How can Sup Forums defend this

How can Sup Forums defend this

We're the ones that don't.

never seen anyone on Sup Forums defend shark cards

How much are you paying? Give me enough money and I'll defend Hitler.

the fuck are you on, reddditor, Sup Forums doesn't even defend free DLC.

Can we buy IV's DLC using ingame money?

i don't even know why people spend money on shark cards tbphwy, there were so much scams to get quick money is pretty pointless, and the heists already pay good enough

things are worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it

if retards are content on throwing away their money on virtual toys then you can't blame the company for supplying the need

Well, GTAV is a much better game but you can't defend Rockstar's DLC practices. They added a huge amount of weapons and cars that got integrated into the game properly on the re-release though.
It's a huge shame we never got any proper singleplayer DLC though. Michael and Trevor prequel stuff would have been great.

I'll defend him for free.

Nobody here defends it. The people who buy shark cards are clueless retards and spoiled 10 year olds. Can't blame Rockstar for taking advantage desu.

I have a fucking job and a life which means I don't have time to grind for everything like some sort of autistic weeb so these pay for a head start options are a god send. Hey nerds, WHY DON'T YOU GET A FUCKIN LIFE BEFORE YOU BITCH MAYBE IT WILL OPEN YOUR EYES HUH?!

I demand everyone who isn't a jobless neet faggot to sage this shitty thread. Bring it to page 10 boys it doesn't deserve to last any longer.

This. And honestly I'd rather they make money scamming retards over something else (actual content being DLC day 1, less content, more expensive games...).
There's nothing wrong with cosmetic DLC or "get 10000 gold and 10 levels@ DLC.

Hitler's invasion of Poland was illegal and unjustified.


Poland had no right to exist. It belonged to Germany.

>I am a normie!
>Gets angry at someone over the internet

Hitler had the right to reconquer the german lands of west prussia and reconnect the land of his people, conquering all of poland was unjustified but without a proper peace treaty (which would have been blocked by the allies) taking a single province is very weird. Besides Hitler new that shit was gonna hit the fan if he reestablished german control of Sudetenland, Prussia, Elsas-Lothringa, and Austria, even though this is all german land, so he knew hed need the polish manpower and land, otherwise the sovjets would take it, but to keep te sovjets pacified he split the lands up, how does a person on Sup Forums not get this?

i don't
fuck r* for not making real dlc

Yet you post on Sup Forums

If you have EVER bought a game that has paid DLC in ANY shape or form, you are personally responsible for the destruction of video games

the existence of Poland was illegal and unjustified. the treaties relating to the partition of Poland were never revised, only the countries that signed them wiped out.

therefore, any invasion of Poland is an enforcement of international law, not a violation.

I don't think that was it

I think it was because Poles were attacking Germans that lived in German areas that were given to the Polish after WW1

>waited for the Casino to open up
>waited for the story DLC
>waited for anything substantial to come out of Sasquatch's inclusion in the game

I wouldn't mind Shark Cards if they funded the support of a GOOD game, but GTA Online is not good. You're either getting merked by 12 year olds in freeroam or being railroaded through some shitty mission against AI gangbangers with RoboCop accuracy for a shitty payout

This exactly. The free market doesn't need to be defended, evidently there is demand for ingame cars at this price.

yes, that's very true. I was just offering an additional perspective from an international point of view rather than a particularly German one

You forgot that the IV DLC added new music and minigames

I can't wait to spend my Red Dead Bux on golden rocket launchers and a Gatlin Gun carriage.