Final boss is a god

>final boss is a god
>church/organ/choir music

Other urls found in this thread:

>final boss is god
>choir sings in latin


Everything is cliché at this point.

Final boss has 3 stages.
>The music gets more hype each stage.

>Orchestral soundtrack as a selling point

If you think about it, slapping your dick against a piano is "organ music".

>god is the bad guy
fucking jrpg

>a god

>final boss is God
>80's classic rock music

That really hasn't happened in very many JRPGs though. A deity as a bad guy? Sure. But Yahweh himself? Very rarely and mostly just in SMT.

>final boss is god
>the music is fucking awesome

How the fuck isn't he?
Look at all the injustice and horrible stuff happening in the world.
If the omniscient and omnipotent God exist, he's not only not the good guy, he's in fact can not be not evil.

i used to play cello in high school does that count?

tfw you punch a god to death

why would you want to do that, people literally believe in stuff and have reasons for them

if you put on your hands socks that look like dogs and have the right hand bite the left hand, have you done evil to either hand?
if you have a dream and in the dream you get shot, are you in having been the source of the dream guilty of murder?

boss is a god

>Final boss is an evil god
>the remake's music is god tier

>decide to create universe from nothing cause why not
>make humies
>give them free will because without it, there's no point in any of this
>they do some fucked up shit knowing full well its fucked up shit
>[current year] arrives
>all these people saying it's my fault they don't have a perfect life without evil

>b-b-but free will!
It's not a real argument. Just because humans have free will doesn't mean sitting idly while a crime is happening not makes you evil.

intervening is just as bad.

>final boss is god
>John Cage 4'33 starts playing

But that's good, Jesus.

>stopping something bad happening

Let me clarify I'm not really christian and never read the bible, this is just what I understood so far
>Just because humans have free will doesn't mean sitting idly while a crime is happening not makes you evil.
But the entire point of free will is that God doesn't interfere with mortal affairs by his own decision, it's humans who decide how good life is with their actions towards each other.

That's cool but kinda creepy design. Pretty good

Bad for whom?
For the purity of some free will experiment? If God creates self-aware beings and just uses them as lab rats, then that's just more evidence for him being evil.
If God exists and evil exists that makes God evil. That's simple and pure logic, and there are no two ways about it.

Ontologically if God were an actual part of the debate you would have to concede to the many times God has said, "I will never do such a thing ever again," out of remorse for his cruelty.

>Final boss is a god
>You have been encased in a magical barrier with this god to essentially have a cage match to the death with this god and prevent him from escaping
>The barrier is being held up by thousands of mages
>The fight theme's vocals are all of these mages chanting in unison and the percussion is the sound of their staves hitting the ground as the struggle to maintain this barrier
>If you look closely at the mages they are actually synced to the music

Interference by no means contradicts the concept of free will.
Say, you have a family, and you're a father of two beloved children. They're still very little and thus not very knowledgeable. But of course they both have free will.
And one day one of them foolishly decides to play with the other by stabbing him to death with sharp objects. Do you really think that not interfering would not make you evil?

Not even in SMT. YHVH isn't the Great Will.

But the Great Will doesn't have a will of its own. It's just the fabric of the multiverse itself.

>The chorus of voices gets smaller as the fight gets on
>Its one guy chanting at the top of his voice towards the end of the fight.

>free will

lol, you are just doing what chemical reaction in your brain ordered you to do 1 second earlier.

I didn't think of anything like that, so yeah fair enough I concede. Maybe someone else will be able to reply to you with an argument

It's still 'yourself' though

Gael was a cool fight


That's one obscure picture you're using



>All bosses are just giant monsters
>Final boss is a human with silly hair and a long monologue


Yes, it's you puppet. now dance to our cosmic overlords.

>boss goes "YOU AND WHAT ARMY!?!?"
>protag goes "THIS ARMY"

>cosmic overlords.
Fuck off Cthulhu


where are they going?

I still have nightmares

Whatever you say, it's on the unwritten script.

>has the shittiest taste possible
More or less.

And this is bad how

You fucks will complain about anything with these two line shitpost threads.

>you realize you're a monster
> starts playing

>the unwritten script

>you realize you're a monster
> starts playing

Is dragon quest the only game from japan where the church isnt full of bad guys?

