released with the DLC and been on sale multiple times.

Sure. But the quality of the pvp is irrelevant. It was important then and it still is now.

Nope. 2m sales is recent number.

The quality of pvp is pretty relevant. I have no idea what you're trying to say.