>you realize you're a monster
> starts playing

gotta keep up the illusion of being witty and clever

Any "Church is evil" story just has the bad guys be at the higher levels of the church, while the average priests and nuns are unaware, legit good guys.

You know what i meant. Id just like to see a church not be a secret cobra base for once

president trudeau is that you?

Chrono Trigger ?
Except that part where it gets overrun by Lamias at the beginning it doesn't play a huge role though.

Fuck God.

Man I love Asura.

The word "goes" can refer to a thing a person is saying. It is not necessarily limited to the physical movement of something or someone.


Ammon Jerro is a seriously underrated video game character. It's a real shame that they couldn't get his voice actor back for MotB.

If I can put a bunch of ants inside an ant farm and watch them live for my enjoyment it's cool. When one colony decides to rape their neighbors all of a sudden, then that's cool too. When the rapees call me out on how I'm not saving them, then that's not cool. Why should I care when a bunch of lessers, in this case humans, bitch about my existence that wasn't there in the first place?

>>give them free will because without it, there's no point in any of this
Even without having ever read a bible you should be capable of realizing how stupid you sound right now

>Final boss is some guy that self inserted himself into the story or didnt have any backstory
>God music starts playing


>tfw my pancakes aren't really pancakes, they're just heated eggs, butter, milk, and flour
Oh my god, what a fucking depressing existence.

>This is how filthy humans actually feel

It's implied in the bible that it was the devil who gave humans free will, not god

Well like I said I didn't read it so sorry if I didn't know
That is why I pointed that out, I knew I was going to fuck up in my argument because of my limited knowledge

>god is the final boss
>this is his boss theme

what do you do Sup Forums ?

>Final boss is not god

except ants are not sentient

this analogy falls apart the instant you realise that people are not ants, let's pick a better analogy, what if you got like 20 dogs and bred them together out in a farm to create two packs and then one pack went and killed the other pack.

hint: this is illegal and morally incorrect

So you've literally never heard the story of adam and eve?

What kind of fucking school did you attend, if any

>Final boss is God
>It's not angry at you for rebelling against him

>god is the final boss
>doesn't exist

No the devil gave Adam and Eve the knowledge of good and evil. They had free will before that. I mean god let Adam name every animal out there. God wasn't like "Adam hear me for I'll tell you the name of every creature of this world I created."

>final boss is the boss theme


If people had no free will before eating the apple why was god angry at them for doing something they had no control over?

>To slay a God

>god is the final boss
>he's actually the good guy and you were the bad guy all along

The word you're looking for is sapient, dude. They are sentient but not sapient.

When you think about it everybody's a bad guy when they go against you.

Nigger God said they could whatever they wanted, but they had to follow a single rule and they fucked it up. Are you autistic?

Because jews decided to depict their local semitic deity as a huge asshole.

What did he mean by this?

bad is relative

every instance of its use mrely depicts a scenario where the supposed bad thing simply conflicts with the beliefs or interests of the observer

>If the omniscient and omnipotent God exist, he's not only not the good guy, he's in fact can not be not evil.
Why would an damn omnipotent being give a shit about morality, dead humans or really anything for that matter?

Is this somehow related to a videogame?

>doing what chemical reaction in your brain ordered you to do 1 second earlier
>1 second earlier
>taking 1 full second to send a signal
Fuck outta here gramps

Why do people play dwarf fortress even though they could just modify the .ini files to insta-win everything?

I dunno, maybe because he could? Maybe we're not the only Earth that he's created. Maybe he just wants to be worshipped. Maybe he was the bullied God in God Highschool, so he created a bunch of universes/worlds that stroke his ego all the time.

Are you memeing or is that a legit comparison?

>muh moral relativism

Why does God have to do things for his "divine plan" if he's omnipotent?

god went to Adam and asked 'did you eat of the fruit of knowing good and bad?'
and adam said 't'was eve, she tempted me to eat the fruit my lord'
so god turned to eve and said 'did you eat of the fruit of knowing good and bad?'
and eve said 't'was the serpent, he tempted me to eat the fruit my lord'
and god glanced at the serpent out the corner of his eye and the serpent said nothing.